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BlackL1on receives a raven (The war of kingdoms has arrived)

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/06/2024 02:13
Edited by blackl1on at 09/06/2024 05:07

BlackL1on crossed the cold hallway towards the throne room of the king of the north, his mind filled with dark thoughts of the impending war. An urgent raven from the king has arrived in king's landing. The kingdom war is approaching and the east prepares for war. We do not know which kingdoms from the east will come to attack us.

Maybe they are the Dothraki, a tribe of Unsullied, or Pentos mercenaries hired by the Iron Bank to whom we owe back taxes.

The king's wife, Lady Noit, approached with concern in her eyes - What should we do? The Dorrakis are fierce and Unsullied are a legend in the East.

"You're right," Black replied. You must summon your bannermen and I will summon our few remaining allies in the seven kingdoms and ask them to prepare their armies for war..

I will travel to the wall and request reports from the night watch scouts to know when they will attack. BlackL1on prepared to go out to the wall, ordered some of his men to accompany him along with his best scouts and prepared to leave.

Suddenly a voice boomed in his head: _"Don't forget what I taught you, BlackL1on" - It was Kynaston, his former queen and a legend in the GOT stories. His wisdom and leadership had always guided the little lion in the most difficult times. Kynaston's words mixed with his thoughts, remembering the importance of knowing the enemy and countering him.

BlackL1on began to remember his first wars of the kingdoms when he was still only Kynaston's squire, while she reminded him of the battles he fought for control of the seven kingdoms. Kynaston led his troops bravely and inspired everyone around him. These were the times of the great wars, and BlackL1on had been at his side in those battles full of loyalty and courage.

-“Remember little León,” Kynaston had told him on one occasion, “victory is obtained with the heart and with the union of all men.”

BLackL1on was present in those battles when Kynaston was crowned supreme queen of Westeros. against ATD and its fiercest leaders Ivox, United 19, littledevil, Banana and how it emerged victorious for years from those wars of kingdoms and the legends that were forged in it.

BlackL1on stopped on the road, there were only a few kilometers left to reach the wall, and in his mind he was remembering every moment: “Always remember your past experiences. “History has a lot to teach you” – said Kynaston.

How the armies were positioned in the War of the Kingdoms... how they had to defend the king's landing sieges and, drawing on the deepest of his knowledge, he began to plan the strategy for the approaching War of the Kingdoms.

 We know that this coming war against some Eastern kingdom will only be a simulation and that the real deaths will be resurrected the next day. The honor will not be the same and the merits received will decrease. But even though it is only a simulation without real deaths... the enemy plans in the future to besiege West with real deaths. We need the enemy to believe that we are stronger than we really are. 

-“Honor and merits do not matter,” BLackL1on responded. “What matters is that if we can make them believe that we are ready for the final fight, they will think twice before laying siege to the west with real intentions.

-“We will place our troops at strategic points,” continued BlackL1on-“, the hills in the center will serve as a base to establish the hive.

We will establish a hive in the center of the map, from where we can send our armies to reinforce the cities according to our needs. King's Landing Storm's End, High Garden, Casterly Rock and Eyrie. 

One of the captains said-“but what about Aguas Dulces?” They have declared themselves in rebellion. To which The Lion also included them as a castle that had to be protected.

At dawn they set out for the wall and at noon they arrived in the presence of the commander of the wall. Several scouts were sent beyond the wall including some of BLackL1on's bards.

After discussing and analyzing with the commander of the night watch, they agreed that the attack of the dead should not occur before the arrival of winter, since the dead need the cold to move easily. So they have calculated that there are still several months left for the assault on the wall to take place. With this news BlackL1on returned to Winterfell and gave the news to King Noit and Lady Noit.

-“My lord,” he began, “I have spoken with the commander of the wall. The attack of the dead will not occur before the arrival of winter. The dead need the cold to move easily, which gives us several months to prepare.

