Hello again, here I am once again with new story to share with you. This time we will look in to the battle between FFS and HOH in the first round of new Alliance Conquest (AC) season.
This could’ve been a bloody battle as both teams have very skilled warriors within their rosters. Both teams have always finished events on high positions, and even HOH looks a bit less active, it is still a great threat for whole GoTWiC.
Was it really a competitive game? How many of FFS players were missing, did GROMBOLD and his mates stop us from having a good start? Keep reading and you are about to find out!
Background check

Starting from FFS, my clan is known to be one of the top 3 clans, which constantly exchange the top spots within the events. FFS is a combination of WTF and NFI clans, which has increased the roster by additional runners and rally leads, to be more competitive, in the times where other two alliances, WxC and BaN, have been boosting their power Grantly.
If I think about HOH, I think GROMBOLD, this person is very known within GoTWiC and swear down, there is no discord, where he is not on it. Very pleasant person friendly to most of the people, and at the same time very strong account player, creating fear in eyes of many. HOH has got some really great warriors, like Tardis of BARLAB, but will this be enough to fight the likes of QUEENY and her team? We are about to see..

It would not be GoTWiC, if there would be no conspiracy or drama. Each time something different happens, and we have to overcome it, but it is just the way it is, and I believe situations like those, keep us going forward, and stay active!
What could happen this time? Well the most annoying thing possible, some people left, some people have joined the enemy. Who you could ask? Well here it is getting more interesting, as I would never assume, some of those players I am about to mention, would leave our roster!
I woke up, knowing that there will be competition in the evening, and logged to the game like always, to do my rebel leaders and basic stuff. When I checked the alliance chat I have noticed a lot of people leaving, and was wondering, is there some new event in the morning or what would be the reason for it, maybe they merit hunt under different tag? Turns out that no! Denkura and few others decided to leave us for the likes of BaN – the deadliest rivals of FFS!
I am unsure what would be the reason for it, but it definitely has hurt out alliance big time, in the power drop, lose of experienced rally leaders, it was a shocker! I was hoping it is just a period of time situation yet until this day, they are in BaN. This has made me very sad, and worried about our match!
What would be the other news? Well same time someone joined BaN, someone had to leave, and this way my very good friend MASSI, has been asked to leave and find new home. I immediately have reported to QUEENY to schedule the interview hoping he can get to FFS and play with me, yet unfortunately this did not work out. Funny enough, while one is losing, other is gaining, and within next couple of minutes, MASSI joined HOH, so our opponent!
It was mixed emotions situation for me, as from one side I was happy he found a good home, but from other hand, I did not want to fight against him, and was a bit sad that he did not manage to join our team, he definitely is capable of playing for FFS.
Let the dragons face each other!

Like every other AC, it starts from both teams gathering their warriors on one side of the map. All the castles start to spawn ready to battle for the victory until the last speedup is used. This time was no different, two strong teams meet each other and decided to fight for a great start in this season of competition. I must say we looked a bit stronger on the paper and this is where my confidence seen its boost, but at the same time, the way AC is constructed, it doesn’t require many strong players, but just few leaders to hold the castles, and strong reinforcements on time.
The numbers were on Favor of HOH this time, 96 to 93, slight disadvantage for us however, in matches like this, could make its impact. It was obvious at this point as we had to cover for those 3 missing players, and do extra bits from our side, to make us not be overwhelmed by the enemy troops.
Once we have gathered and everyone were eager to fight waiting for the final call initiating the start of the event, QUEENY decided to give us a quick recap on everyone’s roles. My role in this match was focusing on reinforcing rallies of NEO STRAIDER and Joseph, which were Spearman rally leaders, so representing same type of troops as me. I have pre-created troop size so that when it is required, I did not have to spend additional time for it, but just simply click which pre-setup I should use. This is a big advantage in games like that so I would suggest it to every one of you.
First houses which have dropped the protection were Lannister and Stark outposts, Mother and Warrior. With the recent changes to the AC, it was important to get each house as they were giving buffs, and Warrior, from being one of the least useful castles, become one of the most important ones, because of the buff, so we had to get it. How did it go?
Our racers have rushed towards the castles thru the hills and the rivers, hoping to arrive at the location earlier than the enemy and claim the castle on our Favor. This meant additional points for first capture. Gladly we have managed to capture all 3 out of 4 castles, losing only race to the Mother. Mother is essential as reduces the healing cost, so we had to get it back sooner or later.
First of all, it was important to adjust the leaders holding each castle, from racers to really strong accounts. The risk was that enemy could hijack it when we do it, but if we are coordinated well, it should work out as we wanted it.
Everything worked well so far, and we had no reasons to complain, but the protection time has ended and now enemy could freely attack our big castles, and obviously, they decided to attack the outposts, in which NEO STRAIDER was sitting with me reinforcing it.

