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HOH vs NW1 | Alliance Conquest |Round Five

Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/07/2024 11:28

Challenges were brewing in the lands of Westeros among its inhabitants.

After a battle, there was hardly any rest to recover energy, as a new challenge awaited the valiant inhabitants of these lands. The time for Neik and his brave HOH companions to recover and let the open wounds from a brutal clash, which had caused them a tremendous defeat in the fourth round of Alliance Conquest, heal was truly minimal.

The days leading up to the fifth and penultimate round of the season passed in complete relaxation, but the fateful moment had arrived!

The long march of the HOH fighters towards the battlefield seemed longer than usual; thoughts of a possible defeat did not leave their minds, increasing the pressure on their shoulders, from the newest member to the leader, Grombold.

Neik could not help but think of the previous round: despite their maximum effort to achieve a result that was not too discouraging, the opponents from BaN once again managed to demonstrate a disarming superiority over them, bringing back negative thoughts about whether they were perhaps not well-organized enough to win these kinds of matches. However, the young fighter, observing the faces of his companions during the march, saw a spark of determination in their eyes. This spark, though faint, was enough to ignite a new strength within him. He decided not to let doubts paralyze him. Guided by the determination of his companions, Neik found the strength to face today’s battle with utmost focus and courage.

Upon arriving at the venue for the penultimate match of the season, they saw in the distance the purple and gold flag flying majestically in the sky. The formidable rival that lay ahead of them today was...


A rival far from easy!

In the race to secure a spot in the top sixteen, NW1 was a team with great strategic skills, and today they were led by a significant ally: Peacetown. The formidable warrior, known as one of the fiercest and most dangerous fighters in the kingdom, had decided to fight alongside other fierce rivals such as RElax and Commander Ton, making NW1 a real wild card.

The sight of an opponent of this caliber only increased the doubts about the uncertain future for the HOH members. To secure a spot in the top sixteen, two victories were crucial, but this was also true for NW1. A defeat today would make their path very treacherous, evident from the somber and worried faces of the members of both factions.

An emotion that could not be conveyed by the leaders: their task was to instill confidence and determination in order to guide their teammates through the storm of uncertainties and fears. Grombold, with a steady gaze and a firm voice, declared, “Today is not just a battle; it is our chance to prove our worth. Let’s put aside our doubts and fight with everything we have. Only then can we affirm our strength and claim victory.”

The start of the clash was nearly imminent. The sky above the battlefield was gray and oppressive, reflecting the gravity of the moment and the uncertainty hanging over both teams. The thick clouds seemed to threaten imminent rain. The cold wind blew forcefully, shaking the flags and accentuating the sense of unease in the air. With summer now behind and autumn approaching, the air had turned cold and biting.

Neik was fully focused, driven by the determination of his allies. He couldn’t wait to do his best to help his alliance reach the heights it deserved.

The start of the clash finally arrived almost simultaneously with the anticipated rain.

In the initial phase, HOH quickly captured three out of four buildings, a significant advantage against a dangerous opponent. Unlike what happened in the previous match, the swaps made by Grombold’s faction were precise and effective, without any negative twists.

The NW1 leadership made the same decision and chose to execute a swap at Mother’s Temple, but just when they thought they were safe… Sukuna arrived and struck with his cavs like a lightning bolt! The valuable position was immediately torn from enemy hands by the powerful HOH member, who managed to bring his alliance to a four to zero lead!

A dream start for Neik and his companions, who could now await a retaliatory move from their opponents, who were trailing behind them. And the counterattack did not take long to arrive: the first target was Warrior Tower!

Its defense was in the capable hands of Depravity, but with people like Peacetown on the field, nothing could be considered safe. The rivals' attacks arrived within minutes...

The attacks were completely ineffective!

Despite the individual strength of the NW1 members being incredible, the entirely wrong timing and the reinforcements that supported the HOH member’s defense just in time made Warrior Tower an impregnable fortress!

Thus, the first phase saw HOH rightfully in the lead with all the buildings on the battlefield under their control. The NW1 opponents decided to wait for the ports. With this strategy, any advantage gained in the initial phase was rendered null, and the rival alliance’s leadership knew this well.

But the HOH racers had a different opinion, managing to secure control of both ports!

