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Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/05/2024 00:16

Welcome, noble Lords and Ladies, to the sixth round of the renowned Arena of Honor. This round promises to be one for the ages, riddled with highs and lows but a spectacle is guaranteed. Introducing Moshow3, a lone wolf who is bound to impress his new team-mates with his bravery and strength. Despite the absence of his usual team-mates, Moshow3 has entered this arena solo, choosing loyalty over ease, he chooses this path as his usual team could not enter the arena at the time allotted. With nothing but his wits and his never die attitude, he steps into the arena, ready to carve his path to glory.

Moshow3 wished to go for the Watch towers as this strategy seems to gather more points than the usual Season 1 tactic of Trading Post on all strongholds. The match has not started yet but Moshow3 already thinks of ways to get ahead, “if my team-mates build Trading Posts, I will have no choice but to follow the team,” he knows from past mistakes that using half Trading Posts with half offensive buildings doesn’t work. Arena of Honor starts with six teams who fight for objectives on the map, capturing these objectives not only grants an initial point boost but also delivers constant points, making them crucial to victory, the team with the most points at the end of the match wins. 

The teams enter the arena, some seeing each other for the first time, “hey guys, what’s the plan for this round,” Moshow3 knew he had only 5 minutes to get to know his team-mates and come up with a plan. Most of his team-mates wanted to go for Trading Posts, “the simplest way to go is Trading Posts and hunt down any Altars of the Maiden,” Galvanox seemed to speak for the rest of House Tyrell. To extinguish any notion of confusion, Moshow3 didn’t speak up about his offensive buildings strategy and went along with the group. With less than a minute before the match began, Moshow3 asked about the clan castle and who would be defending it, he knew if the team on their left side went with an offensive building strategy, their clan castle could be at risk. Unfortunately, the rest of House Tyrell were busy getting ready for the strongholds to open and didn’t reply back, this could come to bite them in the future.

House Targaryen led by Crazybeer had already come up with a plan to take the Watch Towers with offensive buildings, “we know most teams won’t even attempt to build offensive buildings for fear of failure, “Crazybeer had tasted this failure before and knew most the teams on display had a lack of coordination and House Targaryen could pounce on this. Moshow3’s fears were coming into light as House Targaryen were the team to their left side, that would mean their clan castle would be attacked by the stronger House Targaryen.

Another team that didn’t believe in anything other than building Trading Posts were House Stark, “we don’t have anyone strong enough to take the Glory City, so we need easy points to stay in contention, “Slow Roasted was the warrior to step up for House Stark and take command. House Stark would be relying on other teams to rally the Glory City to reset the 5-minute capture timer, only this way could they stand any chance of a top 3 spot.

Finally we come to House Lannister led by the formidable Mythiic, the only team in the arena with a warrior capable of capturing and defending the Glory City, “we just need to wait for the Glory City to open up and I will take it, I'm counting on you to keep us in contention until then, “ Mythiic could see his team were the favorites to take this round, as long as his team didn’t collapse from the pressure. The first set of strongholds had already been taken by all teams and every team but House Targaryen went for Trading Post in their first row. “ See, we are the only ones going for offensive buildings, the Watch Towers are ours,” Crazybeer was rejoicing abit too early, teams still had the option to destroy their Trading Posts for offensive buildings but for now House Targaryen looked the favorites to take the Watch Towers. With the second set of strongholds about to open up and the altars not far behind, this match was about to get explosive.

As most teams went for the Trading Posts strategy, Altars of the Maiden would be the top priority for all teams but House Targaryen, in fact all the altars become a war zone as the first capture points also applied to them. “Make sure we defend our altars especially the Altar of the Maiden, “Moshow3 was going to be busy this round, as he continuously attacked anyone who tried to take his altars. With 25 minutes of the match already passed by, the Watch Towers were about to open up and House Targaryen were still the only team with offensive buildings and those first capture points on those towers seemed guaranteed. Also guaranteed were the constant attacks on House Tyrell’s clan castle by House Targaryen, “we need to watch our clan castle, with no Lord inside its vulnerable, “Moshow3 was deliberating whether or not to take the clan castle himself such was the threat to it at the time.

As predicted by Crazybeer his team were the only ones capable of taking the Watch Towers with the substantial 4000 first capture points. “Now we need to defend our lead by defending our altars, we can also take House Tyrell’s clan castle, it has no Lord inside,” Crazybeer was leading House Targaryen amazingly well but things could get difficult as soon as the Glory City opens. As things stand House Targaryen are looking strong for a top 2 spot in the round and who knows even the win.

