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The Gods Decide

Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 06/23/2024 07:59
Edited by vangark at 06/23/2024 08:02

Since he was in K173 after invading it, he could handle the confrontations in the Crystal Fiery Mines better, no longer facing the constant attacks from HOH, BDR, and WxC that he used to have in K276.

But during the week of the red mine, a new ghost would appear, RRH, an alliance he knew of. Based on some reports he had gathered after sending alts, he realized they would be a tough rival if they managed to attack him all at once. Raymond's weapon would be at stake, and he only needed less than 100 fragments to obtain it at four stars, so he was willing to make an effort to get it.

After things calmed down in the mine, Antares669 took charge of it, waiting a moment to start the attacks after sending one of his alts to learn about his opponent's troops and stats. As expected, he was stronger than him, but he was a lancer, something he could deal with.

He changed his refinement to lancer, prepared his troops and armor, and after waiting thirty minutes, he began the attacks. The reason for that wait was in case an infantry warrior appeared, so he could change his refinement to cavalry to face him. Even without the lancer refinement, he was still strong with this line, so once the time he had set passed, he began the attacks.

The first attacks were defeats, but little by little, he filled the hospital, and his rival began to suffer only deaths and not injuries with each attack. Before delivering another blow, Antares669 noticed what was happening and withdrew his troops. Vangark quickly left a handful of T1 troops and soon received an infantry attack, but it wasn't very strong. There was no need to change the refinement; he just changed the armor and troops and sent a cavalry attack, which resulted in a victory.

Almost immediately, he received an attack from Antares669, and Vangark began a series of attacks again, causing his opponent to withdraw once more. Although the attacks damaged his opponent, they hadn't achieved the initial goal of hitting and killing the T5 troops.

He had no choice but to wait for the right moment to attack again. Maybe in a few hours, his enemy would be off guard, and he could start attacking again. So, he decided to take refuge in a level 4 mine and begin the long wait.

Almost three hours later, he started the attacks, but his enemy was cautious this time and didn't leave any T5 troops, only T1, T3, and T4, making it easier to expel him from the mine.

But within less than an hour, he was hit again, this time not by Antares669 but by Pawcio, a member of tSB. Before he could return the attack, a member of RRH, Dakarshur, also a lancer but much stronger than his previous rival, was already in the mine. He didn't have many attempts left, having nearly exhausted them in the previous battle, so he would have to wait again. He set an hour to start the attacks, willing to exhaust all his attempts if necessary.

After sending his alt to check Dakarshur's troops, he began the assault. As he was accustomed to, he attacked, healed, reviewed the report, and attacked again, repeating the cycle as many times as necessary until reaching the last attempt. By then, he managed to hit his rival's T5 troops, but due to stats, he was very strong and couldn't be expelled from the red mine. Nevertheless, he sent the last attack, knowing it wouldn't yield the result he hoped for, and that was the case. Resigned, he went to rest, maybe in the morning, he could try again.

Upon waking up, he saw that his enemy was still in the mine, having been there for hours, and he was in third place with seven picks. He was determined to use them all if necessary. He started another frenzied attack and managed to expel him this time.

After waiting a while without being attacked, he breathed a sigh of relief. If he was lucky, he could secure second place, although it seemed unlikely, as his enemies would soon realize he was there.

It wasn't RRH who attacked him but Pawcio again, who managed to defeat his T1 with cavalry. So he returned the attack with lancers, watching his adversary switch to infantry armor. Simultaneously, he switched to cavalry and achieved a victory in that defense.

He could only hold on for about an hour, totaling nearly two hours, still in third place when attacked by another RRH member, this time stronger than any of his previous rivals. The series of attacks didn't work; he tried twice and couldn't defeat him, relegating him to fourth place. Luck wasn't on his side, and being in that position would only allow him to open three chests.

- "If I could just get one more, I'd have the weapon at four stars" -

He had to be patient for eight hours until his rival left the mine, then attacked and decided to wait. He had nearly two hours to achieve his goal, two hours prepared for a fight, but he couldn't sustain a prolonged battle due to the few picks he had and the strength of his rivals.

He entrusted himself to the seven gods for protection, the only thing he could think of at that moment, and the gods blessed him. No one attacked until he secured his third place.

- "Thank you," he said, looking at the sky and raising his lance to it.

He left the mine and decided to wait for the reward. When a new day began, he received the chests and obtained the fragments, but not enough.

- "For the seven hells! What a cruel joke you've played on me" -

With patience, he achieved his desired position, but luck wasn't on his side this time. The gods had other plans. He would have to try again another time to get that blessed weapon to four stars.
