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N0X Invasion of K181!

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 01/08/2023 07:32

For most people, N0X is a sweet alliance full of kind, helpful and positive players - those more likely to invite you in and give you game tips over a cup of tea rather than bringing wild, bloodthirsty armies to ransack your castle. Whilst true for the most part, there are still those that enjoy a good scrap and getting a bit dirty against other players... and after a while of planning, the wheels were set in motion for those trouble makers to get some fun. All aboard the ship to K181! A busy kingdom by the looks of it with a strong main alliance and a few smaller alliances dotted around the map... how well would they take to the sudden arrival of a dozen very angry looking castles?! Let's have a look....

The team's arrival! We alternated between the N0X alliance core and with an alt alliance for Castle Siege and in theory for double rallies (though that may or not have have ever happened 😅). Some of us landed in the foreign kingdom with lords prepped and ready to go, otherwise arrived without but with eyes open for any easy to take, sleeping level 60 lords!

Almost as soon as Castle Siege started it was apparent what was happening... nothing at all! Any resistance we thought we might see from the K181 side melted away, culminating in little more than a few smaller castles sending 200k troops against one of our buildings with 5 million + troops inside. From our perspective - a poor showing from K181 in their first chance to really fight! But then again, if one or two key players were busy, perhaps their absence was wise...

Even with K181 choosing to play as defensively as they possibly could, a few targets would present themselves - perhaps getting caught napping and without bubble or in someone like Tums case trying to get hofs. Vergo was on the case without hesitation, swooping in and sending a deadly mix of Tier 4s and 5s against the defender with 10 million troops. It was a massive hit, but with so many troops huddled up behind those walls, both sides came away hurt. What a beast though!

Almost as soon as Vergo's troops returned a five minute rally was set on the NWP player. If a solo could hit as hard as it did - a rally would inflict some major damage. Clearly, Tums was more than aware of this fact, and managed to get his bubble up within a minute or so of the rally being set. A smart move, and I'm sure he won't be too unhappy with the merit from Vergo's attack!

Yoko D Oni was another one always active and ready for a fight, scouting out castles big and small if they dared to drop bubbles with us around. He seemed to enjoy parking himself right in front of some of EdF's biggest hitters as well, a ballsy move and one that he always got away with!

As I said, unfortunately for our warriors by and large it was slim pickings - those that did drop bubbles would either throw them back up within a matter of seconds, or they were small enough/didn't have enough troops to merit any real excitement. Not for lack of N0X trying though!

A spot we seemed to grow comfortable in, our little fighting team sitting pretty with a full set of buffs and ready for action. Can't force people out of their bubbles though, and credit where credits due... those that did drop their bubbles were usually very fast throwing them back up!

A snap shot of the boys (and girls) in action, with a rally set on one BryndenTULLY. As with a lot of these potential fights though the EdF player decided the best course of action for him was to dodge the battle entirely, bubbling up and leaving the N0X warriors disappointed and searching other places for blood.

Overall, the first week was full of peaceful quiet, aside from a few hits N0X managed to get in on unlucky players - it was this last week the k181 mighty finally woke up and really fought, giving us as good as we gave and more! Check out those fights coming soon! ~
