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All Out War- Tempest Faction - battle in the Shadows

Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 11/29/2023 17:31
Edited by gil*** at 11/30/2023 04:51

In the mysterious world of GoTWiC, where the kingdoms of Westeros came to life, is where our story takes place, a world where dragons rule the sky, instilling fear wherever they are seen, where battles are a daily thing, the fight for glory and honor is not to be taken lightly. The mystery of the kingdoms of dragons, where an intense battle occurred a hundred years ago, has been unveiled. To win the Dragon's recognition, the drums of war have started beating once again.

 All Out War, the event everyone around the GoTWiC community has been waiting for is here once more for the 3rd time since the game has been released. In this event, alliances will be matched to a battlefield and split into 8 different factions, whereupon they will battle and earn kingship by occupying cities. This game mode is Real-Time strategy battles, meaning lords will be able to freely control their armies on an all-new battlefield. Our alliance alongside GCM would form the Tempest Faction, we are located on the left side of the map, and as luck would have it we are located close to Shadow faction( DEP and 1HR) and not sure if u have been following my stories, but there isn't much love( that's an understatement, there isn't love at all ) between N30 and DEP, so this should be interesting to see how the battle evolves as the days goes by. 

Faction Map-

You know how goes the old saying " The enemy of my enemy is my friend?", well, once again we put that phrase to use in AOW. In order to fight a common enemy, we joined forces with Lordsbane Faction, Scarlet Faction, and Frost. Together we fought alongside each other. I'm sure our enemy won't like it at all, last season we did the same, but had no luck in defeating them, we are more determined than ever to do better this time and to show our enemy that we are here and we are ready for a fight! In order to coordinate a better fight, our management organized a joint discord so all of us who were fighting would be able to listen and execute the plan made by the leaders of this fight, from all factions, over the years we've learned that it's the best way to go when needing to relay orders fast and efficiently and it's also a fun way to talk to our friends and allies, we always find time to have fun and laugh( well, not during stressful events like AC/UC, or Ana will bite our heads off or u will hear Benni yells "Comms!!" we are being good troops and listen( most of us anyway)). 

We started marching to our building where some of our warriors were already waiting anxiously to defend what is ours, excited about the upcoming battle, our warriors sure love a good fight, and worry, after all, we will be fighting a massively strong alliance with some very strong fighters, who won't think twice before killing us all and calming victory for themselves. So as we were marching, one of our leaders said: "I know this will be a tough one guys, there will be some losses, but we will not back down no matter what, Shadow is looking for a fight and that is what we will give them, win or lose", and as we heard those words, a breeze of fresh confidence and hope swapped us all. The rest of our march went without any more problems, everyone was ready to fight and defend our buildings and Villages and cause some trouble to our enemies( That is the best part, no?😜).

Not sure u are aware, but besides taking buildings to establish your domain, we also need to take the villages around it. It's an important task and this is what we had to do today, We arrived at Village-164 (near L. Industrial City 1, which we owned) and we encountered some pink people (Shadow faction fighters, a nice color they got 😜). We weren't fighting them on our own, We had help from our allies, Lordsbane faction ( BDR and WxC), They are a strong faction and together we have a fighting chance against those who dwell in the dark shadows. There was so much chaos at V-164, green and orange fighting pink, we had both rallies and solo players attacking, as u can see in the picture below they were starting to flip it to their side(bar was turning pink), so the fight wasn't over and we need more people in the circle( just like SOW) 

The battle was very much on at V-164, Lordsbane warriors alongside us, all fired up with fighting spirit, even though our enemy was strong, we were wounded and bruised but we weren't about to give up. Medics were ready to heal and whoever needed healing would just step aside, get healed, and then go back all fresh and ready to fight again. The more we fought and the more enemy we killed, the bar that shows who controls the village was turning greener and greener ( our color, not my personal favorite color, but oh Shadow fighters kept shooting arrows at us and swords were drawn, the loud noises of pain, and the dragon's roar were deafening and the fire breath was too hot to be near. The fight lasted a bit longer and after what seemed like a while, where the bar kept changing color from pink to green and vice versa, But with the help of our allies we managed to remove the threat and we flipped the village, this means Shadow had failed in their takeover attempt. We immediately healed our troops. 

After the fight at V-164 was over, a few marches stayed there to make sure to flip was complete ( mostly medics stayed) and the rest of us moved on to flip and rebuild the villages up ahead from there. At V-148 everything was going as planned, more and more of our people came to help rebuild it, But then something exciting happened… Peacetwon arrived, now if u are new to GoTWiC or have been living under a rock this all time, he is one of the strongest ( if not the strongest…. Maybe) players in our world of GoTWiC, and the chance to fight him is always exciting ( some would say suicidal… hehe), so it wouldn't come as a surprise to see a big trail of marches chasing him and trying to get a piece of Peace 😝, some chased him while others stayed to complete the rebuilding of that village. 

"Well done everyone, now heal up, go back to base, redo your deployments, and join the rallies for tomorrow", we heard Ana say and we all did as she said. This was a good fight and a nice win for us and for our allies. The battle is far from over in this AOW event and we have much more work to do, much more fighting and coordination to do if we want to claim victory and success. Our enemy is strong and they won't be happy about this loss and they will fight back and they will do whatever they can to make it so we won't win, they don't like to lose, they think they always need to win, but we plan on showing them that it's not the case ;)

What will happen in this battle against Shadow? Will the strong Shadow faction prevail once more or will Tempest faction and its allies be able to stand up to them? Well… That remains to be seen in the days left in this AOW season… I have a good feeling this time …Don't u? 😏
