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Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/26/2024 01:42

Westeros has been plunged into darkness as the dead are roaming the lands of Kingdom 131 and whispers are being spread about the return of the Night King. Queen YahWeh and the warriors of K131 will have to throw their bodies on the line to protect their homes and their loved ones but an invader has been causing destruction and they all face a choice. Queen YahWeh has two choices, her people look to her and are unsure of what their future holds. Will she choose to throw her warriors into battle, defending their homes from both the dead and the living or will she take the risk of doing nothing, trusting that her kingdom can endure long enough to see another day.

Queen YahWeh thought about it long and hard and made her decision, “we must face our enemy, the Night King has returned.” She knew it would take all the alliances in K131 to work together and looked to her NW1 counterpart Iggi92, “the invader may attack us while we face the Night King but if we work together, we can beat them both.” Iggi92 looked at ease as he agreed with Queen YahWeh, “the time has come to show Westeros what we are made of.” Together, Queen Yahweh and Iggi92 would lead Westeros into the greatest battle the land had ever seen, the living against the dead but the wildcard of the looming invader still hangs in the wind. 

Scouts of Queen YahWeh report sightings of the Night King just south of the Wall, it was decided to send a few warriors to slow the Night King’s march towards Winterfell, “I would like to volunteer for the mission,” Moshow3 a young and upcoming warrior of the Queen’s guard wanted to show his loyalty. “Don’t engage the Night King himself, just his pawns,” Iggi92 knew how important this mission was and didn’t want any heroic antics to get in the way of the goal. Moshow3 and his group would soon face a horror only dreams are made of but their bravery would give Westeros a fighting chance. 

Moshow3’s group faced with the relentless onslaught of the Night King’s undead hordes, find themselves in an exhausting war of attrition. Despite their best efforts, the sheer numbers of White Walkers make it difficult to slow the enemy down but that will not deter Moshow3. They were outnumbered, outmatched but they had a mission, to slow the Night King’s advance and give K131 the time it needed to prepare for the inevitable clash at Winterfell. “We have a mission to complete, we can’t fail the Queen, she is counting on us,” Moshow3’s group was small, but their courage was vast and for every White Walker they defeated, they bought K131 a little more time. They would not stop, not until they had done everything, even if that meant giving their lives for Queen and Kingdom.

As Moshow3 and his group fought for their lives, the invader Yoruka watched the scene unfold with cold, calculating eyes. Cloaked in darkness, his presence was unknown to both the living and the dead, “such easy prey, these fools don’t even know death watches them even now.” His cold eyes watched the young Moshow3 valiantly cut down the dead, there was something about the boy that amused the invader, “perhaps I should wait and watch the show, before I make my move,” invader Yoruka wanted to strike at the final hour. The real fun would come later, when hope had all but faded and invader Yoruka would step out from the shadows to claim his victory.

The time had come, the Night King had been slowed down by the brave Moshow3 and his crew but the inevitable had come to pass, he had now made his entrance to the front lines and preparing his onslaught on Winterfell. Merely looking at his White Walkers and Wights was enough to make them act, he said nothing just staring into the souls of all that had come to slay this formidable enemy of the living. The dead began to march, Iggi92 raised his sword, “not one step further, come with me men and let us finally end the Night King once and for all,” the Night King remained still, his blue eyes watching and waiting as Iggi92 charged forward. He had all the time in the world and as the living fought and died, his army would grow larger and all of Westeros would crumble under his cold embrace. 

Iggi92 had faced countless battles before but even he could feel the cold grip of dread settling into the hearts of his warriors but just as the fear threatened to take even himself, a sudden burst of light and fury cut through the cold, Queen YahWeh made her way to the battlefield, “be gone vile beast, let this day be your last!” Queen YahWeh’s battle cry emboldened her subjects, giving them a new lease on life. Iggi92 could sense a change in his warriors, a new sense of hope had filled the air, something the invader could also see. “I wonder when these fools will finally give up, I’m getting bored waiting for the end,” invader Yoruka debated once again with himself whether or not to get involved but he couldn’t but marvel at the spirit of Queen YahWeh and the rest of K131.

Queen YahWeh felt a strange sense of unease flow through her, though she kept her focus on the task, she sensed it was familiar. The Night King's icy gaze shifted briefly, looking at something in the distance but in the heat of the fight she paid it little attention, “keep pushing, it’s only a matter of time,” Queen YahWeh had not noticed a shadowy figure flank her army. “Hello fools, I thought I would pay you guys a visit again,” Invader Yoruka had returned and had completely caught Queen YahWeh and her forces off guard. “You dare show your face at this time,” Iggi92 stood in front of his Queen to guard her from any attack. Queen YahWeh felt an anger she had never felt before, while her brave troops were fighting for the living, an opportunist had come to attack from behind. “Push the dead back, ignore the invader, he will answer to me, “Queen YahWeh locked eyes with invader Yoruka as she lifted her sword in the air. While panic was in the air, Queen YahWeh stood firm, she would not let her kingdom fall, not to the dead and not to the treachery of invader Yoruka.

