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Alliance Conquest | Season 20 Round 1 | SFu vs CAB | Never forget old lessons

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 01/05/2025 00:24

After so many events including Siege of Winterfell, Glorious Battle, The War of The Kingdoms.. it was finally time for the Alliance Conquest. An event that Lux has never played with her new alliance and yet an event that is also her personal favorite. Lux was very happy when the Alliance Conquest timer came to an end. Finally my favorite event! she was thinking, as she collected do many speed-ups and heals already. The rest of the SFu shared her excitement as the leadership made a clear strategy plan for the upcoming match. Every player was sorted into a specific group, based on the troop type they play and within each group there were rally leaders and rally fillers depending on the strength of the account. Also, for the very first time SFu allowed bow troops to enter the match! Lux luckily was not the only bow player in the alliance, and she was happy to see she would be able to bring her troop type in. Of course, she has also brought some cav and spear troops to fill in the rallies of the others.

The match day has come! As the very first opponent for this season, SFu was about to play against CAB. CAB is visibly weaker alliance, however based on what was happening during Siege of Winterfell SFu members have learned not to underestimate weaker opponents and still play with full focus and full force.

As  the clock showed 19:00 GMT, most of the SFu members were already in the match! Visibly many more SFu than CAB members were in, however there was no time for the relaxation. Lux has put her war gear, was talents and war castle on but this time not the skin that would grant her additional bow attack % but the Red Keep SS skin as that particular skin increases defense buff for the alliance members in total.

Let the games begin! Very well-organized plan was being followed from the start as SFu managed to get 3 out of 4 buildings, including Temple of Mother. The enemy was holding the Tower of Warrior but after few solo attacks, SFu had the advantage from the start.

. The next buildings to open were the Strongholds and the Castely Rock. The leadership of SFu was very precise with which players should be running for the buildings, however at one point everyone was doing it at the same time. As the Castely Rock opened, KRATOSLAYER of SFu ran and captured it. However, he was not the one who was supposed to do so, so eventually he has to be switched with the stronger player. For the split second KRATOSLAYER left the Castely Rock and the Dark Pegasus was supposed to get in instead. But the Pegasus was not quite ready and the switch took some time which was enough time for the enemy to run and capture it. The SFu members were quietly in shock, and while we were discussing in voice channel what went wrong, the outposts have opened as well and the enemy was faster to grab both of them. Now the map was half in blue and half in red.. All the memories of Siege of Winterfell came back to hunt us. Especially the one where SFu members relaxed so much and forgot about the resources and eventually lost the mach. Oh no no this cannot happen again. Since she was not the rally leader, Lux was just patiently waiting for her team members to retake the buildings so that she could send her reinforcements. Counter attack was done quickly, with the strongest players rallying and after soloing the buildings. 

Both outposts and the Strongholds were again in charge of SFu. As the match reached the 1st half, the bubbles dropped and it was time to get some personal points. With her strongest bow setup Lux was attacking the random opponent players killing some of their armies easily and getting some points. However since there were very few opponent players it was not so easy to get the points since one player would be attacked by multiple SFu members. Regardless, Lux managed to get some points that placed her into Top 50 overall rank. Ahhh you can do much better Lux just be faster! As Lux was attacking the rest, unexpectedly she was attacked by one of the best CAB players, with t5 cav however it went very well. Even though she did get defeated, she did manage to kill more than 3M of the enemy soldiers, helping her to get into Top40.  

As the time went by, SFu now had a point lead but still it was no time to relax as the mines were about to be opened. This time there was no space for the mistakes.. especially since the one repeated itself TWICE during the same match. As we tried to switch the players in the Stronghold too, the player that held it, left too soon and the player that was supposed to take it arrived to late, giving it all for the enemy, Now this time we were more lucky to have a weaker opponent but what would happen if the enemy was much stronger alliance such as tSB or someone else…there would be no space or time to fix the mistakes. Luckily as the mines have opened, SFu players swiftly grabbed them both which was saluted from the cheers from the rest of the alliance. Good job guys! Nice one! and so on…

With only 5 minutes until the end, SFu has already reached the mark of 80 000 points and collectively agreed to pull back, allowing the weaker opponent to get some of the points and awards for themselves. Of course the individual attacks between two alliances continued until the very end, with Lux having more luck finding the castles full of the troops which allowed her to advance even more on elimination list.  The time of the match was up and the final score was 81230 points for SFu and almost 57000 for CAB. 

As the match ended, everyone has reflected on the mistakes that we have made in this match, promising to correct them and be more focused and more careful in the upcoming matches, as we really never know, sometimes the enemy can be unforgivable. Since Alliance Conquest is her personal favorite, Lux was happy to start the season with the victory and the nice awards that would help her advance her Simon commander to three starts but she cold not help but wonder.. Hmm is the 2nd opponent also very easy one like it was in the SoW? She has been reminiscing that SOW match against tSB where they showed their absolute power and Astro was able to carry tSB into the ultimate victory. What is we match again, could the outcome be any different?

Three days have [ast since the match against CAB and as Lux woke up, the first thing she looked into was the opponent of the 2nd AC match.. The look in her eyes was priceless when she saw that SFu once again has to fight none other but The Slavs Blood aka tSB.

Stay tuned for the epic match between two long term frenemies! tSB were victorious over SFu in SOW then were fighting alongside SFu and won in Glorious Battle, however what will happen in Alliance Conquest… stay tuned and find out.

Until we meet again,

Yours truly,

Lux Crownguard 
