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Arena de Honor Highlights

Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 08/13/2024 09:44

A new round of Arena of Honor has arrived and the Papasotes team is back to participate this time with Noble Zeus returning to support the team.

This time they represented House Stark, where Vanette the warrior of WxC appointed Lord Commander Fraant and Vangark, the king of K276 to lead the rest of the team.

Our opponents are HankHill from the TQL alliance, Stunnz from the HD alliance," warns Noble Zeus to the Papasotes team to be alert, since Vanette and he are infantrymen.

"They are opponents like for you Vangark", this time you will attack the City of Glory, mentioned Vanette and fraant for him to prepare his weapons for that duel.

The Papasotes team, seeing that the adjacent houses, decide to play with exchange posts, to have a safe place and not to risk, but their other priority will be to hold the Altars of the Maiden, as these altars give them more points per minute, which will help them to have a safe place.

Vangark seeing that Fraant, Vanette and Noble Zeus are unable to fight HankHill at the Maiden's Altar, one of the most important ones tries to give him a solo, with no success due to the meta commanders that help him to reduce the damage of the spearmen.

Seeing a small duel disputed in the Altars between those players, the papasotes team decided to try not to meet them, unless it was necessary, or they would be seen without a lord in the altars... since fighting against them was a sure defeat.

The other cavalries were no match for Vangark, as well as the other spearmen and infantry were no match for Vanette and Noble Zeus... everything was going well at the altars, until HankHill arrived again to attack some altars.

After a tough battle for the Altars the scores were very close, it would be necessary to take advantage by holding a Dragon Well... said Fraant and Vanette.

We have to gain time holding the Altars and Dragon Well before the City of Glory opens, and we have to send Vangark as there are many with cavalry...

Since Vangark is a spearman it is better that he gets the chance since any cavalry coming in will lose due to the counterattack.

City of Glory opened and Vangark started the rally with full lancers and weakness combo... but .... did not expect such a tremendous opponent.

It was Stunnz, member of the HD! alliance, old friend of Noble Zeus, who had warned them about him at the beginning of the duel... who despite having gone with the main counter of the cavalry, was not enough to fight the female meta combo with the recently arrived commander, Cassana.

"If Vangark can't, neither Zeus nor Vanette can" exclaimed Lord Commander Fraant, it's better to return to the buildings and keep the second place there... since Stunnz was unbeatable for any member of Team Papasotes.

It was a very intense duel where each member of the team fulfilled their role very efficiently, they even saw the opportunity to go after City of Glory, because it was another spear player, a perfect opponent for Vanette, although he did not feel confident in staying. 4 minutes in the castle, because Noble Zeus did not want to raid because Stunnz would take him out very quickly, Vanette did that task where his opponent was CDany86, who had semi meta double weakness combo... with doubts in his head he started the raid, without fear of success.

The task was completed by Vanette, now he holds the city of Glory where he asks for reinforcements, but the victory would not last long, because Stunnz returns again and takes him out of the place, because as he said, if Vangark, being spearmen, could not, much less me, he exclaims apologizing to the team since he couldn't hold the building...

*It is better to return to the mines because we are second and going down*, exclaimed the Lord Commander of the team, Fraant.

Now our main role was to hold Mine Well, which gives us extra points to gain advantage, here the main protagonist was Vangark because the majority that attacked us were cavalry and when we reinforced it, not even the strongest cavalry could take it out, compared to us who HankHill's or Stunnz's cavalry hurts us a lot.

It was an arduous fight to sustain everything but unfortunately the first place could not be obtained, the members of the Papasotes team came fourth in this duel, a game that did not deduct a single point for their rank so it is as if they had not participated, But when analyzing said duel, it was quite uneven where they were aware of the fight they gave in that difficult battle.

There will be other opportunities, don't worry guys, we tried to win, our opponents were cavalry, the counter of our carry Noble Zeus, at least we weren't last, said Vanette trying to console the result....

Next time you will see new things so let's improve and analyze possible errors, everyone played their role and I'm glad.
