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Ultimate Conquest - S19 - Round 2 - DUM vs NBe

Wars & Stories in Westeros Alliance Conquest
Article Publish : 09/10/2024 23:39

Days passed since the second match, where Vlodek and his companions emerged victorious over KUM. They had time to recover resources and energy, but the moment to play round secund had arrived. During the journey to the battlefield, our young warrior wondered who would await them today and if they would emerge victorious once more.

The first match had been relatively simple, but today the stakes were higher: they would face an alliance tha suffered only 2 defeats in this tournament, making them a very dangerous opponent.

When he reached his comrades, who were already prepared to fight on the battlefield, he noticed worried faces. His first thought was to wonder why, but as he got closer to find out who today's opponent would be, he saw on the other side of the battlefield...

As expected, there was an alliance of the highest level, perhaps the most feared in Westeros!

Led by sapplesilie82 they had a roster that struck fear at the mere sight of its members: from BARBAROSsA to MUSA dra999 , the list of members to avoid was long. The strong alliance were keen to reaffirm their strong and had the odds in their favor, but they had to prove they deserved it on the battlefield.

"Winning today would be a historic achievement," said a disheartened Vlodek.

"Let's give it our best, just as we would against any opponent!" were the words of Black Demon, attempting to motivate his allies.

Both alliances presented themselves with 69 members out of the 70 available, with equal attendance on both sides. Raindrops began to fall slowly on the battlefield as Vlodek prepared for what was certainly going to be the toughest encounter of his life: he had faced them several times,he now had the opportunity to test his skills again! The match began!

The start of the battle was balanced, with DUM alliance securing three buildings and NBe securing 1 building!

"Good start, let's execute a swap immediately," decreed the leader, instructing his allies to support it. On the other side, NBe decided to do the same.

Placing their most skilled warriors in defense of the conquered buildings was crucial to withstand the imminent ferocious attacks, and...

The swap attempted by both alliances failed miserably, intercepted by the rival alliance waiting for a misstep!

The score remained unchanged, when Black Demon decided it was time to act: the first declared objective was to besiege Warrior to attempt to take control of it. The building was crucial as it provided essential buffs for the course of the battle. The siege failed miserably! The walls erected by the rival alliance were superb, and the timing of DUM's attacks was poor, resulting in a disastrous offensive. The weakness formation led by spears was no match for the inf and bleeding formation.

There was no time to dwell on it; the first phase of the clashes saw the two alliances temporarily equal, but the time for the opening of the ports had arrived: their focus needed to shift towards that!

With the opening of the ports, DUM alliances took control of both port!

By holding Mother Temple and Targaryen Port, DUM's alliance ensured a steady flow of points that would be crucial at the end of the battle, even though NBe held a greater number of buildings.

The leader's thoughts once again turned to Warrior Temple: "I think we should make another attempt," he said, convinced it could determine the match's outcome. Without wasting a second, DUM reorganized rallys to siege the walls with his comrades!

However, during the march, a piece of news hit them like a bolt from the blue: it came from NIGHTQUEEN, who was defending Mother. The rivals had cleverly managed to overpower the defenses and break through! This was bad news for DUM, which now found itself holding only Targaryen Port.

Nevertheless, the rallies proceeded under Black Demon's command. They would deal with the lost position later, but this time they wisely waited for the slower groups, ensuring they would strike in unison, and...


The siege was a success!

Striking the walls simultaneously gave the extra push needed to break through the defenses set up by NBe, who this time couldn't contain the fury of their rivals!

Despite this, the second phase of the match wasn't favorable for Vlodek, who was disheartened by the loss of a crucial building like Mother without much resistance. However, there was no time to dwell on it as the most important position of the match loomed on the horizon: Casterly Rock! Its capture was essential for them to stay.

The conquest went to NBe.

Vlodek paled at the sight of the speed displayed by Theonlyking, who managed to outpace their rivals by mere moments—it was incredible!

The capture of Casterly Rock was a severe blow to the morale of DUM's warriors, who were now desperately searching for a strategy to turn the tide of a match that was becoming increasingly favorable to NBe with each passing minute.

A roar was heard in the distance: it was the troops led by sapplesilie82 heading towards Targaryen Port!

"We must defend it with all available means, then we'll think about a counterattack," were Black Demon's words. In a hurry, the allies rushed to support Jony Dumbers in its defense.

When the attacks arrived...

DUM suffered another defeat.

The ferocity of the siege led by the rival leader against the walls was unprecedented and almost impossible to counter. Despite all their efforts to maintain possession of the strategically important port, their attempts were in vain.

The dominance of NBe was evident to all; few of DUM's attempts managed to breach the defenses set up by their rivals today. When NBe executed their swaps, placing a formidable lineup of members in defense of the buildings, it was nearly unthinkable for DUM to face them in direct confrontations, leaving them with no options.

"At this point, I believe we should accept that today's opponent is far superior to us," were the words that came from Black Demon's broken voice. "After all, with a defeat, we won't be out of the tournament but could make a comeback in the loser bracket against alliances within our reach."

The wise leader acknowledged the rival's superiority, something that not many could do due to pride or ego. NBe was the top contender for the TOP 5 places in the Ultimate Conquest, and today they proved why.

A devastated Vlodek agreed with his leader. Trying too hard to secure a victory against an opponent of this caliber would be a futile waste of resources and energy, crucial for the upcoming matches they would face.

Accepting defeat, DUM awaited the end of the match, which proceeded calmly as predicted, favoring the rival faction led by sapplesilie82, who today demonstrated why they were the most feared alliance in Westeros!

The final victory went to... NBe!


The best fighters of the match were:

MUSA dra999r for NBe, among the numerous formidable members hard to face one-on-one for Vlodek, he was the one who annihilated anyone along his path, leading the alliance to the final victory. Monstrous.

NIGHTKING for DUM, the strong rally leader in the early stages tried to rally his comrades to victory, emerging as the best fighter of his faction.

A match that left a bitter taste in Vlodek's mouth; he hoped that his alliance and himself would have been able to challenge the opponents today, even though deep down he knew it was a mission impossible.

"Don't dwell on it too much; I guarantee you that against any other opponent, we wouldn't have been defeated in this way," Black Demon tried to comfort his members before heading to his realm to organize tactics for future matches.

It was a tough defeat suffered today that interrupted their winning streak, sending them to the loser bracket. Who awaited them there, and more importantly, would they be able to bounce back? We'll find out together soon!
