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HOH vs BaN | Alliance Conquest | Match Four

Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/07/2024 05:53
Edited by neik9x at 09/07/2024 07:45

Having just passed the halfway point of the Alliance Conquest season, Neik and his fellow HOH members found themselves well-positioned to achieve their set goal: securing qualification for the Ultimate Conquest.

After recovering from a harsh defeat in the opening match of the season, they had bounced back with two solid victories. Under the wise leadership of Grombold, they had proven themselves a formidable group when everything clicked on the right day.

Today, we witness the fourth match of the season. Ninety-five of the available one hundred members stood ready on the battlefield, with their leader and comrades waiting anxiously to discover who their opponent would be. They knew full well that a victory today would bring them one step closer to crossing the finish line, with only two matches left to play.

As the final preparations were underway, the obstacle that lay in their path finally revealed itself. It was none other than...


The obstacle in their path was, without a doubt, the worst they could possibly face.

B3nni, Meridianos, and Love Angel were just a few of the names that had wreaked havoc in their previous encounter. A group that grew more cohesive and united with each passing day, led by charismatic and strong-willed leaders, they were the undisputed favorites to claim the top spot at the end of this long season.

Still haunted by the memory of their first-round defeat—an absolute blowout—Neik and his comrades now stood at a crossroads. Should they engage in an exhausting battle against an opponent deemed nearly unbeatable on paper, or save their strength and go all-in on the last two matches of the season, where BaN would no longer be a threat?

"The decision seems obvious enough," Neik muttered, struggling against his own pride to say those words, while catching the thoughtful expression on the face of their leader as he deliberated intensely with the inner council. After a brief discussion, the alliance leaders stepped forward to announce the plan for the day: "Surrendering from the start is the easy choice, and I personally see it as cowardly. I want us to fight this match like we always do. If things go south, we’ll adjust during the battle. But until then, I expect everyone to give their all and make our opponents work hard for their victory!"

These were powerful words, spoken at a time when the group needed them most. Perhaps disheartened by the hand fate had dealt them—facing the strongest alliance in all of Westeros—hearing the firm resolve in their leader’s voice, backed by his trusted council, reignited a spark that had previously been dimmed.

The howling wind and relentless rain, accompanied by flashes of lightning tearing through the sky, set a haunting and dramatic stage. The storm outside mirrored the tension within the HOH ranks, creating the perfect backdrop for such a crucial match against an adversary as formidable as BaN.

The start of hostilities was traumatic... for BaN!

In a surprising twist during the early stages of the battle, HOH racers, known for their nearly "superhuman" speed, managed to beat BaN’s infamous racers and immediately took control of three out of the four key buildings!

However, there was little time to celebrate. After taking the initial blow, BaN quickly regrouped under LoveAngel’s command. Grombold’s team attempted two building swaps, but they were far from perfect, and this is where BaN’s experience came into play. Anticipating the move, BaN’s forces were ready, lying in wait to reclaim the buildings and swiftly turn the tide. They seized three buildings, leaving only one under Depravity’s control for HOH.

It was a hard hit for HOH, who struggled to maintain momentum after their strong start, facing the ferocity of their rivals. But a response was necessary, and the leader knew it. "Prepare rallies for Targaryen Outpost; we’ll launch an assault there," were his orders. Barrack was defending the outpost, and the battle appeared to be following the same pattern as the first round between HOH and BaN.

Quickly, the rally leaders organized their troops, and under the command of their leader, the attack on Targaryen Outpost began!

The battle at Targaryen Outpost was nothing short of brutal!

Barrack's troops found themselves overwhelmed by a massive wave of attackers, who laid siege to the outpost with relentless force. While the defenders initially managed to hold their ground, the tide turned decisively when Tardis arrived at the gates, delivering a crushing blow and taking control of the stronghold’s walls!

Astonishingly, the reinforcements from HOH began to dwindle as the minutes passed, and the reason soon became clear...

“They’ve targeted Warrior,” a disheartened Depravity reported upon his return. BaN had taken advantage of the chaos, launching an assault on a far more critical position, securing a significant lead despite losing control of the outpost.

It was an unexpected twist that caught HOH off guard, but there was no time to despair: the opening of the Ports was fast approaching.

