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The First Blood Battle: BaN's Victory

Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 08/11/2024 08:17

Lady Vhaera stood on the balcony of her castle, looking at the first light of morning as it rose over the horizon. The new BaN alliance's flags waved in the cool morning wind, their bright colors standing out against the light sky. Below, the castle was busy with action, soldiers getting ready for a fight, the sound of armor clanging, and a quiet sense of expectation. The smell of fresh dew on the grass combined with the faraway smell of smoke from morning fires. Everything felt dreamlike, like this day had been coming for a long time.

"This is it," she thought, her mind racing. The first game of the season was against HOH, their biggest rivals. It wasn't just about fighting; it was about showing that BaN, created from the joining of BDR and N3O, was a strong and important power.

Vhaera couldn't get rid of the tight feeling in her chest. They were ready, but were they really prepared for this? It felt different to lead a new group into a fight. The weight of not knowing felt heavy on her, like a dark cloud above her. As the sun started to come up, shining a warm light over everything, she took a deep breath to calm herself. She saw Tanalyn, her best friend and one of BaN's top leaders, getting ready. Tanalyn nodded confidently, her eyes showing she was determined.

"We'll show them what we're capable of," Tanalyn said, her voice calm and comforting.

Vhaera nodded, but she still felt worried inside. Could they really do this? The war horn blew, marking the beginning of the fight, and there was no time to hesitate.

BaN moved ahead quickly, working together. They quickly took control of three important buildings: the Warrior's Tower, the Old Gods' Temple, and the Outposts. The early wins made everyone feel better; the fighters cheered and were really happy. But Vhaera felt more and more anxious.

Her worries came true when she found out that the Tower of Mother had collapsed to HOH. Even worse, during the chaos of the battle, BaN did not take control of the buildings they had taken over. The change of leaders was not handled well, which was a big mistake and made them weak.

"Ugh," Vhaera muttered to herself. This isn’t how things were meant to happen. The teamwork that used to be easy was now affected by doubt because of a new partnership.

"We can still change this," Tanalyn encouraged, her voice breaking into Vhaera's thoughts. "Let's gather everyone and get back what belongs to us."

Vhaera took a big breath and tried to forget her worries. There was no time to doubt. She shouted to her soldiers, and her voice echoed across the battlefield. "Let's go to the Tower of Mother."

The call to action was followed by the sound of battle horns, and BaN’s troops rushed ahead, filled with new determination. Vhaera took the lead, her heart racing. The ground shook under their horses' feet as they got closer to the tower, filled with excitement that pushed them on.

Tardis, a loyal member of HOH, stood boldly at the entrance of the tower, challenging BaN's power. The fighting started right away—swords hit shields, and the sound of battle filled the air. Vhaera fought with all her strength, her sword cutting through the enemies. The fight was tough, but BaN's plan worked better. Their quick attacks surprised HOH, and with strong determination, they drove the enemy back.

The big moment happened when Ur Candy, leading new soldiers, defeated Tardis. The Tower of Mother belonged to them. Vhaera felt a rush of joy as she saw the BaN flag go up on the tower. But there wasn't time to celebrate; the fight was still going on.

BaN quickly came together again, making sure to protect the ports, which were important places that could change the outcome of the fight. Both sides rushed to take control of the ports because they knew it could determine the winner. HOH was able to get one, but Vhaera, thinking clearly now, quickly called for a group effort to get the second one. With careful planning and power, BaN took control of the port, stopping HOH from getting more help and making them feel much weaker.

The effect on HOH was sudden. Their best fighters, now scattered and discouraged, had a hard time coming together again. Vhaera saw the enemy start to break down. Their strong group was falling apart because of the constant attacks. In a last attempt to fight back, HOH tried one more time, but it was obvious they had lost. One by one, the last buildings controlled by HOH were taken down, and the victory was finished.

When the fighting stopped, Vhaera looked around at what had happened. The ground was covered with people who had fallen, and the air smelled strongly of blood and sweat. But in the middle of the confusion, the BaN banners were raised high—a sign of their hard-won victory.

Even though she won, she still felt uneasy. This was just the start. The fights to come will be tougher, and what's at risk will be greater. But for now, they had shown that they were capable. BaN was someone to be taken seriously.

As she looked at her soldiers, who were starting to celebrate, Vhaera gave a little smile. They did it. Despite the difficulties, they won. But inside, she understood that the path ahead would be long and full of risks.

But that was something to think about later. Today, they won. And that was all that was needed.
