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BlackL1on in the final battle against the Night King

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/25/2024 21:35

The Night King stood before them, an imposing figure and he stood before the gates of Winterfell. A cold fog covered the battlefield. BlackL1òn and Sampls felt his presence. Blackl1on knew that the fate of humanity would be decided in this battle.
On the battlefield, The free peoples and the men of the north gathered around the great white castle, while in front White Walker Generals lined up in a row, commanded a tide of the dead, awaiting the order to attack from their generals.
The free peoples had been strategically distributed around the walls of Winterfell.
-Vanguard- led by the armies of Sampls and Blackl1on and the entire Tgb alliance that directly faced the Night King, who was also at the head of a sea of ​​dead.
On the right flank, the IDM alliance was commanded by Rober Baratheon. His army, one of the most powerful in Westeros, would fight with the strength and courage that characterized its leader.
-Left flank- were the armies of Danerys Targarien and Tyrion Lanister, who despite their differences, had joined forces against an enemy who did not care about anyone or anything.
- The rearguard was defended by Jon Snow and the Night's Watch. Their mission was clear: if the first lines failed, they would be the last defense outside the walls of Winterfell, protecting the fortress.
Inside the castle, Theon Greyjoy and his men guarded the interior, ready to fight for the families sheltering in the crypts. They knew that if the dead entered, they would fight door to door to defend the innocent
Finally, Jaime Lannister and his Gold Cloaks defended the crypts where women, the elderly, and children took refuge. If the dead broke the outer lines, they would be the last barrier before the end of everything.
The air froze as the Night King advanced towards Blackl1on and Sampls.
"Let's kill this cornupeta," muttered Sampls, brandishing his dragonglass sword strongly.
BlackL1òn nodded, They both knew that there would be no retreat. If they failed here, everything they had ever fought for and loved would be gone. 
The Night King advanced, towards the White Wolf and the Black Lion with his spear in his hand, ready to kill those insects that had dared to fight.
—Go for it! —BlackL1òn shouted, and both launched the attack
The Night King entered into battle directly against the two Commanders, while the rest of his armies furiously attacked the western troops that were gathered at the castle gates.
The crash was brutal; Sampls attacked again and again, but the King of the Night stopped all his blows, and on rare occasions, he achieved a small victory. BlackL1òn, continually provided support, trying for some blow from the White Wolf to win and achieve some small victory.
On the battlefield, The free peoples and the men of the north fought with all their might, but the dead advanced in endless waves. Generals and White Walkers led hordes of corpses toward the gates of Winterfell.
The battle was chaos, the free people attacked generals and walkers in a desperate attempt to contain the furious onslaught of the dead, who were launching themselves towards the living in a gigantic wave of clubs, spears and swords.
The battle at the gates of Winterfell was terrible. The Night King attacked Sampls and BlackL1òn, The ground was covered with corpses. The snow dyed red, the arrows whistled. The dragons burned the tide of dead..
Sampls, with his dragonglass sword raised, attacked the Night King again and again, and BlackL1on supported him again and again
Meanwhile, on the battlefield, the situation was becoming critical. The troops on the left flank, led by Daenerys and Tyrion, were beginning to falter. Despite their efforts, the dead continued to push towards the walls.
The right flank, with Rober Baratheon in command, was also under heavy pressure. His soldiers resisted, but each time they retreated further and further towards the walls. The strength of the army of the dead seemed infinite.
Jon Snow, from the rear, led a desperate charge with the Night's Watch, attempting to break through the enemy lines and reach the heart of the battle.
The chaos continued. The walls of Winterfell were being assaulted and, inside the castle, Theon Greyjoy and Jaime Lannister were fighting to contain the dead who had managed to climb the wall. In the crypts, families and children heard the battle cries above, trembling with fear at the imminent arrival of death.
In the center, the vanguard of Sampls and BlackL1òn was still fighting fiercely against the Night King. Sampls managed to deliver a strong blow to the chest of the Night King, who staggered, and BlackL1on, jumping from a stone, launched a deadly thrust with his steel sword Valiryo into the back of the Night King, who remained on his knees for a moment. , before beginning to crystallize.. The King of the night continued to crystallize until he suddenly burst into a thousand pieces.
BlackL1on suffered severe frostbite on his hand and the sword burst into a thousand pieces. The same thing happened with Sampls's sword that exploded and his arm was instantly frozen.
The dead suddenly began to fall one after another, like puppets and the battlefield became silent. The battle of Winterfell had come to an end. And the free people had managed to survive the night.

BlackL1òn and Sampls, with their arms frozen and covered in blood, looked at each other with an expression of joy and exhaustion. 
BlackL1òn addressed his men. “Today we have won the hardest battle of our lives. You have fought against death, and we have shown it that it is not our time yet. “Life will continue and the feat that we have fought today will be recorded in the channels of history.”
The sun rose and finally all of Winterfell was illuminated, leaving a desolate image with thousands of dead lying on the ground.  
“We must honor our fallen,” he said, again, seeing the horrified faces of his men. “Each one of them fought bravely – let us honor the fallen.
Sampls limped over with his arm still frozen and said. “We will build a monument to the fallen at the very gate of Winterfell, and everyone who enters through the walkway must pass in front of the monument, and will remember what happened here and how despite the differences, Westeros can unite for a common cause. , as is survival itself.
