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A Young Lord of the Ancient Kingdoms Part 34 (An Unexpected Help)
Great spirits could be heard at dawn on a day that seemed to be calm, our Lord was worried about other matters, but at the same time he was intrigued by the noises of so many spirits that could be heard.
And yes, while he was calmly talking with his friend ATARASSHI who told him by email how magnificent his battles were, he did not predict that he was referring to the “Siege of the Champion Cities”
That's right, we were in those times and our Lord was not aware of it, and he needed to participate as always, unfortunately for him his friend DYT did not have time for him to arrive and command his troops in the battles.
Well this time he had to ask his friend ATARASSHI to fight him, he would think about it when he was informed of the request of our Lord, who had other reports and activities to do, which he did not waste time and started to do, it was a favor that he asked his friend, and he thought about it, because he also had other things planned, but his heart of good faith made him set aside some time to be able to fight with Loconett's troops in the ACC.
Commanding his troops in the case of Loconet, this time he would have the battle in the Great City of the Hall of the Celestials...
The battle had already begun and ATARASSHI had the troops prepared for combat and managed to join an unknown alliance, but it had many participants in it, and it had strong players, among them was “El Sicario”
A player who is known and thought to be Spanish-speaking by name, very different seen in alliances like BDR and now in BaN; Well, he also has the rank of Prince, and only the TOP Lords of West have that great rank, given this he was under his leadership.
But apart from them there was no reason to secure victory since we had another very top Lord in charge and known for always taking the big cities, we were referring to Depravity, a great Lord belonging to the HOH alliance, but this time He would be for the RYS alliance, capable because he was in invasion and joining an alliance with so many troops is a great option.
It was to be expected that it was going to be a tough battle, on both sides there were very strong Lords, capable of taking the great city without problems on their own, if they were not immediately reinforced.
And so began the great battle, which at the beginning did not decide who had control of the great city, since the attacks of different Lords were consecutive, it was thus to ensure the first minutes of the game.
Until Lord Depravity of RYS took control of the great city and was reinforced...
It didn't take long for the raids to be armed and they began to lay siege to the alliance that had control of said castle.
Starting with Lord OMNI, another member of the BaN alliance, who decided to fight in the siege.
Who gave us great results on the battlefield, in raids, since the enemy alliance, reinforced their Lord with the wrong soldiers, but apart from them, the alignment was perfect, since it also used a female alignment.
The results were very favorable, but the castle could not be taken from him easily, since it was reinforced at every moment by the rest of his alliance.
“It seemed like they were desperate to have control of the castle.”
“Do they have little interest in the points and losing the troops?”
ATARASSHI emphasized
Well, it was true, mostly the rest of the alliance only joins to complete the points and take the rewards granted for participations and eliminations.
But in this case it was practically a massacre, they wanted control of the castle so they didn't mind losing troops in a hasty manner.
After a long time that the battle had passed, almost guaranteeing time, they decided to release the castle, they had practically already won the battle, although with great casualties, it was surprising.
Obviously our alliance took it once they released it and we only received attacks from the rest of the Lords apart from the RYS Alliance
Thinking about it, I don't know if we took it just for fun and wanting to look for more battle point medals, but the losses we had were not that big, they were acceptable.
And we only dedicated ourselves to defending the little time we had left on the battlefield.
And once the battle was over, RYS's Depravity was obviously crowned the best Lord, and gaining control of the titles and control of the rewards.
Now that I think about it, the medals awarded of “SP” quality were indeed worth fighting for.
But in the end it was a battle with little attrition of troops, luckily for us under the command of our great friend ATARASSHI.
Who gladly reported to our Lord what had happened and with great gratitude from him, he said goodbye for another day of future battles.
Our Lord is happy with the battle medals obtained and the control of points for the rewards obtained
Well, thanks for reading, I hope you liked it.
until next time!