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Arena of Honor,the end of the season for Tweety and his team

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 06/29/2024 19:18

The Arena of Honor is one of the most intense and competitive events in Game of Thrones: Winter is Coming. As the final match of the season approached, our clan prepared to give it everything we had for the best possible placement in the rankings and, of course, to earn the maximum amount of Glory Coins to spend in the Glory Shop, to get useful stuff like Source of Honor to grow up the new Support Dragon.

The Clans for this Match

  • Greyjoy Clan: known for their naval power, they dominated the seas - that’s our Clan formed by Tweety, HeliumSloth and other strong fighters

  • Stark Clan: valorous and honorable, they are the protectors of the North, will be one of the strongest opponents this round

  • Targaryen Clan: their powerful dragons make the difference, they aim to reclaim their throne and win the City of Glory

  • Tyrell Clan: strategic and wealthy, they always have a plan but were formed of fighters which would pose no threat to us

  • Lannister Clan: ruthless and cunning, they always pay their debts, relentless WxC fighters

  • Baratheon Clan: strong and resilient, they fight to the last breath, from the mighty HOH, who aspired for great heights

Our clan's strategist, Tweety, made a bold decision to position aggressively, using Ashun's Cavalry formation. Ashun took command of our main castle, providing the necessary leadership for both a strong defense and powerful, well-placed attacks. Our opponents have chosen  Infantry formation, making Ashun's Cavalry the perfect counter.

The opening move was critical. Ashun's Cavalry swiftly took control of key locations, allowing us to establish dominance early in the match. This aggressive start set the tone for the rest of the battle, and our clan members were motivated to maintain this momentum.

As the final match of the season, this was our last chance to secure the best possible ranking. Every move counted, and we aimed to conquer Buildings that yielded the most points, such as Catapults, Watch Towers, and Mine Shafts. Our strategy was clear: dominate these high-value targets to maximize our score.

While Ashun led the charge, other members of our clan had crucial roles to play. Some were tasked with monitoring the Dragon Pits, ready to launch attacks based on the formation of the enemy. For example, if the enemy defended with Cavalry, our Spearman commanders (we had some) would rally or solo attack the target. Conversely, if Spearman defended, our most powerful Infantry commanders would lead the assault.

When the City of Glory opened, we knew it was our chance to make a significant impact. We attempted several Siege Rallies, but the enemy was well-prepared, with reinforcements arriving just in time to thwart our efforts. The coordination and timing of our opponents were impressive, and despite our best efforts, we couldn’t break through their defenses.

However, good fortune was on our side when it came to capturing many Altars. These Altars provided critical bonuses to attack, health, and defense for both our NPC troops and our own. The boosts from these Altars gave us a much-needed edge in a few engagements, permitting to hold our ground and push back against enemy advances.

In a bid to secure ultimate victory, we aimed to capture the enemy clan’s castle. The battle was fierce, with both sides throwing everything they had into the fray. Unfortunately, our attempt did not succeed. The enemy was diligent, continuously reinforcing their castle with fresh troops, making it nearly impossible for us to penetrate their defenses.

Despite this setback, our clan showed incredible resilience and teamwork. Each member played their part, whether it was leading an attack, defending a position, or providing support where it was needed most. The communication and coordination among our clan members were exceptional, demonstrating the strength and unity of our group.

As the dust settled and the final scores were tallied, we reflected on the battle. We might not have captured the enemy’s castle or succeeded in every Siege Rally, but our aggressive strategy and focus on high-value targets had paid off. We achieved a respectable placement in the rankings and earned a substantial amount of Glory Coins, which we could use to strengthen our clan further.

This experience in the Arena of Honor taught us valuable lessons. We learned the importance of adaptability and quick decision-making. Our initial aggressive stance gave us a crucial advantage, but we also saw the need for flexibility when our rallies not only on the City of Glory, but overall, didn’t go as planned. The successful capture of the Altars highlighted the significance of strategic points that provide bonuses, reminding us to always look for opportunities that can turn the tide of battle.

As we prepare for the next season, our clan is more determined than ever. We’ve analyzed our performance, identified areas for improvement, and are ready to refine our strategies. The bonds forged in the heat of battle have made us stronger, and we look forward to the challenges ahead with confidence and determination.

In the world of Game of Thrones: Winter is Coming, the Arena of Honor remains one of the ultimate tests of strategy, skill, and teamwork. Our journey in this event has been a testament to the strength and unity of our clan, and we are ready to face whatever comes next with unwavering resolve.
