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Choso's last round of Alliance Conquest

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/05/2024 00:50

The Alliance Conquest season has reached its last round and the hopes were sky-high amongst the FuK warriors. They were one win away from reaching their goal of the season and making history. They were aiming for a qualification in the Ultimate Conquest, a competition where only the strongest 16 alliances were participating, and they were going to be a part of them, this has not happened before and it thrilled every member of the alliance. One of the members was Choso, an experienced racer, who was aiming to improve himself with each passing fight.

In the last round FuK was under pressure to win the match with over 100k points, and they managed to do just that, however, Choso ended up being highly frustrated with his own performance, he only managed to win one single race, despite the pressure and belief placed upon his shoulders by the strategist, Leviathan, who believed Choso was going to shine when they will need him the most.

In this match, Choso knew that the opponents will be harder to defeat, and that FuK needs a repeat of the 100k points in order to qualify. It was a difficult mission but he had belief that they could achieve it, in fact, everyone believed the same before heading into the fight. Only one condition was necessary for it to become an easy mission: The races and swaps have to go perfectly. This was where Choso needed to shine and capture everything he sets out to.

The opponents for this round were going to be BBs, an alliance with whom FuK has a lot of rivalry with, as they battled many times over the years, with both of them being equally matched up until the last 2 seasons of Alliance Conquest, where a merge has made FuK gain the upper hand. The match tonight was going to have a lot symbolism and meaning behind it, as well as a lot of importance, the alliance most willing to win was going to dominate the other.

As they arrived onto the battlefield, there was a clear difference in the amount of warriors present for the fight. FuK had an incredible amount ready to give it their all, whilst BBs had a lot less. The importance of the amount of troops was going to be a big factor for the winner. Seeing this motivated not only Choso but every fighter on the battlefield. They knew they had the upper hand right from the start but they needed to act on it properly.

As the battle was about to begin, the racers were told their buildings, but for this match, Leviathan had another announcement to add to it. ''Only Choso will race for the mother and the enemy port, everyone else focus on the others.'' he said in a very calm and full of confidence voice. Choso was surprised at the news, not thinking that he would receive this much faith from the strategist, especially not after his failure of a last match, thus he needed to push himself further, he needed to become better than he was. This was the only way he could live up to the expectations put on him this match. The whole outcome of qualifying to the Ultimate Conquest could depend on him.

As the first races started, Choso sprinted towards the building he was assigned to go to, many other enemy racers did as well, it was an intense race, where only a few splits of a second made the difference, but luckily for Choso, he was the one that came out on the top. He captured the Mother, albeit he only thought it was due to the luck he had, as the enemy racers were incredibly close.

Unlike the last match against A8D, BBs had slow marches at the ready to intercept any swaps that FuK would attempt. BBs was familiar with the way that FuK was fighting, and they adapted to it. Choso had to be very careful in how he disbanded the building, he needed to allow an easy path for his comrades.

The swaps were done magnificently however, there was no place for BBs to intervene and get in the way. Now 3 out of the 4 initial buildings were secured. Only the warrior was left to capture, but it was a building which was not held by a rally leader of BBs, and they did not swap him out. This made Leviathan call for solo attacks before the ports opened. Choso was watching from afar, as the solo attacks flew in, one by one, they were winning intense fights against the enemy armies, the warrior was now FuK's and they were holding everything before the ports unlocked.

As the ports were nearing, the pressure on Choso grew higher. He knew the ports were incredibly important, he could not afford to leave it up to luck once again, it was time to have the perfect race, or at least attempt to. Once they unlocked, Choso, who managed to calm himself down, hurried up to capture the enemy port. His race was smooth, this time showing why Leviathan believed in him until now. He left every single other racer behind, not allowing them to get near him, as he captured the port flawlessly.

The swap on the port was an easy one this time around, there were no slow marches on their way from BBs, it allowed for a flawless swap and now both ports were secured going into the final race, Casterly Rock. It all seemed to go perfectly for FuK, it was like a fairytale becoming true. Choso was scared that this meant everything was going to go wrong after Casterly, as it did not seem as if BBs was going all out. It surprised him to see BBs in this shape, he knew they could do better than this, but perhaps they will try after Casterly Rock, he thought, or maybe they had run out of resources during the earlier rounds of the season.

Before Casterly Rock unlocked, Leviathan asked of everyone to keep focused, as it was not over yet, once Casterly was secured, they could call it a won match, but until then, there was still a lot to fight for.

When the bubble dropped on Casterly Rock, every racer in the match, from both alliances, rushed over to the capture of the castle, only one could come out on top, the best one. The race was fierce, everyone was very close together in their pursuit of the castle, but one had managed to lay his hand before anyone else. Choso had captured Casterly Rock.

Once again however, BBs did not seem to have a slow march, they were not trying to win the match it felt like to everyone from FuK, but regardless of that, they had to focus on the last swap, which due to the amazing precision and unwavering concentration went perfectly. Choso had disbanded right on time as the slow marcher and reinforcements arrived simultaneously, securing the building and the win.

But it was not a win like any other, it was a win that signaled the qualification in Ultimate Conquest, they had done it, everyone was ecstatic as they have written history. Something not done before by the alliance, a long-lasting goal has finally been reached. FuK had a fairytale run, losing 2 matches early into the season, yet managing to bounce right back and qualifying for Ultimate Conquest, they were ready for everything that was going to come their way. Choso had an amazing match, proving he was worthy of the trust that Leviathan offered him in the whole season.

Now, with the qualification reached, it was time to go to the Ultimate Conquest with their head held high, they deserved to be on the biggest stage and they were going to make a name for themselves.
