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ban faces against Dracarys in the 4th round of sow

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 06/29/2024 16:57
Edited by the keke writer at 06/29/2024 16:58

The sky was filled with the colors of sunset as the fourth round of the Siege of Winterfell Season 13 was about to start in the evening where BaN and WTF were bound to meet for the second time this season. The team was very excited and ready for the upcoming battle. The wins from before made the warriors feel proud and sure of themselves, given that they had no loss this season, it was a great boost to their morale, but they also knew that being too relaxed could lead to big problems. This was something they wished to avoid at any costs.

B3nni, one of the leaders of BaN, stood in front of his fighters, making them feel safe and in charge. "Today, we deal with a difficult match once again" he started, speaking loudly in the quiet room. "We are for the second time this season against WTF, we need to be ready to defeat them at maximum power. We can't tolerate a defeat." We will make use of our previous win to help us win by morale. Our plan is simple: first we'll take control of the Hot Springs and Armory, then we'll move on to the bases. We won't let them have a break.

Next to B3nni was Ur Candy, a very important member of BaN, but not only as he was as well for their plan. People thought he was a great fighter and smart planner on the field in the moment, thus they respected him for it. "We can do it" said Ur Candy confidently. ''We will be able to get through because we are strong and work well together. Don't forget, we think carefully about every decision we make. Let's show everyone what BaN can really do. " were the words he spoke loudly in the quiet room, to motivate everyone.

The fighters all agreed in unison by making a big warcry and became more determined. As they walked out of the Alliance Hall, the sky turned dark and a cold wind blew across the battlefield. It was a strong reminder of the tough fight they were going to face.

The fight started when BaN ran towards the Hot Springs and Armory. Ur Candy was at the front of the attack at Hot Springs, where he was swinging his sword effectively defeating many of the WTF fighters, that seemed to focus on the right side of the map more than the rest. Although they tried their best, the WTF forces couldn't win against BaN because BaN had more troops and better strength, there was no need for a strategy in this match. Ur Candy shouted loudly, trying to get his friends to come together in the midst of all the aftermath. "Keep going, dont let them regroup at the outposts.''

The walk to the base 4 was surprisingly easy, despite the army at the Hot Springs that they had to face, the base 4 was left empty, thus BaN faced very little opposition until they got to Base 3, where a few WTF fighters tried to fight them off. The fight was intense, and the air was loud with the sounds of swords clashing and people shouting boldly. But BaN's power and ability to work together won out, overpowering the people trying to stop them. 

With both sides of the map under their control, BaN's forces came together again, focusing on capturing the Outposts and spawn points of WTF before the Winterfell resources spawned. They had a clear path ahead, everything was planned out.

Your Candy, who is now once again in the front, encouraged his friends to keep moving forward. "This is our chance. We will keep going, capture the Outposts, and win the game.'' The soldiers of BaN kept moving forward with strong determination at the words of one of their leaders, feeling hopeful for what was to come ahead of them. The last effort showed how BaN worked together and stayed strong. They attacked the Outposts with well-organized strikes against the now regrouped and reinforced WTF defenses. WTF's last fighters fought hard but they couldn't avoid the inevitable defeat. BaN's large army and clever tactics made sure they won the battle.

As BaN got to WTF's starting points, they almost won the battle, they needed to secure the Winterfell resources as well, which went on uncontested by their opponents. The rest of the WTF's army were stuck inside of their spawn area and didn't feel very confident. Ur Candy was happy to be in the middle of the winning fighters. He took a moment to feel good about it. "We did it," he said determined, looking at the battlefield. "We won again this tough opponent once more. "

B3nni stood next to him, looking proud and determined. "If we keep going, we will soon achieve the Ultimate Siege. " This is only the start.

The fighters of BaN were happy and shouting loudly in victory. The road ahead was still full of difficulties, but they were ready to face whatever came their way because they were united and had a strong determination. They would walk together with their eyes on the big goal, ready to conquer