"What do you propose?" said King Noit... "We must attend to what is coming now, which is the war in the south. If we can establish a solid alliance between the north and the south, we will be able to face any threat

Lady Noit looked at her husband with concern, but Noit nodded. “I will keep my word, BlackL1on. We will send men to the south to reinforce your defenses

On the way back to the capital, BlackL1on's memories and his past experiences accompanied him like protective shadows...Kynaston, Drogon, Doakness, Burggle...Each one had left a mark on his life, teaching him valuable lessons about war, loyalty and strategy

“I must surround myself with loyal commanders, who know what to do at all times, who help me win this war of the kingdoms and act with determination and courage.

On the night of the fifth day, already close to Harrenhall, BlackL1on summoned his captains and planned different strategies to follow in case of fight with other castles.

"Remember what Kynaston taught me," BlackL1on began, "We should never send all marches to the same mine. If we do, the enemy can use instant collect and cause all of your troops to return at the same time, leaving us vulnerable." .

-“Remember,” he told them, “when we send reinforcements, we must do so from a far distance using accelerators. And when we withdraw our troops, we will also use accelerators to prevent the strongest enemies from detecting our position and trapping us.

They continued like this all night until just before dawn when they fell asleep, leaving several guards stationed on vigil.

The next day they arrived at Harrenhall and found a surprise. The Knights of the Eyrie were camped at Harrenhall, the blue banner fluttering in the wind.

-“TOCOCHAN” - exclaimed Black -, “We come from the north, to visit King Noit, and ask his help for the coming war of the kingdoms -“Well, we have gone ahead. hahahaha, TOCOCHAN shouted with a wide smile. We have taken an oath, and we will keep it. The Knights of the Valley will march south to defend the city.

Despite his cold and calculating nature as a general, BlackL1on couldn't help but blush with emotion at TOCOCHAN's loyalty and determination and after stumbling over a stone, he hurried into the tent to have dinner with the king of IDM.

The evening was pleasant; BlackL1on and TOKOCHAN debated intensely about the strategies to follow to defend the kingdom. Memories of kynaston and his exploits came and went in his mind and he transmitted them to the king of IMD

After long hours of discussion, they devised a bold plan: to form a defensive triangle in the tree line of King's Landing, from where they could lay siege and from where they could counteract the armies to the east.

Even though this is just a drill, we must show energy and strength and form “THE TRIANGLE OF DEATH”, from which the enemies will be destroyed and even if their troops resurrect the next day, they will think twice before coming in the next war of kingdoms.

The next morning he said goodbye to TOKOCHAN with a firm handshake and prepared to leave for King's Landing.

-“We will see each other on the battlefield,”-Tocochan said confidently.

-“That's how it will be.” BlackL1on responded, feeling that a solid alliance was born between them.

The War of the Kingdoms was about to begin, and he was determined to fight to the end to protect what he loved.

Arriving at King's Landing, BlackL1on quickly made his way to the palace to meet with the queen of the Seven Kingdoms, the Targaryen PrinceRaj.

-“Your Majesty,”- began on the Day of Trade, several armies attacked us, savages from the west, the frey and the greyjoy. Furthermore, I met with King Noit who promised to send the northerners to defend the city. Furthermore, the Knights of the Vale are camped in Harrenhall and are coming to the capital.

PrinceRaj smiled a little. “It is encouraging to know that our allies are willing to fight for their queen,” she said. and ordered BlackL1on to go to his bedroom to rest.

He visited with Lord Commander Neo in his office to whom he conveyed the planning of the strategy to follow for this war of the kingdoms –“Your plan is strong,” said NEO-.” If we coordinate, the plan could work and we can confront the threat.

The next day she met with SamRock who was the queen's hand and her secret lover. Only BlackL1on knew that secret that both lovers kept with suspicion. But it was a healthy relationship, as SamRock was an honorable and loyal man who had risen at court thanks to his intelligence and dedication.

BLackL1on headed to the stables, where the horses were neighing. After making sure that everything was in order, he headed to the camp where his troops were gathered.

-“Soldiers, my brothers!,” he began with a firm voice. “You have shed more blood than the best of the warriors in this world; the time has come; “The War of the Kingdoms is about to break out.”

-“The black sails have already been seen in the east…we do not know who they are or what intentions they have. They may come only to plunder our resources or try to take our castles.”

He paused, so that his words would sink deep into his men and raising the spear he said: -“We will fight without mercy, we will protect our families and our homes with every drop of blood we have.

-“And We Will Win!
