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KVK K15vs K335

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/10/2024 02:58

There was one hour left until the dawn of a new challenge called KVK, an event that pits two kingdoms against each other in a battle to the death where there is no mercy.

Killer Marta arrived a little late that morning, in her kingdom there is always a ritual called purge, and it is nothing more than eliminating all the troops that are not safe in their castle and that said castle is well closed so that it cannot be attacked, but the faithful companions of her kingdom had already made sure that everything was well purged and ready for the battle that we were going to encounter.

And the time came for our opponent K15, at first glance it seemed like it was going to be complicated, there were great lords, but Killer Marta is not afraid of anything or anyone, and also a very well-known magician arrived with the news that he had implemented a spell, that all the troops that died in kvk would be resurrected, so there was nothing to worry about, all that was left to do was have fun and train for upcoming battles.

Killer Marta rushed into K15 with her troops brandishing her spear into the abyss and screaming; I do not want any enemy standing I want them all dead, but little could kill a few castles here and a few castles there, Killer Marta and her soldiers are in incredible physical shape and forced her soldiers to travel from east to west in search of targets. As she did not find many she arrived at King's Landing and then chose to give the order to annihilate every peasant miner or soldier they saw, and so it was she began to spread terror among the population, she did not want mercy for anyone it did not matter if they were children or women, this time she would be the bad guy without mercy.

Killer Marta and her allies expected some opposition, but so far there was none, so Killer Marta after a long wait called her troops to form up and sent a clear message; let's try to anger K15. He grabbed his horse, his sword gleaming and sharpened by the same ancient blacksmiths and led his armies first to Winterfell, once there he found the gates open and there was no one there, so it was not difficult to conquer it, if you can call it conquering in some way, entering a large empty castle, he continued through all the territories, and in all of them they were ghost castles, not an iota of opposition, nothing at all, from Sunspear passing through Overlook Garden approaching Casterly Rock and ending in King's Landing.

Once the castles in K15 Killer Marta were secured, she asked the other lords exactly in K335, (her house) she sent ravens asking how the war was there and received ravens with the same news; WE ARE FALLING ASLEEP, She understood that message and the same thing happened to her, so she made a decision that she doesn't usually make in times of war, she grabbed her soldiers and sent them to the canteens and let them drink and drink all night while she slept, the next morning she would analyze the consequences (if there were any of course).

Killer Marta spent the night, never before in days of war had she slept so much, all her messaging infrastructures were empty, there were no crows, everything was silent when she looked out, there was no fire or people screaming, only birds could be heard, this was very strange to her, something strange was not normal at all.

Killer Marta, once she had breakfast and had her coffee, called her troops to order and prepared to reconnoiter the conquered lands again, she rode from east to west and the same as 8 hours ago, there was no opposition whatsoever, what's more, the farmers did not even come out of their castles closed from top to bottom to really cultivate, this was going to be very unpleasant (because Killer Marta always wants to test her troops and face dangers, she did not understand that with a troop resurrection spell in k15 nobody would fight).

So Killer Marta and her brave companions repositioned all their troops in all possible castles in K15, while her kingdom mates did the same in K335, this had really become very, very boring as reflected in the scoreboard.

And so the minutes kept passing, the minutes turned into hours, this was something that I personally don't like and like me many gentlemen in 335 thought like me.

So as this was won and nothing was in danger because all the troops would resurrect Killer Marta and other warriors made a decision and it was to annihilate each other, we wanted blood to press that attack button that we like so much so we prepared everything and enjoyed blood and more blood, we started Killer Marta against Never, immediately after Sky Rocket was added then Mirha then Sultan, Lord Lucid etc... It was a real bloodbath all sides asked for warriors there was no truce, an hour of intense battles finally we managed to have fun simply great.

And so KVK ended, for me and most of us with a very very boring victory, but thanks to the K335 players we managed to spend a really entertaining and revealing hour. Thank you very much, I love you all.
