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Alliance Conquest Season 19 Round 6 – [N0X] vs [NBe] Is this the end of the road to Ultimate Conquest for N0X?

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/08/2024 21:21
Edited by babyboyy at 09/08/2024 21:23

   Its that time of the week again, the time for the last Alliance Conquest match for the [N0X] knights, their chance to make’it to Ultimate Conquest for the first time. Before the actual match lets remember how we got here being ranked number 8th before last round with good chances to make’it to Ultimate Conquest, season started with a win against [I4I] followed by a victory against [FHs] then we lost against [NBe] and things weren’t looking too good but then we got 2 wins in the next 2 matches against [LiK] and [I4I] and we were looking eagerly and hopeful towards the last match. On the days prior to the match there were a lot of discussions in the [N0X] camp between commanders and knights on how we should move forward to the last match, considering we were on the 8th place we could even afford to take a day off on the match day and head to Essos for a weekend all inclusive trip, we were also debating what time to choose for the fight as at 19:00 GMT things were looking scorching both outside and inside the game. Shado as a former commander now a knight did some detective work and found out that the knights from [RRH], [UTB] and [GCM] are also taking a day off and heading to Essos and knowing from the past seasons how good the cocktails are there, he suggested that [N0X] should follow. The commanders however decided that we don’t have any days off left and medical leave was out of question so instead they explored the option of changing the fighting time. After tremendous debating and talking with commanders from other alliances, our commanders along with our queen decided that we’ll fight on the sunrise at 07:00 with the hopes that we’ll get to fight [KAC] warriors that seemed like a good matchup considering their banners went to [WxC] for this Ultimate Conquest Season. They kept the decision secret until the register for the battle though and as you’ll see later on this caused a bit of a problem for the [N0X] knights, most of them being from the Europe side of Westeros. A new day has come at when the clock hit 00:00 sharp [N0X] found out their opponent and sadly we noticed that [KAC] took the trip to Essos too and instead we got [NBe] a really strong and though opponent.

Seeing who the Old Gods reserved to us for the last match, we knew our mission to get to Ultimate Conquest become very hard close to impossible but we decided to do our best and hopefully get enough of a good result to still qualify. On 06:30 shard [N0X] knights presented at the Alliance Conquest door and started joining but we had lower participation due to some of knights not seeing the joining letter in time, only 65 of us managed to make’it on time as opposed to [NBe] that managed to get 91 warriors inside the arena.

Battle Started with the race for the two outposts and the Temple of the Mother respectively Temple of the Warrior, Shado was assigned to race again, maybe today it’s the day when he wins a building? As the public expected by now, Shado lost the race to Belore II, his fingers are just faster than Shado’s I guess, probably from the training he has posting meme’s on our discord every day.

Our racers were on point though and we managed to get 3 of the initial 4 buildings, with subarushi, Yoko and Belore, then we proceeded to swap Yoko with suba bee and subarushi with Gloriee, the swaps were successful we tried to keep the buildings but you know what happens when fighting a big alliance with a lot of very strong accounts, as soon as building opens a YOLO SOLO button appears all the strong accounts press’it and despite us trying to reinforce as quickly as we could we ultimately lost the buildings withing a few minutes and then NBe swapped their strong accounts namely CHARl1E and BARBAROSsA and as [N0X] aint having accounts to match that we had to gave up on the buildings.

Before the ports opened we tried to take the outpost from ILLIDAN88 but most of our rallies bounced as his infs were too strong and we only had so many cav rallies to throw at him. It was now time for ports and this time Shado was a little slow with setting up the race and subarushi won one while mmf took one for NBe. We proceeded to swap subarushi with DYW, swap was flawless and then the solos and rallies started. Being the port close to their base of operations they had an easy time rallying and despite trying to keep’it [N0X] ultimately lost that port too. Their swap wasn’t so good though they didn’t reinforce enough and we managed to solo the port and take’it back just for a few minutes though as soon as it opened they soloed us out again.

It was now time for the Casterly Rock, all [N0X] racers and rally leaders went for it as we had no building and we were in dire need of points, we won the race with Zacherry but sadly for us our swap was intercepted by XELL and we lost yet another building. NBe set all their strongest warriors in the buildings and we had no chance to rally them successfully. Then the personal castle bubbles were lifted and knowing it was the only chance to get some points we went for it and using a lot of healings and marching hastens we managed to get most of their personal points beside a few thousands TheOnlyKing and a few others just refused to surrender them. Nothing notable happened and the match concluded with a bad loss for [N0X].

What that means for [N0X] Ultimate Conquest adventure? Sadly we didn’t qualify, we fell just a bit short, everyone was quite sad to see that after so much effort, time, healings and marching hastens used we couldn’t make’it. Would’ve had made’it if we decided to take the trip to Essos? Yes, but it wouldn’t feel like a qualify but rather like taking the side road and we decided to not to that. We ended up on 19th place just 53 points shy of seeing Ultimate Conquest for the first time. But we won’t give up and we’ll try again next season hopefully stronger than this season. 
