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k96 vs k213; a blood soaked yet friendly kvk

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 07/30/2023 07:57
Edited by nanyas at 07/31/2023 11:03

While I have been playing KvK alongside BBs in K55, my heart didn't forget my home kingdom of K96 and my alliance N0X. I longed to be with them as they faced K213 in their KvK matchup. But just because I couldn't be there right next to them didn't mean I couldn't keep an eye on them!. Once my KvK journey in k55 was cut short by an brutal onslaught from WAYL4NDOR, I promptly sent off a raven to Belore II asking about how N0X and K96 was faring in their match.

His reply came soon enough but even his written word conveyed vexation, apparently he has barely woken up and hasn't yet gone to the battlefield. All he would tell me was that they were facing K213, the home of BTa and, K96 was already significantly behind in the contest. I don't much stand on ceremony with Belore so I told him to let me know when he plans on starting the slaughter. Since I had nothing better to do, I might as well vicariously live through him and enjoy a bloodbath.

Though there was no response right away, I was confident that he would reach out when it was time. After about half hour of twiddling my thumbs and being irritated at losing my Lord, Belore sent me a set of coordinates. That perked me up right away. i also immediately joined the N0X voice call.

When I looked at the map the battle lines were being drawn, BTa members have turned up in droves while the N0X side of things were looking a bit light. But this being a deathless KvK, no one seemed unduly concerned. Queen Scythe, was present too, she had only just achieved 1.5 billion Battle rating for the first time to get to the rank of Maester, and was eager to tank some rallies, She is usually the least bloodthirsty of N0X members, but that doesn't stop her being at the forefront of every battlefield. She is a kind and gracious queen most of the time but never hesitant to take up arms in defense of her kingdom and alliance.

Belore II needs no introduction; the prince consort as well as the general of K96 he has left his mark in every event N0X and k96 has participated in. He claims he is terrible at PvP but as someone who has watched him wreck havoc for years I'd say he is selling himself short.

There were about 5-6 other N0X members crowded around the two but the BTa side had dozens of people waiting for the festivities to begin! T be perfectly honest I was getting quite irritated at how slow things were, even though everyone seemed pretty light hearted in the voice chat, the note of impatience could be noticed in multiple people.

Finally King Pikachu started a rally on Belore and the battle began in earnest. Belore seemed pretty sure that this will not go in his favor.

He obviously has millions of troops, so one rally wouldn't take away his ability to fight but he was sure out of the 16.5 million defending troops in his city, he would lose at least half of them from this attack. Everyone from N0X side lent him their dragon and troops and patiently waited for the rally to come through.

As it turned out Belore had actually underestimated KING Pikachu! The attack was truly devastating, wiping away 12.8 million of Belore's defending troops! Even though Belore is a spear player, he attempted to go for a weakness setup for three troop types, this allows him to keep Jamie as lord and quickly change formations. As a spear player, Belore should have been able to deal a lot more damage to the pure cavalry rally but KING Pikachu was just so strong that even being countered didn't deter him much. There are alliances who would jump at a wounded enemy and tear him apart, but BTa proved much more honorable. They expressed their wish to rally Queen Scythe next!

Scythe had about 20 million t3 cavalry troops, so she had a very strong frontline. She was more than willing to test just how long her meatshield could hold up against persistent attacks from multiple strong accounts from BTa. G A T O started a rally against her and we waited in anticipation while Scythe looked a bit worried about how it will go.

Though the rally went in favour of G A T O, it was a rather close contest. G A TO had more tier 5 troops available to her and lost about 2 million troops while Scythe had 3.6 million dead troops to her name almost all being t3s.

More attacks from BTa were sent her way, she was only all too happy to take them. In fact despite her initial loss to G A T O, she put up some very respectable defenses afterwards. NOB Pikachu is rumored to be a bow trap castle so he probably didn't have the stats to stand up to Scythe when he is doing the attacking.

And SHADOW ARRO sent pure infantry troops into Scythe's cavalry. The outcome wasn't too surprising. SHADOW ARRO isn't as strong as KING Pikachu so he didn't have the stats to negate the effects of the counter that Scythe provided. ALl in all two solid wins for our warrior queen!

Next up was NOB Pikachu, he agreed to take a rally from Belore, Being a trap castle should help him out when defending. I have seen even extremely strong players lose their lords to trap castles, but that usually happens from solo attacks.

Belore was going to rally him, so that might make a significant difference! We, all waited with bated breath for the rally to hit his castle!

Well, that was rather disappointing; though Belore technically won the fight, he had lost more BR, this is because of the fact that NOB Pikachu seemed to have lost only lower tier meatshields while his higher tier troops remained unharmed. NOB Pikachu next tried his

hands at rallying Belore. This time the result was tilted towards Belore significantly. Though I must say I expected him to do much worse against Belore given how badly his rally against Scythe failed, Though he did have more troops in his rally when he attacked Belore, that might have made some difference.

Quite a few more rallies were exchanged on both sides over a course of almost two hours, Some going in favour of N0X while a significant number favouring BTa as well. But all through this, the atmosphere remained quite jovial in the N0X camp. I had a good time watching them have fun and it kept my mind off of my lost lord, at least for sometimes. K213 did go on to win the event but N0X managed to secure second place in KvK alliance ranking thus securing extra Zhea medals for it's members!. Hopefully by the time next KvK rolls around, I will be there right beside them to share in the fun!
