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Brain burning Game - Who is the killer?

Article Publish : 09/16/2022 10:42
Edited by cocolee at 09/16/2022 11:52

Hello Gtarcade Community!

This week's short story is back as promised.

The first person who completely deduces all the clues will get 2000 points.

10 players who deduce some of the clues will be rewarded with 500 points.

All players who vote to guess correctly will receive 200 points.

Let's burn our brains together!


Damon is dead.

The first time, the police asked the following people where they went at 9:30?

Amy: I've been at home, I haven't been out.

Bill: How could I have killed him, I've been surfing the Internet.

Charles: Hanging out with Dobby.

Dobby: Hanging out with Charles.

The clever police officer immediately caught a loophole in a person's words.

Who is this killer?