"Excellent work," exclaimed Grombold, immediately calling for a swap that was carried out without major issues. The entire battlefield was under their control thanks to the speed of their racers, who were as fast as lightning despite the rain and mud of the battlefield.

Things were looking grim for NW1; time was running against them, and it didn’t take long before RElax called for the invasion of Targaryen Outpost. The waves of attacks crashing against the defenses held by the powerful Urielki did not, however, shake their determination. If they wanted any chance of victory, they had to start scoring points, which is why they returned to the siege within minutes, catching HOH off guard with this unexpected decision. This time, the attack was successful!

"There’s no problem; we still have the majority of the battlefield and will wait for the opening of Casterly Rock," was Grombold’s decision for HOH, confident in their abilities. He knew that it wouldn't be enough for the rivals to change the course of the match.

Casterly Rock

Without much surprise, it was once again HOH who won the race to capture the position!

However, the unexpected happened right at that moment: when attempting to execute a swap to place the HOH leader in defense, the reinforcements did not arrive in time, and it was RElax from NW1 who captured the walls. If there hadn’t been cause for concern before, this could be a major problem for Neik and his companions!

“We need to siege CR with as many rallies as possible!” said the worried leader, aware that RElax was a tough opponent if well-reinforced. The groups assembled near Casterly Rock began to hammer its walls continuously, trying to decimate as many enemy troops as possible. The rally led by Neik suffered a painful defeat; the rival’s Infs were the worst troops for his Spears to deal with.

All attacks were crucial, but engaging the rival and their reinforcements on multiple fronts was essential, and the relentless siege eventually paid off: It was Xoica from HOH who captured the castle walls!

The central phase saw Grombold’s faction in the lead with most of the significant buildings on the battlefield under their control, but that was not enough for him: “Let’s siege the walls of Targaryen Outpost,” was the order given after a quick discussion with the leadership! Denying the rivals any respite was a strategy used frequently and, in most cases, very effective. With possession of an outpost and the two strongholds, NW1 was far from out of the fight despite being at a significant disadvantage. Demoralizing them was crucial to closing the match as soon as possible!

The strongest members set out for the siege, including Neik himself, who attacked with as much ferocity as possible. He knew that the defender’s troops were mainly Cavs, and although it would be more energy-consuming, it was the fastest method to regain control of the position.

The young HOH member successfully carried out two attacks. In the first, he managed to overwhelm many of the defensive troops as planned. However, in the second attack, to his surprise, the NW1 defender faced him with Infs, dealing him a significant defeat. But as had happened before, it was a necessary disappointment because, moments later, Novian from HOH succeeded in driving the defender away and regaining control of Targaryen Outpost!

The rival faction’s attempts to respond were ineffective: the strong rival rally leaders had the wrong timing, and their attacks hit with significant discrepancies between them, making it impossible to challenge an organized alliance like the one led by Grombold, who could replace lost troops with great speed. The 18-member difference between the two alliances in favor of HOH was playing a crucial role in the match.

Time passed inexorably, and at this point in the match, even the mines would not be able to change the final result. The NW1 leadership could do nothing but raise the white flag towards the sky, now darkened by the torrential rain that had accompanied the entire match.

The final victory of the fifth round went to... HOH!


The best fighters of the match were:

Peacetown for NW1: As expected, it was him, seeking eliminations for the seasonal ranking. His attacks were relentless but not enough to lead his allies to the final victory.

Grombold for HOH: The leader took charge of his alliance, driving them to the final victory as he knew how. The ferocity with which he fought was an inspiration to his companions.

“The first step has been taken. We need two victories to reach our season goal, and we’ve achieved the first one. We have a few days to catch our breath and give everything we have for the sixth and final match of the season. I expect to see you all on the battlefield,” were the leader’s final words.

Neik, who could consider himself satisfied, was preparing to leave the battlefield. His mind was now clearer, with only one goal in mind, and he would do everything to achieve it: a spot in Ultimate Conquest!

The moment for celebration had yet to come. Although the uncertainty about their fate had diminished, a decisive challenge remained ahead of them. Victory in the final challenge of the season was essential to secure a glorious future.

Who will try to block their path? We’ll find out soon!