Several hours had passed by and the stage was set, would the Night King defeat the living with the help of the invader or would Queen YahWeh and the forces of light overcome overwhelming odds and defeat the enemies of Westeros, only time will tell.

Invader Yoruka slowly crept closer to Queen YahWeh, “you wanted me, here I am, you must be the biggest fool of them all, “invader Yoruka had a smirk from ear to ear. The Queen’s guard were ordered not to intervene, “my Queen, at least let me stand by your side, “Moshow3 pleaded with his Queen but he had been given direct orders. He reluctantly stepped back, though every instinct screamed at him to stand by her side. “Why are you here today, I’m here because I fight for something greater than myself, I fight for Westeros, “Queen YahWeh had a determined look in her eye. “Westeros is cruel and twisted, you must be a fool to defend such a thing, “invader Yoruka seemed angered by the mention of Westeros in any other terms than evil. “I agree with you, Westeros can be cruel but it can also be beautiful, look at these souls before you fighting for us all, can’t you see the beauty in that,” Queen YahWeh could sense a difference in the invader as she pointed to Moshow3 and the other Queens guard.

Invader Yoruka looked at Moshow3, he remembered how he felt when he first saw him, “fine, we will work together but just this once, only because I think you fools can win,” Moshow3 seemed to remind invader Yoruka of someone he once knew. “I agree to your terms, after we have dealt with the Night King, we can go back to your games, “Queen YahWeh could only see one goal and she would use even her enemies to reach it. The outcome of this battle would determine the fate of Westeros and the alliance that was made could be overdone in an instant but it was all that was standing against the Night King. Only time would tell if their combined strength could overcome the overwhelming darkness that threatened to consume all of Westeros.

Iggi92 and the rest of the forces of the living reluctantly worked beside the invader, even though many of their friends had been attacked by his hand. “The Queen has given her orders, keep my rallies full and let’s finish the job, “Iggi92 could smell victory and it was not far.

“Why did I agree to this, why am I helping these fools, “invader Yoruka was starting to question himself but again he could see the young warrior Moshow3 and grit his teeth, “for you, old friend.” 

Queen YahWeh could sense her army getting tired, “I know this has been a long battle but we are on the precipice of victory, you will have many tales to tell your grandchildren,” Queen YahWeh nodded to Iggi92 as they both ready themselves for the final hours of this gruelling campaign. As the sun began to disappear in the horizon, Queen YahWeh took her position at the front, her sword still glowing in the dim light, Iggi92 stood beside her, his own blade ready for the coming storm. Moshow3, rallying the Queen’s guard, always sensing cold eyes watching him from afar, it was now or never for the army of the living.

The Night King stood unmoving, his blue eyes locked on Queen YahWeh as if he knew she was the shining force in the army of the living and he were to slay her, the rest would fall into place. He slowly raised his hand as the last remaining forces of the Night King plunged forward, relentless in their endeavour.

Invader Yoruka finally got the courage to speak to Moshow3, “why do you fight like this, why not just give up and run, “invader Yoruka’s cold eyes piercing into Moshow3. “I fight for my Queen and my family you see around you,” Moshow3 saw invader Yoruka hide his face with his hand, as he wiped something from it. “Well, you fool, this is almost over, get back to it,” invader Yoruka seemed pleased with the answer, as he continued the fight against the small remaining forces of the Night King.

In the end it was one of the Queen guards, Farmer69 that gave the final blow, as the blue eyes of the Night King were relinquished of their terrible glow. “Westeros is saved, the Night King is no more, Farmer69 seemed proud of himself even proclaiming himself the King Slayer. “King Slayer? Don’t let this get to your head son, “Iggi92 tired and beaten down, picked himself back up but couldn’t be prouder of his Kingdom and his Queen.

“You know for a moment, I thought we would lose because of you fools but you people have surprised me, “invader Yoruka announced looking at Queen YahWeh. “I was more surprised you didn’t stab us in the back, why the change in heart?” Queen YahWeh pushed for an answer. “This alliance can stay for now, you people amuse me,” invader Yoruka said nonchalantly, “why didn’t you call us fools this time?” Queen YahWeh rebutted as she looked towards her army rejoicing amongst each other.

The Night King’s reign of terror had ended and Westeros was safe for the moment. The survivors knew they had fought a battle that would be remembered for generations to come. Farmer69 was now known as the King Slayer and would have many stories to tell, Queen YahWeh and her people would return home with their heads held high, knowing they had done the impossible.
