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Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/03/2024 03:33

It had been almost a week since Killer Marta had taken a break. As always, she was ready to join VMD. She came in and, as always, asked how everything was. VMD greeted her, etc.

Killer Marta began to read comments from VMD members. Something was going on. She realized that some members were not going to play the third round because they thought it was a waste of time. This week it was NWL's turn and according to some comments, the schedule was very bad. We had to play at 7 in the morning and they also saw NWL as superior to VMD.

Killer Marta and 55 other players responded to this: “We just didn’t think the same, we were motivated to play the game and show that we are not only brave, but also strong, so we would wait to see what would happen.”

And the moment arrived, Killer Marta, as always, put on her best armor and her best swords. She had recruited thousands of her best troops. She simply wanted to win this. No matter what, she didn’t care about the casualties. She wasn’t going to throw in the towel. She was super inspired and motivated. Nothing and no one was going to stop her. Killer Marta looked up and there were only 55 players. This was very bad, but she knew that those 55 fighters were going to give it their all.

Killer Marta and her super motivated troops managed to position themselves at Lannister Base, in turn her teammates managed to position themselves at Targayen Base, in turn NWL managed to position themselves at both Mother Temple and Warrior Tower (this started out too even).

But in a moment of carelessness by NWL, the great lord Wind5 (a lord that Killer Marta simply thinks is very great) recaptured Temple of the Mother and we all rushed to send hordes of reinforcements to all the conquered locations (we knew that the bloodbath by the most feared lords of NWL would come).

And so it was, Killer Marta and her companions kept receiving attacks, it was crazy, reinforce and heal, reinforce and heal, we couldn't get our fingers and so with so much work, boom, suddenly we lost the ports and in turn we lost Mother Temple, this was a bloodbath.

Killer Marta had to create field hospitals in every corner of her castle, the screams of pain could be heard for miles (but in NWL they would surely have the same problem).

The minutes passed and when the counter ended, one of Killer Marta's bloodiest companions snatched Puerto Targaryen from NWL, he was none other than DIE HARD (a great gentleman among the greatest worthy of admiration).

The minutes kept passing, the bleeding from both sides kept growing, it was really a spectacle (or a hell depending on who's watching), it was CR's turn and unfortunately NWL also got this position (but Killer Marta and VMD don't give up that easily).

Killer Marta was starting to get a little overwhelmed, she maintained her position and the only thing she could do was send her troops to reinforce and join her companions' rallies, but for the moment it was the only thing she planned to do.

VMD managed to grab CR in a tug of war, this was still as close as in the first minute of the game, the hospitals were still at 200%, the doctors were almost exhausted.

Our magnificent wind5 managed to recover the second port, this would become a real madness.

VMD then managed to add the two fortresses (NWL was really in a big bind or they did something or this was getting away from them)

As the minutes went by, NWL managed to get CR, but VMD managed to recover it immediately afterwards.

This was already like a football match, attack here, recover there, reinforce there, join here, take it, take it, take it, it was really something very crazy, there was no clear dominant, then NWL made a master move, they took out of the Mother Temple their cruelest lord, they wanted to impose terror on our soldiers, but neither Killer Marta nor VMD would be intimidated under any circumstances.

And then the first to fall was Killer Marta (she was really at a disadvantage against the infantry because she is a spear, but my friends that left Killer Marta free to do what she does best, which is to annihilate and bombard like a bloodthirsty woman).

And there went Killer Marta with her brave spears to reconquer Mother Temple. This was going to be a bloodbath and so it was. As always, she was very happy; she loves blood.

Then CR and Lannister Port were reconquered and NWL recovered them again, it was clear that the mines would decide.

And the moment arrived, the mines opened, it was the decisive moment and like a bucket of cold water NWL got the two mines.

VMD needed to recover at least one mine and after a long but very long round of attacks Killer Marta recovered one, but when she looked up at the horizon she saw that they had lost many locations, but she would keep the mine until the end.

In the end VMD lost the match, but Killer Marta was proud of those 55 great teammates, and she wanted to convey that to them. Killer Marta would not change for one second, I repeat, not for one second, any of VMD's performance in this match. Her feeling is that every last player gave 200% of themselves, and that deserves recognition.
