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GoTWiC S19R3 SFu vs HD!

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/09/2024 23:36

Greetings ladies and gentlemen. Match 3 of the 19th season of AC is about to start. After two easy matches in which we achieved 100% performance and had over 80k points, today's opponent will be extremely difficult. This will be a real test for our alliance to see how we fight against an alliance that is certainly a competitor for the top 16 and UC. And today's opponent will be with K365 and it's called HD!. A very strong and organized alliance, led by Lord Orval, a strong spear player,

but also Zarathus with infantry and TheZion with cavalry. In addition to the mentioned three, there were a lot of strong players in the alliance, who will certainly make this match difficult for us. SFu reinforced SilentEye, which had the most elimination points in the last match.

Our primarily will be winning castles for which it would get a lot of points, so our runners will have to be up to the task the whole match.

For Stanko, this will certainly be the biggest challenge so far, because it will be really difficult to defeat opponents with solo attacks, where most of them are stronger than him. The match has started, HD! made a good tactic by putting all players on the same skin for the castle and thus making it difficult for Stanko and the others for possible solo attacks, because it will be more difficult to know what types of army they have.

Our runners started, but unfortunately for us, HD! managed to conquer all 4 castles. It was really amazing how quickly they got to them.

This already made our task more difficult, because we were expecting certain points there. We knew that they would do a SWAP on one of the castles and we were waiting for a chance there. However, as I said at the beginning of the match, they were very organized and did not give us a chance to surprise them by conquering one of the castles. We were waiting for Ports, who were giving 800 points each for the first captures. However, as in the first race, this one is HD! won by winning both.

We started a rally on Mother, Stanko sent all the army to help conquer the castle and take some elimination points. We rushed with an attack in order to be ready in time for the race on CR. 6 rallies sent should be enough to win, however with timely army dispatch by HD! and they didn't even allow us to reduce the number of players in the castle below 15. They played really amazingly, it was already clear that this would be almost impossible to win. Stanko decided to try his hand at the CR race and possibly surprise the others. He placed all his cavalry he had in the front line and waited for the signal to move.

The race started, Stanko did the best he could, hoping that it would be enough, but unfortunately, not only did he not take the place, but again none of his fighters did. This has not happened to us in a long time, that in the first 7 races we did not manage to capture any castle. Was the problem our runners or were they at a much higher level than us?

After 15 minutes of play, they already had an advantage of 10k points. We started attacking Mother once more. This time we attacked the castle with better organized rallies. Stanko sent the whole army this time too, hoping that it would be more successful. And it is! S4TN4M1R managed to capture the castle. But he was not insured yet. Our players sent an army, but HD! was reducing it with solo attacks and did not allow the castle to be filled.

Unfortunately, they still managed to take over the castle and once again defend themselves from us. We started rallies this time to CR. We started with infantry because the castle was held by a spear player. Stanko sent his army to Guts, the strongest of our infantry. The attack was good, considering that we have the strongest infantry players, but even that was not enough to win CR.

The truce dropped, this would be the signal for Stanko to go into action, but in this case he was looking to hide his main troops because they were attacking. And it was the strong cavalry of the 5th type led by Cassana who attacked the RainMaker, but got the better of it because they were met by spearmen in the front line.

We started attacking us Port. It attacked with infantry and spearmen. This time Stanko also sent troops to Chris Lor. 9 of our rallies went to Port. Fierce strikes began, Guts struck first, but by quickly sending the army they managed to fill the castle.

Other attacks continued, but none of them were successful, and the players returned with heavy losses.

Mines were opening soon. We were all preparing for it, because it was our only chance. By conquering them and holding them for a few minutes, we would get a lot of points, which will increase our overall ranking. Although he was unsuccessful in the last race, Stanko was preparing for another one because he had nothing to lose. They headed for the mines, but this time HD! took all the loot.

They were already close to 80k points even though there were more than 18 minutes left. And then, even though we didn't expect it, after they passed 80k points, they leave all the castles. This was the signal for us to occupy them at once. There were still a lot of points to collect in the mines.

In the end, we managed to win over 60k points, which is more than we expected.

HD! played as we expected. They were super organized, in addition to conquering castles, they did excellent SWAPs on them, as well as sending troops on time when defending, all this makes them favorites for the top 16, which I sincerely hope they achieve. As far as SFu is concerned, they did not pass the first big test. Luckily HD! he allowed us points and thus slightly improved the situation. Stanko played a bad match, finishing above 50 places in the eliminations and that through rally attacks, because solo attacks would be a big risk against a strong opponent like HD!. There are still enough matches to correct mistakes and improve the situation, as well as a ranking place in eliminations for Stanko.