With the Dragonpits about to open up, House Tyrell had already lost their clan castle twice to House Targaryen, luckily for them it was not reinforced in time for it to be fully captured but this was a bad sign going forward. “ We have to watch our clan castle, we can’t afford to lose it again, “ Moshow3 didn’t want to take the clan castle as he felt he was pivotal to House Tyrell taking altars and Dragonpits. Finally it would be Gino61 who defended the clan castle with his lord and House Tyrell could concentrate elsewhere rather than worry about their home turf. Meanwhile, House Targaryen had other plans, “divert our clan castle to the Dragonpits, “ Crazybeer wanted to use the power of his clan castle to take more than just Watch towers. At this point with the huge lead House Targaryen had already accumulated, they didn’t need much more but Crazybeer wanted to be on the safe side to cement his position.

While the Dragonpits were being contested, House Lannister found themselves in a comfortable 3rd place but wanted to keep the points difference them and House Targaryen within touching distance as they knew Glory City was about to open up but they were not taking into account the catapults. The catapults were likely to be taken by House Targaryen and with their 5000 first capture points could put a wrench in House Lannister’s plan of taking the win. House Lannister were still contesting altars in their bid to stay close to House Targaryen, “take more altars from House Targaryen and House Tyrell, they are both ahead of us,” Mythiic was biding his time, all they would have to do was take Glory City and they would inevitably secure first place, this match all comes down to whether or not House Lannister can capture and defend the Glory City.

Finally, the City of Glory was available for capture and immediately House Targaryen started a rally, “this is our chance to take the win, if we take Glory City and the catapults, we stand a chance, “Crazybeer was doing everything in his power to secure the win but would it be enough only time will tell. As House Targaryen’s rally took the Glory City for a brief moment, you can see smiles across most of House Targaryen’s faces but they didn’t notice House Lannister’s rally which was about to hit the Glory City. “Once we take the City of Glory, we will need constant reinforcement, its now or never,” Mythiic was confident his rally would take the Glory City but it would come down to whether his team-mates can fill the Glory City or not. With half the match left, it was indeed House Lannister who took the Glory City and defended one rally against House Targaryen, the other teams didn’t take part in attacking the Glory City. “Take the Dragonpits and altars as they fight for the Glory City, “Slow Roasted wanted to use the conflict and distraction to his advantage but now House Stark could only hope for 3rd place as House Lannister and House Targaryen were too far ahead.

The final 15 minutes would be a clash of Dragonpits with Mineshafts yet to open up, it was mostly between House Tyrell and House Stark who were within 1000 points of each other. “Defend our Dragonpits, we can’t afford to lose them, especially if its House Stark, we don’t want to lose our 3rd place to them, “Moshow3 was frantically attacking and defending Dragonpits but in the back of his mind, he knew he may have to give them up for the more lucrative Mineshafts coming soon enough. While the war between House Stark and House Tyrell raged on, it was House Lannister who was taking a battering with the catapults but House Targaryen didn’t start any rallies to compliment their catapult attacks. “Save our troops for the Mineshafts, we can’t beat Mythiic inside Glory City, “Crazybeer had resigned himself to 2nd place but didn’t want to fall at the final hurdle to both House Tyrell and House Stark.

The moment of truth had come for House Tyrell and House Stark, which of these teams would take 3rd place and which would come 4th, all would be decided within these final 10 minutes. It didn’t start well for House Tyrell as they lost one of their Mineshafts to House Greyjoy, a team that were struggling but still wanted to fight even in these final minutes of the match. “Now is our chance, we are within 500 points, we can take 3rd place from them, “Slow Roasted had put his team close enough to House Tyrell that it would come down to which team secured the Mineshafts for long enough. As first and second place were already secured with House Lannister and House Targaryen respectively, these teams didn’t fight as hard for the Mineshafts which made things harder for the other teams as it made all Mineshafts available and therefore more points to be gained.

The final minute ticked away and it was House Tyrell that secured 3rd place, “this was too close, we only took it with 1000 points difference, “Moshow3 and Galvanox shook hands as they welcomed the result. “It was a tough match but we got what we deserved in the end, “Galvanox seemed content but wondered if they could have done more.

House Lannister could be heard in the arena shouting with joy, “MYTHIIC, MYTHIIC, MYTHIIC, “they yelled in unison and held their champion above them, “all of us contributed to this win, I thank you all, “Mythiic was very humble in his victory. House Lannister held first place the moment they secured Glory City and were comfortable for the rest of the match and it mostly came down to Mythiic and his great leadership.

The lone wolf Moshow3 looked forward to the next round with his usual team-mates but this solo adventure taught him how hard it was to compete in the arena without coordination and team-mates you trust, something he was looking forward to having once again.