Both alliances managed to secure one port each. Immediately following, BaN attempted a swift swap—but it failed! Oni Fae intercepted the incoming troops, successfully capturing the second port for HOH.

As the match neared its central phase with the opening of Casterly Rock, the score was surprisingly balanced. Holding both ports gave HOH a significant advantage, and BaN was well aware of this. In response, they devised a strategy to lay siege to Targaryen Outpost, likely to send a message after Tardis had previously seized it. It wasn’t long before waves of rivals descended upon the heavily fortified walls, defended valiantly by HOH’s warriors. However, with the ferocity of BaN’s coordinated rally attacks, the defenses eventually crumbled under the relentless pressure.

But the bad news didn’t stop there. No time to lick their wounds—BaN’s council immediately ordered an attack on the previously lost port. This position was of critical importance, and its proximity to their base made it an easy target. As soon as BaN reclaimed Targaryen Outpost, the long march to reinforce Oni Fae’s position complicated things for HOH. Despite their best efforts, Lannister Port also fell into enemy hands.

“Focus on Casterly Rock's opening,” Grombold instructed. If the rivals captured that too, HOH’s chances of victory would be nearly impossible.

Casterly Rock

It was Patton from BaN who was the fastest to reach the walls of Casterly Rock and claim it for his alliance.

Nothing was going right for HOH at this point. With nearly all the buildings in enemy hands, the gap between the two alliances continued to widen.

“I think we’ve reached the point where there’s not much else we can do,” said the leader. They had made their attempt, but once again, the rivals had proven themselves superior in nearly every aspect. Saving what little energy remained was the wisest choice moving forward.

As the Strongholds were about to open, Neik unexpectedly joined the racers. Typically assigned different roles during the matches, the HOH fighter wanted to test himself and see if he could keep pace as a backup racer in a match that, by now, held little meaning for them.

He was the first to reach the walls of Targaryen Stronghold!

Although it no longer had much significance for the outcome of the match, proving that he could take on multiple roles would be a valuable asset for his allies when it came to deciding which tactics to adopt in future battles.

Aware that in just a few moments the fury of the rivals would descend upon him, he jokingly turned to his supporting allies and said, "I'm ready to be soloed," showing a clear understanding of the offensive power of the enemy—undoubtedly among the best in Westeros.

And that’s exactly what happened!

Without mercy, the enemy’s attacks came crashing down on the defender's spears. Despite his strength and experience, the Spears and Weakness formation of the HOH fighter stood little chance against the overwhelming assaults from the rivals. He held out as long as he could, but at this point, it was pointless to send reinforcements, wasting resources and energy.

The same fate befell Lannister Stronghold, where Grombold, under relentless attack, eventually succumbed as well.

This was the last noteworthy moment of a match that was nearing its end. The defeat, though inevitable, was accepted with dignity. An incredible display of strength from the rivals, who managed to turn a bad start around through sheer brute force, once again showing why they had won so easily in the first round and why they were the top contenders for the ultimate victory in the competition.

The final victory, then, went to... BaN!


The best fighters of the match were:

Tholking for BaN: His attacks began to destabilize HOH's defenses. Few members of HOH emerged victorious after withstanding one of Tholking’s strikes during the match.

SukunA for HOH: His cavalry played a crucial role against the enemy infantry. He continued to relentlessly strike the rival defenses and did everything possible to be of help, but it wasn't enough to significantly challenge the opponents that day.

“We did our best. We knew this was an almost impossible match to win, but we have to keep our concentration high, and in that respect, we performed well. Let’s take the positives from this match and carry them into the upcoming ones. They will be crucial,” were the farewell words chosen by HOH’s leaders before leaving the battlefield.

Despite the defeat, Neik was not disheartened for future matches. His team had shown that they could challenge their rivals strategically. If they could do that against what was almost certainly the strongest alliance in Westeros, they could compete against anyone.

The conclusion of the fourth round, however, saw HOH suffer another defeat. The upcoming matches were more critical than ever for them, and to ensure a spot among the top sixteen in Alliance Conquest, they needed two victories. Would they be able to achieve that? We’ll find out together!
