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Ultimate Conquest VMD vs sRg s 19 R 5

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/12/2024 05:27

After an agonizing defeat in the fourth match against NWL and with three days of rest, Killeer Marta returned to VMD. As she explained in previous stories, she comes from lsk and in this UC she joined VMD to have some fun and take off the weight of leading a clan.

The time had come. Killer Marta put on her armor and grabbed her most brilliant sword. She sailed through her domains and recruited her best soldiers. This round was to the death. If they didn't win, they would have to say goodbye, and Killer Marta didn't want that under any circumstances.

The enemy was sRg, we had faced them in the second round, but this time Killer Marta came prepared, she had recruited her fiercest cavalrymen because she knew that sRg has a lot of infantry and she is a spear, they are her counter, but there was something that did not convince her, there were many people missing in the ranks of VMD, she asked and it turns out that there were many lords who were urged to do other tasks that day.

The clock struck 0 and there we went Killer Marta, as always slow, it's something that happens to me because of my lag, those microns of a second usually take their toll on me, VMD grabbed Mother Temple and a Base, sRg grabbed the other Base and Warrior Tower, the Battle had begun and everything seemed like it was going to be close.

Killer Marta wanted to reconnoiter Warrior Tower, but as she assumed they were all infantry so she decided to join her team's demonstrations, although while she was sending her cavalry to the demonstrations she saw that Targayen Base was defending with spear, so as a good warrior she wanted to do her bit and sent a rally there. The result was splendid although she would need to land more hits to eliminate more troops. It was very crowded, at the same time they opened the Ports and the result was a Port for each of the teams. This was still very even. When Killer Marta looked up again she realized that we had lost Mother Temple, at that moment she realized that this was going to be a tug of war for the entire 60 minutes.

Killer Marta sent her spies to look at Mother Temple and bingo she liked the objective she sounded the trumpets in her castle and called her soldiers to ranks we were going to create a bloodbath in Mother Temple the objective was super tempting for a warrior like her so she began a first strike for every million soldiers she lost Killer Marta wiped out almost 4 million enemy troops and a second strike more of the same sRg as she lost troops she replenished them and a third the third gave way to the fourth the fourth gave way to the fifth Killer Marta demanded maximum speed from her troops one after another blood on all sides until finally after eight hits in a row a companion of Marta finished the job and we recovered Mother Temple But of course everything was not as pretty as it seems sRg took over Casterly Rock.

Minutes passed and VMD's attacks on all objectives did not stop, one by one, meeting by meeting they were recovering all the objectives except Casterly Rock, the effort and resources used were enormous on VMD's part but the objective was always the same, winning and that was even though they only had 55 castles.

While they were recovering those objectives it was time for the fortresses and although it may seem incredible VMD took over the two fortresses, they had the whole map under control except Casterly Rock, Killer Marta and VMD saw their closest objective so they focused on Casterly Rock.

The minutes passed and the objectives were exchanged, RC passed into the hands of VMD, Puerto Targayen was in the hands of sRg, the battle was intense, nothing had been decided, this like the previous round would be decided in Mines, but well in these rounds everything is always decided in mines, there is a lot of equality.

With 26 minutes left the score was in VMD's favour, the effort was paying off, the exchange of attacks was mutual and truly a bloodbath.

And then the decisive moment came, they opened the mines, and like a bucket of cold water sRg grabbed the two mines at the beginning, VMD began to throw all his lords to recover them blow after blow, meeting after meeting, the bleeding on both sides was enormous, at that moment the inferiority of players on the part of VMD became noticeable, they tried everything, Killer Marta joined rallies, attacked alone, etc., but it was impossible for her to recover that position and with it came defeat.

With the defeat, Killer Marta was very sad, she really believed that we were going to win, and there was no choice but to say goodbye to her VMD colleagues, she had a lot of fun with them and even though we lost she still thinks that each one of them deserves her admiration because they are an incredible group and here they have a friend for whatever they need.

