It was the deep of night in one of the coldest nights of winter, and for once the MBL Great Hall was completely deserted, despite the roaring fires blazing the two gigantic fireplaces. Nothing gave the impression that the Shadow Fortress Champion City Siege would begin in a few minutes, and, if you were a betting man, it looked like a sure win to bet that MBL would not be participating.
But the betting men had not taken into consideration ChristianOr, who appeared in the Great Hall, literally dragging Bearface and MAJOR Tom with her and shoving them to the armchairs next to the bigger fireplace. Bearface looked resigned, or might have been napping with his eyes open, but MAJOR was looking murderous.
Are you out of your mind woman? he bellowed. What gives you the right to barge in our rooms, just because you want to do Champion City Siege?
I would let you have your beauty sleep, MAJOR if i had any other choice, she replied, not even trying to pretend she was apologising to him. She waved her hand around the room. Do you see any other rally lead in this room? Who will lead MBL, if not us?
Maybe MBL wants to sleep for once, did you consider it? Not everyone wants the sixty battle diamonds like you do, MAJOR continued more calmly.
Are you quite sure MAJOR? Look at the field, she told him
Seven Hells, the woman was right. A very small MBL force had taken up residence in the battlefield, not a single rally lead among them. They would be lambs to the slaughter, especially next to AFV who sported like seventy members on the field at least.
MAJOR sighed, and started to prepare himself. Next to him, Bearface mirrored his sigh, as he was snuggling deeper in his armchair, definitely sleeping. A sharp nudge in his ribs jolted him awake.
Oh no, Bearface, MAJOR said. We have to lead MBL, didn’t you hear? he said, smiling smugly. If he was not getting his sleep, no one would.
They joined ChristianOr who had already set camp in the battlefield
Who is in AFV? Bearface asked. He was always cautious about who he was hitting in CCS which was probably why he had the better ratio by far than anyone in MBL with bravery and battle tokens.
Light Yagami, Durian and ccku, ChristianOr replied. Durian and ccku were infantry leaders which made it easier for Bearface to hit them.
Who is Light Yagami again? asked MAJOR grumpily. He really could not keep up with all these youngsters that were becoming rally leads in the blink of an eye.
Must be a MiniYagami rename, ChristianOr answered breezily, and MiniYagami is strong in cav, which makes it perfect for your spears.
And what will you be doing? asked MAJOR perplexed.
Cheering you on, of course, she smirked, and MAJOR started to rethink his rule about not dueling women.
ChristianOr was spared receiving a duel invitation, as the trumpets signaled the start of the Champion City Siege and as predicted, Yagami took the Shadow Fortress.
MAJOR immediately called the banners, and slammed on the Fortress.
Looks like she was right, Bearface commented in a low voice to MAJOR.
For once, MAJOR admitted reluctantly in even a lower voice. He was not risking her hearing him.
Chris, you want me to rally too? Bearface asked her.
She thought about it but shook her head negatively in the end.
It is certain that Durian and ccku will go for second and third place, she mused. So no need to run out of cavs before that, when you can get easier wins against them. Especially since MAJOR is winning.
And indeed he was. His second rally had just launched, and it was obvious it was again a winning one.
Woop woop, let’s go again MAJOR, she said happily.
MAJOR despite himself, had caught up the excitement and battle fever, and had already begun rallying again.
At this rate, you will not need to rally at all Bearface, MAJOR teased him, and they saw Yagami losing the city. The following squabble followed but very soon he had regained Shadow Fortress, and MAJOR called his banners again.
Let me show you how rallying is done, he continued teasing Bearface and charged confidently
MAJOR staggered back bleeding profusely, and for the first time ChristianOr felt concern. This could be because she knew MAJOR’s healer girlfriend would kill her if she saw him in this state.
Sit down MAJOR, and rest. No need to rally further, she said soothingly, trying to stem his bleeding wounds.
But MBL? i know there are some not even close to the full rewards, he said worriedly. Despite what he had told her earlier, he really did not want to let down the MBL people that had trusted them and followed them into battle.
ChristianOr thought for a second, and then made up her mind.
I will take over, she reassured him.
She sounded confident but when she called the banners her hands were shaking.
Chris, are you sure you will be alright? Bearface asked her. The change that had been made to spears ruled him out as a rally lead while Yagami was holding the city. To charge into those spears would be a suicide mission for him.
I should be. Everyone knows MiniYagami is strong only in cavs, so even with the premium lineup he has in spears he should not be very strong, nothing my inf will not be able to handle. Do not worry.
She waved back at them as she was charging the Fortress. An immense sound was heard, and the dust of the battle was such they could see nothing. Bearface started to run towards them but a very beleaguered army started to return.
At least I got a report of him, but how on earth were his spears so strong? ChristianOr was muttering while apologising to everyone who had joined her rally.
Bearface and MAJOR were both looking at the report, they did like to tease her from time to time but this made no sense. Bearface got it first.
Chris, he explained, you did not attack MiniYagami. This is 3RIS, one of the most max warrior in Westeros his spears are brutal.
I attacked 3RIS? she asked in horror. I feel faint, she said and MAJOR hastily made room beside him in the healing tent.
Damn renames, he grumbled, in my time it was not like this. You got a name, and you stuck to it, conveniently forgetting all the times he had renamed himself.
By the time they healed their wounds, Yagami had gotten the necessary time to become Champion and had ceded the Fortress to Durian. Since only Bearface was left standing, it was an easy decision who would be rallying the fortress for MBL.
Bearface called the banners and charged.
MAJOR do you think he will be OK? He is strong but the other guy has Vorian, asked ChristianOr
Of course he will, MAJOR comforted her and he did pray he was right.
And there really wasn’t an issue. Bearface charged happily again.
Durian left the Fortress soon after and it was ccku’s turn. MBL had the tokens but Bearface felt confident he could win, so he called the banners again.
And what a triumph it was. Big smiles appeared for the first time in the MBL camps, and people started to cheer for Bearface, asking him to rally again.
Bearface obliged them with two successive rallies that made sure everyone in MBL had the maximum rewards, and decided to leave ccku in peace. ccku as soon as he got the necessary time for third place disbanded, and a few players started to make an effort to appear in the rankings.
ChristianOr was dozing happily in the healer tent, waiting for the Siege to end, content that MBL had accomplished their goal when she felt a not too gentle poke in her ribs waking her up.
Rally up, MAJOR instructed her, Kobold is in. A very nice almost max, but not quite spear warrior.
MAJOR, she whined, there really is no need for another rally.
Oh yes there is, he thundered. Do you think I will let my most favorite pest go home with a defeat in her luggage?When you tried so hard for everyone else?
He practically pushed her to the battlefield, and MBL soon filled up her rally with no hesitation at all.
Their trust brought tears to her eyes, and she let her rally fly.
Few seconds later, the Champion City Siege ended, and the tiny MBL force broke out in cheers. ChristianOr looked at Bearface and MAJOR Tom, both of them smiling broadly.
So you are not still angry with me for dragging you to the battlefield? she asked them with a very big smile of her own.
Of course we are, MAJOR said in a serious voice, I will ask the blacksmith to install the biggest possible lock in my bedchambers.
Like that will keep her away, Bearface commented and they all burst out laughing.