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Darkness completely dominated the sky, and silence reigned even in distant lands. But soon the calm of the night would be interrupted when another fight between kingdoms (KVK) began.
Lord Boness reflected in his castle, and remembered all the preparations adopted for another battle. He was eager to openly test his defenses. He could take risks, because the Lord of Light would resurrect all the dead soldiers after the end of the conflict. The only indispensable measure before such a KVK was to fill the hospital with class t1 soldiers, because the cost of healing them would be lower after the conflict. The plan was for the t4 soldiers injured during the battle to be killed directly, and thanks to R'hllor, resurrected the next day.
Despite the tranquility, Lord Boness expected that the enemy kingdom would be more powerful than the kingdoms faced in the previous KVKs. Previously relatively empty, the kingdom K301 now had an almost complete presence of tSN members, including powerful accounts with the infamous t5 troops. Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard hurried footsteps walking down the outer corridor, followed by a sharp knock on the door, and the muffled voice of your Master informing you that he had news.
The Queen sent a raven, My Lord - he said
Upon entering, you saw a parchment with the seal of the tSN clan still intact in your hands. Dark wings, dark words. Lord Boness opened it and analyzed the short message. They would face the kingdom of K345. At the end, he read the summons of all the subjects of the kingdom to defend KL along with the Queen's signature. He reflected for a moment, and stood up resolutely towards the door. He walked quickly through the corridors of his castle while the lights of the torches flickered weakly.
Quickly send scouts to the enemy kingdom. Bring me information about who we will face tonight. Summon all the vassals as well. We will fight with all our strength. The time has come - he ordered.
At this point, Lord Boness went to make sure of the necessary actions for a battle like KVV. He activated anti-scout to prevent the enemy from discovering information about what they would face if they dared to enter the walls of his castle and then activated an army size buff. All that was left was to wait for the timer to reset for the start of the battle. The excitement grew by the second, Lord Boness swallowed the last sip in his old wineskin, and addressed his soldiers, encouraging them to fight. Messages sent by his companions considered that the enemy kingdom was particularly "empty".
But Lord Boness knew that many players adopt the tactic of remaining in the shadows before KVK. Lord Boness purposely remained close to KL, and kept some troops, obviously T1 soldiers, gathering at the level 5 nodes on the inner lines of the great city. Soon, an enemy appeared...
A red alarm sounded, and a quick scout spied what types of troops were at the node. Upon tracking it, Lord Boness noticed that a small castle without bubbles was nearby. He realized that it was just a bead for espionage purposes.
But shortly after, another scout was sent to the nodes. At this moment, the true threat revealed itself and Lord Boness soon sent a raven to alert everyone. The message was short:
HOH is here - said Lord Boness
Other companions reported the same observation. Such enemies would make the KVK challenging.
Lord Boness decided to stay in the rearguard and jumped to K345, collecting some resources to secure some initial points, while scouring the enemy kingdom for any targets.
At this point, the strength of the enemies was truly revealed. [tSN] Lord Kid was found without a bubble, and the enemies zeroed him after a series of rallies. Lord Boness recognized that such power was beyond his strength. He decided to continue observing from afar, and search for a suitable target.
At a certain point, he found a small unprotected castle. He advanced cautiously, as it could be some kind of trap. The espionage report indicated few troops garrisoning it, and Lord Boness quickly destroyed such an army. Other enemy collection sites appeared with t3 and t4 troops. It was not particularly pleasant to attack them, but it would be a source of points.
After the fervor died down, Lord Boness decided to rest and wait for an unlikely better moment to go into open combat. He instructing some guards to remain on watch, and headed to his chambers. He hoped that by dawn the situation would be a little better. The night was unsettling, as the sounds of battle, albeit distant, could be heard in his chambers. Disturbing visions appeared in his mind: his castle in flames, and his troops crushed.
Resolute, Lord Boness returned to the front lines with his troops, and marched towards KL in K301. He saw that Lord Quinox's lord had been imprisoned by [BAD] Lady Pyslocke. He led his troops to the target, and achieved an easy victory, freeing his lord from the dungeons. Such a castle was only a small support castle.
Lord Boness debated whether he should return to the shadows, or await the return of the whales. Everyone was already aware that victory against the enemy kingdom was unlikely. Even the largest accounts of tSN were no match for such enemies.
Still, it was decided to wait for an attack by one of the enemy whales, and finally assess their defenses. It was limited to sending a garrison to the shelter, and using it later.
The moment in which he waited for the enemy was tense. Still, Lord Boness encouraged his soldiers.
Valar morghulis - said Lord Boness
And his commander Sinara, leader of his troops, originally from the Free City of Braavos, understood the deeper meaning of those words.
Valar dohaeris - she replied.
At that moment, the enemy shadow appeared on the horizon. Led by [HOH] Lord Ms Mayhem, a strong cavalry marched towards the walls of his castle. The ground shook due to the impact of the horses trotting on the battlefield. In the skies, the dragons Darkfire and MoonLight clashed with the enemy dragon. Blood gushed over all the warriors as the dragons tore each other apart. Men melted inside their armor by the fire released by these beasts.
The shock caused by the enemy was devastating. The enemy cavalry, a host of thousands of T5 soldiers, proved merciless against his infantry. All the fortifications collapsed, and the castle was in flames. Lord Boness remained standing with the survivors, but millions of soldiers perished in the attack. Bodies lay all over the battlefield. The smell of blood lingered in the air, and dominated all other senses.
Although the enemy had suffered some casualties, [HOH] Lord Ms Mayhem was already preparing for another attack. The second shock was equally shocking. Since there were not many troops left in the defense, Lord Boness was captured at this point. Such a defeat was predictable. He decided to remain on the battlefield to fall alongside all his soldiers who gave their lives to defend his castle. Imprisoned in the enemy dungeon, Lord Boness heard the sounds of the third and final shock to his castle. Now, his forces were decimated.
Moments later, when he was freed and returned safely to his castle, he regrouped the few soldiers preserved in the shelter and still tried to seek some combat. But unfortunately, the enemy kingdom's victory in this KVK was already consolidated.
Lord Boness reflected on this fight, willing to make his defenses even more robust in future battles. He thanked the Old Gods (and R'hllor), as he knew that his troops would be resurrected at dawn.