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Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/07/2024 05:07
Edited by lyyyanna at 09/07/2024 05:11

The taste of triumph was still sweet on the tongues of BaN warriors over their last victory against HOH on the first match of the new Alliance Conquest season, a seamless win as the opponent sadly went down with barely a struggle when their warriors just knew how strong the opponent was, Looking for a proper challenge and a real test to their new merged alliance who was forged a couple of months ago, the fighters sharpened their swords as they got ready to face an alliance who’s been getting stronger each season, NBe, known for always putting out a challenge and strategies that keep their enemies on the lookout.

The tension was almost tangible as the BaN and NBe alliances geared up for what was shaping up to be an interesting clash. 

On the BaN side, the mood was a mix of intense focus and hope for the win. Ur Candy and the other leaders moved among their lines of troops. The sound of clashing steel filled the air as they prepared for the battle horn to sound. 

UrCandy and his army knew there was no room for mistakes and that the captures and swaps needed to be executed perfectly as soon as buildings open as a sign of their focus and readiness for any battle they’re in. First captures were always a push of self confidence among the lines of leaders and warriors.

NBe's side was alive with activity. Leaders and strategists poured over maps, finalizing their plans and making sure every detail was covered considering how strong their opponent was and how scary the BaN warriors looked across the battlefield.

As the battle kicked off and the first buildings emerged on the battlefield, the fastest racers from both sides shot across the field like lightning, their teammates cheering for them. They managed to capture both outposts, but despite their efforts, the mother and warrior fell short and ended up under NBe's control.


UrCandy and the other rally leaders knew they had to get the buildings back once they’re unlocked or they have to watch with sharp focus, to wait for the perfect moment for NBe to perform the maneuver of swapping. But for now they have to focus on their own swaps.

With confidence, the rally leaders marched towards the buildings, the swaps accomplished seamlessly. The call for reinforcements echoed as the troops rushed to reinforce the buildings and defense grew stronger as both Outposts were secured for BaN.


The NBe alliance was bound to make their move soon, and when they did, UrCandy knew they’d try to pull off their classic swaps on the Mother and the Warrior. Thanks to their swift movements and UrCandy’s strategy of the perfect  matching of the timers to the enemy's, all buildings were now in the grasp of BaN.

As time passed, more buildings were unlocking, and it was time for the ports knowing that this was a critical phase of the battle with important points. The racers were gearing up from both sides. The race had been incredibly close, a true testament to the skill and determination of both alliances resulting in one port each under the control of both alliances.


The swaps were about to unfold once again, BaN executed theirs flawlessly, while NBe managed to slip their rally leader into the port, but it didn’t last long as the rallies of the slow marchers were coming in, and the building fell under BaN’s ownership.


With both ports in pocket, it was time to seize a crucial building, towering on its rocky cliffs, the timer counted down on Casterly Rock as racers stood on their marks, the race was fierce, as NBe captured the building before any BaN racer.

Seeing that the building was captured by the enemy, Windstar, always sharp in his tactics, used the strategy of slowmarching and intercepting, one of BaN’s points of strength. Indeed it worked, all eyes keeping track of Lancelot as he headed towards the building with hope but his dreams were crushed as their swap failed and the building was successfully intercepted by BaN.



Reality set in for NBe’s side, without Casterly Rock, their strategy crumbled, and the momentum they’d built up vanished. With Casterly Rock under their control, BaN dominated the rest of the match gaining confidence in themselves once more.


BaN’s banners flew high over the battlefield marking the end of the match and the second round of Alliance Conquest, a secure first place in the rankings at the moment for BaN.

Ur Candy stood proudly at the heart of the celebration, surrounded by his brave warriors, moving through the crowd, sharing the joy of the victory and of seeing his clever strategies come to fruition with the lords and ladies as BaN goes into their next match with high spirits.
