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A Young Lord of the Ancient Kingdoms Part 33.5 (The Battle of ATARASSHI)

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/08/2024 08:23

A Young Lord of the Ancient Kingdoms Part 33.5 (The Battle of ATARASSHI)

While on the plains of a quiet place called k37, our Lord rested peacefully, without worries, only thinking about which kingdom he should invade next...

And it just crossed your mind

It has been 2 months since my friend ATARASSHI left the kingdom he will be doing... I hope he is doing well in the kingdom of the alliance, I heard that they have a powerful invader; thought our Lord

While his friend ATARASSHI

He was in k162, with the rest of the alliance he was preparing for a battle, which was the CCS; and due to the need for the crystals he joined the great alliance of BTa.

But it would not be easy, since there were multiple large alliances in the taking of the castle, among them were the large alliance which from the fusion of N30 and BDR, called BaN, was on the battlefield, and it would be very difficult to obtain elimination points needed for rewards.

Where the great Lord would also be, FALCON, belonging to that same alliance and causing the invasion that he alone is inflicting on K162, resulting in great casualties for our Lord's HHH alliance, but in charge of the raids would be Tolkien, another great Lord with great power that always belonged to BDR and now to BaN itself with the merger of these.

After those great concerns that they would have as enemies, there were also alliances of the average strong but not with a classification as powerful as that of BaN, which would be FuK but WoW that already have strong Lords among their ranks but little can be done against the great force of the great BaN alliance, capable of competing a little against its battle lines

And thus began the great battle for the capture of the “Scarlet Palace” castle.

Which began for the first time with the great WoW alliance, which was immediately reinforced by the members of its alliance, who lasted a while resisting the attacks of multiple rally leaders of the different notable alliances on the battlefield.

But there was something strange, BTa did not set up a rally, it seemed that it was an ally with WoW, and they were only waiting to take control in case of a BaN attack, there were practically 2 alliances against one.

But seeing that BaN did not launch an attack, BTa did not care if there was an alliance involved and launched attacks towards the palace dominated by WoW, apart from them FuK also launched desperate attacks.

The rallies were victorious but the problem was that the activity of the WoW members was rapid and they quickly reinforced to defend their castle

Until one of the attacks, FuK waited for the moment to take the castle right after a BTa attack.

And taking over the castle, immediately the Lords of BTa who were angry because of the bad luck they had and since the others took advantage, they organized rallies for everyone, no matter who they were.

So multiple attacks on the castle began without stopping, as soon as one arrived, another attack would quickly rise.

The attacks were constant, but the alliance where ATARASSHI was located, had bad luck, just after a few moments of constant attacks, finally made its BaN movement, attacking the castle.

And they took it, leaving BTa's efforts in vain, who were almost discouraged, their only inspiration was to obtain combat medals and points for the rest of their alliance members.

So the attacks stopped being so consecutive, and it was analyzed who would carry out such a rally to take the castle and wipe out the greatest number of troops.

Practically obtaining the castle was not an option since it was a great waste of resources and accelerators in vain for a lost battle, since the constant attack of the alliances also did not leave a point for a specific winner.

With the exception of BaN who did not even begin to attack, obtaining the castle, there was almost no one who would take them out and obtain stability there.

Obviously this would be taken advantage of by BTa but in the sense of obtaining combat points and medals, since it could counteract Tolkien's battle lineup, who already occupied the castle.

But Lord was too strong that several of the rallies led by BTa ended in defeat and a loss that may not have been so great, but in itself it was already a defeat.

The great strength of that Lord, despite the fact that he defended with Infantry and was attacked with cavalry, which due to the nature of Westeros, are countermeasure units, it was very difficult to defeat him.

His stats were at another great level…

And after a long hour of battles, the CCS came to an end, obviously with the victory of BaN who were crowned lords of the Scarlet Palace.

Meanwhile ATARASSHI, well, he lost a number of troops, but for him it is like his daily life, unlike our Lord who is very careful, he is a lover of fights and the lost troops are at least something minimal for him.

Obtaining his points he returned to rest and recount his experiences in a letter to our Lord.

Thanks for reading, I hope you liked it :D

See you next time!
