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BaN meets HOH once more

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 06/29/2024 18:50

As the sun set, painting Westeros in a golden glow, reminiscing of the Lannisters Casterly Rock battles, it was time to head up north for the Siege of Winterfell as the excitement for the fifth round of the Season 13 was tangible. The formidable BaN alliance, born from the merger of N3O and BDR, stood ready for their next opponent. Their members were hungry for victories and triumphs, as they wanted to prove themselves further, to showcase how strong they can be, and how ready to rule over every event they are. Their victories over WTF and HOH in the previous rounds had boosted their confidence, and now they faced a rematch against HOH.

Inside the Alliance Hall, where strategies were discussed and announced by the leadership, the atmosphere buzzed with excitement and determination. B3nni, the temporary duke of BaN, stood at the helm of the announcements of the planning, exuding authority and instilling confidence. He outlined their strategy by saying that the plan was to secure the Armory and Hot Springs as fast as possible, they were key locations that would give BaN a significant advantage on multiple fields, something that he'd want and thought would benefit everyone. Next to him stood Ur Candy, a seasoned fighter known for his battlefield prowess, he was to lead the charge at the Hot Springs and give instructions from the field.

Since the plan was now revealed, they had all departed for the battlefield, but as they left the hall, anticipation hung in the air. The road to the battlefield was eerily quiet, the calm before the storm. BaN members knew the battle would be fierce, but they were ready. They had trained hard in their previous rounds attempting to hone their skills, and building not only trust but also synergy with each other, something they will need for the win tonight.

Arriving at the battlefield, the BaN warriors took their positions that they were assigned to by B3nni. They had a look at the opposition, and it seemed that HOH left the Armory side strategically open for a swift capture for BaN, focusing all of their strength onto the Hot Springs. Ur Candy, leading an elite group, moved towards the Hot Springs, where the main clash with HOH was expected.

The battle began with a loud clash of swords between the two alliances. At the Hot Springs, the fight was intense as expected. HOH had brought their best warriors, and the clash of steel and cries of battle echoed through the air. Ur Candy led his troops with precision and valor, his techniques sharp and devastating. HOH fought fiercely, but BaN’s unity and strength began to turn the tide.

Ur Candy's leadership showed during the fight, as he used his experience as he directed his fighters, exploiting weaknesses in HOH’s approach to the fight. The battle was hard-fought overall, with heavy casualties on both sides, but one's exceeded the others. Not only did BaN suffer less losses, they also had the Hot Springs, which would grant them healing bonuses for the wounded. BaN’s superior coordination and relentless drive overwhelmed HOH. Despite their efforts, HOH was forced to retreat, conceding access to the bases and hot springs to BaN.

Meanwhile, at the Armory, BaN forces swiftly secured the buildings without contest from any HOH members, they thus progressed to the bases on that side. With both the Armory and Hot Springs under control, as well as the bases, BaN focused on the outposts. HOH launched several counterattacks there, but each was met with fierce resistance and was ultimately repelled.

BaN fighters advanced methodically into the territory of HOH, their cohesion and strategy was clearly above everything HOH had prepared for. As they reached the outposts, the battle intensified. HOH fought desperately to regain control, giving it their last troops but BaN’s determination and superior numbers proved insurmountable. The outposts fell, each one at a time, to BaN's relentless assault.

With the outposts secured, BaN’s forces moved towards HOH’s spawn point, were they would be held hostage for the remainder of the event. Ur Candy, his armor marked by battle, had led the charge successfully on his side. The battlefield, once loud, was now quiet thanks to the unity and the desire to honor their alliance, they had fought with unwavering resolve.

As the dust settled, it was clear that BaN had emerged victorious once again. The merger of N3O and BDR had created a powerhouse that was yet to lose a contest this season of SoW. The battlefield was a testament to their strength and strategy, their enemies vanquished and their objectives secured.

As the dust settled, it was clear that BaN had emerged victorious once again. The merger of N3O and BDR had created a powerhouse that was yet to lose a contest this season of SoW. The battlefield was a testament to their strength and strategy, their enemies vanquished and their objectives secured.

Ur Candy looked over the field, feeling a mix of pride and anticipation for the future rounds that awaited him and BaN. The road ahead would bring more challenges as the ultimate Siege was approaching rapidly, but with the unity and spirit of BaN, they were ready. As they regrouped and prepared for the next and final round, the warriors of BaN knew they were marching towards greatness, ready to conquer whatever the future held.
