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Alliance Conquest Season 19 Round 4 [N0X] vs [LiK]: We going to UC this season?

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 08/12/2024 18:18

Its Saturday the clock is ticking at 18:30 and the [N0X] family is gathering around the table for the 4th round of this season's Alliance Conquest. The old gods drawing system decided that we're going to face [LiK] an alliance that on paper looked a bit weaker than ours if you take into consideration the alliance score which we all know its not always showing the true power, [LiK] was coming after 2 victories and 1 defeat so we decided to take them very seriously as we always do with every alliance in all events.

[N0X[ was at 2 victories and 1 defeat too, losing the 3rd round against the giants from [NBe] but still keeping hopes of maybe going to Ultimate Conquest this season. The gates of the conquest arena opened and this time we were assigned to the Lannister's side, warriors from both sides prepared their war setup and started entering the arena and take their assigned spots on the map, Shado was assigned as racer by the higherups, so he put on his best running shoes and was ready to lose all the races as per usual. [LiK] participation for the first 3 matches was around 70 warriors so we expected around this much for this match too but as the preparation time was passing their numbers kept getting higher and higher until they had a total of 78 warriors, seeing that [N0X] started calling people in and by the time preparation phase ended we managed to gather 79 warriors.

As per usual the Alliance Conquest match started with a race for the initial buildings, Lannister's Outpost, Targaryen's Outpost, Temple of the Mother and Tower of the Warrior. [N0X] Racers were assigned to each building and Shado had the opportunity to race for the Targaryen Outpost, sadly he tripped a bit in the amount of marching hastens and lost the race to another [N0X] member subye, we also scored all the other 3 buildings with Xarsh, Mickyvee and SnkyDragon. Xarsh and SnkyDragon were strong enough to keep Temple of the Mother and Lannister Outpost so [N0X] proceeded to swap the other 2 buildings and it was a complete success, we got Gloriee to replace subye and suba bee to replace Mickyvee. While waiting for the ports to open [LiK] rallied Temple of the Mother, 4 rallies were set by their best rally leaders and we had to defend the temple while racing for ports.

Fillers were assigned to reinforce the temple while racers set up on the starting grids, Shado was assigned to race for Lannister Port and while trying his best, he lost the race again, and again to subye, a "check him PC" was performed but everything was good, Shado is just too slow. In exchange [LiK] managed to take Lannister Port with their top notch racer Jone Snou.

[N0X] proceeded to swap subye with DYW in Port and the swap was successful, and when our Port opened our strongest people soloed the [LiK] warrior out and we took our Port too with Leandra De. While waiting for Castelry Rock to open [LiK] set a wave of 12 rallies on Tower of the Warrior and we got ready to defend'it, sadly for them the rallies werent on a good timing and suba bee managed to keep the Tower.

The attack was deflected just in time for the opening of Castelry Rock and Shado was assigned to race for it along with all the N0X racers, and to his surprise Shado lost again, this time to Belore II. Shado called VAR and upon watching the reply Belore II was indeed faster so he got to keep the castle. [LiK] warriors setup a wave of 13 rallies on Targaryen Port being decided to take'it back but [N0X] was on point with reinforcements and speeding them up and we deflected that wave of attacks too, however [LiK] noticed their success with some of their rallies so they tried again for port with 12 rallies this time, however the 2nd wave wasnt as strong as first one and we successfully defended the Port.

After seeing DYW won't bend to their rallies they went for the Tower of the Warrior and suba bee and this time they set 16 rallies, but by this time they were running out of troops and without Temple of the Mother they decided to go with mostly bow rallies, suba bee's inf bleed setup had no problem at all dealing with them and this was the last wave of rallies [LiK] did for the rest of the game.

As the personal castles lost their bubble it was time for [N0X] to take [LiK]'s personal points and vice versa, our warriors quickly setup and smashed the marching speedup buttons and we cleared their points in a few minutes while they managed to get most of ours too. Shado managed to catch 1 of their warriors unprepared and took his points with a quick solo attack.

After the clearing of the hive points nothing else notable happened, they tried some solos on our strongholds, but it didn't work out, until the mines opened which we decided to split, one for us and one for them.

Overall the difference in alliance power could be felt and we did win without too many troubles but they fought as good as they could and it was an interesting match and with the points accumulated after 4 rounds [N0X] is aiming for an UC placement. Thanks to all the warriors that took place in this fight.