I am unsure if urielki thought he can hijack the castle with a solo attack, but well, he tried at least, but It did not work. Enemy then decided to rally the other outpost, which ONLY KAISER was holding. Let’s see how this one went.

Many have tried and failed, yet then Lucius came and shown KAISER who is the boss in here.

We held strong but at some point, we had to give back advantage to the enemy. This level of competition almost guarantees constant changes within the game, and no comfortable situation. It is obvious that each player has to be prepared to have a lot of speedups in their backpacks, as it wont end on 1-2 hits, but 10-30 hits, with constant healing. AC is truly a great and very intense event.
Shortly after enemy has aimed NEO STRAIDER once again however this time it was rallies which were sent to him.

And everything looked good until, the strong whale from HOH has aimed us, and that was Tardis. I could remember Tardis from my old times at tuf, when we were cooperating almost like a family with alliance called MAD, in which Tardis was. He was really strong, about which I was about to find out on my own skin, a bit later, but let’s go back to the Outpost. We have lost the outpost and immediately after Neo has joined others in making rallies against HOH. Firstly, we went for Mother, and me as his reinforcer, I was present!

Tardis was holding Mother at that time and obviously our chances to beat him were small, but we tried and I must say we did quite a damage!

Following that we went for Targaryen Port which is essential to claim victory as Port gives a lot more points than the other buildings, I felt excitement and overall joy I could participate once again with my FFS brothers and sisters, as I knew, I am at the right team, that will always pursue for ultimate victory, no matter what the stake is! We have captured the Port and it was obvious that just after, HOH will try to reclaim it. But just before, surprisingly, Tardis has noticed me, and soloed my castle, as you might think, I got killed and had to heal all my troops!

And here diver has shown up, it was like a déjà vu to me, and my GoTWiC emotional side has shown up, as diver was account that led us in the times of tuf, it was our whale who we could count on, it was sad to know he was inactive for a long time, but guess he’s back in business. I felt like someone who meet old friend after a long period of absence. Truly remarkable moment, just sad that we were on the opposite side!

And eventually we have fallen, as the way AC works is that you have to send maximum number of full rallies that hit at the same time, is why it is so important to time the rallies so the reinforces can’t come in between. HOH was good at it.
This whole competition was back and forth losing and reclaiming the castles, the enemy was very similar in terms of abilities and desire to win, as us, but I think we have shown a bit more heart in the battlefield. The only chance at this time for HOH to overcome us, was to claim both mines, yet this did not work out for them well, as KORGEI has claimed one of them, and this way we seperated 1 each.

After very bloody battle, where a lot of men and women have fallen, thousands of speedups have been used, and the frustration sometimes have been reaching the limits, we managed to overcome the enemy and secure the victory. Please remember, that when you are playing on high competitive level, it will be very often situation that you will have to fight against your brothers and sisters, and only you can prove it to yourself and others, what kind of human are you, because when the loyalty and friendship come across together, it is quite a difficult choice to make at the end of the day.
Till the next time