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The Siege at Scarlet Palace( Champion City Siege )

All-out War
Article Publish : 06/30/2024 04:21

                                         The Siege at Scarlet Palace

                                            ( Champion City Siege )

    The sun slowly began to depart from the sky as night time was approaching. The moon would soon take over the sky, replacing the magnificent golden light from the sun with its eerie white glow, as the warriors of TQL began to make their march into the battlefield to fight once again in  The Champion City Siege. 

   Due to the start of this event many alliances all across Westeros had been getting ready for the moment to participate in this great siege and battle their opponents of their faction. They would all try to seize the Castle belonging to their house faction and bring glory and honor to their alliance. Making the hero of that alliance who was able to hold the castle for the longest duration would gain the title of Supreme Conqueror of the realm. My alliance TQL was one of the many alliances who would be fighting in this Siege and was now already making their journey into the battlefield to fight for the ownership of the great castle.

   The hour for the battle was drawing near as we had finally arrived at the battlefield after our long stride towards our destination. We would soon be facing off against the many opponents of our faction, which was Scarlett ,as we all would try to take ownership of our faction’s  great castle Scarlett Palace. This was the faction that the Seven had chosen us to fight for along with the rest of our opponents.

     I soon entered the map following behind my allies as I positioned myself on the far ranks on the left side near to where my queen stood.

In the center of the battlefield standing tall was the Grand and beautiful Scarlet Palace which loomed high and magnificent before all who stood before it. Almost glittering against the fading light of the sun. This was our prize and we were going to do our best to try and take ownership of it once the battle began.

      A little before the countdown for the siege would end, I decided to look across the battlefield and see whom we would be facing this time. Scattered all over the map were our opponents who belonged in many powerful alliances,such as win, VME, NFI, IHR, and many others.

I then was surprised to see that we would once again be facing N0X who had come here to challenge our rights and those of the many other warriors who had arrived here to claim Scarlett Palace. Seeing all these fearsome warriors made me question how we would fare in this battle. However I always knew that despite how powerful and more numerous our foes were, TQL always had a way of standing up against their enemies during any battle even if all seemed lost.

    Soon after the battle had begun and I watched as all the armies coming from every direction from each alliance began to charge upon the castle and lay siege against it.While I saw the warriors of TQL make their way towards the great building I prayed to The Seven they would bestow great speed and agility upon our champions to grant us the castle. Once all forces began to collide a cloud of dust soon stood in place of all the armies I had seen moments before, while they all began fighting for Scarlet Palace. I could now hear the clanking of steel against steel while many shouts and cries of war were let out followed by the splattering of blood which was starting to constantly take place making me feel ill at ease by this horrible sight that now came to be.

     Until finally all armies withdrew abruptly from the building and the cloud of dust vanished and a bright red flag began to flap proudly winds began to softly blow against it.

Scarlet Palace was now under the ownership of N0X who was the alliance who had successfully taken it during the start of the battle.

Their hold over the castle would not last for long as TQL was eager and determined to put their reign over Scarlet Palace to an end. TQL was not the only alliance that N0X would have to try and fend off from the Scarlet Palace. Many other alliances were now getting ready to strike at N0X and kick them out from the castle. 

   Seizing the moment Queen Bella now began to gather her forces and the commanders of her alliance to prepare to launch rallies at Scarlet Palace.

She rode in front of us followed by some of her commanders and announced, “ Everyone get ready to join forces with us as we prepare to capture Scarlet Palace from our enemies. Join us with haste as we will not spare much time in doing so otherwise we shall give our opponents an extra advantage over us.” The Queen and her other leaders now stood in front of us as they began making rallies upon the castle.

    I quickly joined my troops into as many of their rallies as I could, then waited till the rally leaders were ready to launch their forces at N0X. I watched from a good distance as many of our rivaling opponents began sending their forces marching swiftly towards the castle. Within several moments soldiers belonging to the other alliances could be seen retreating back to their encampments after failing to defeat N0X. 

   Once the other alliances had finished their fight against N0X’s hold of the castle, wiping out part of N0X’s troops, It was now the forces of TQL’s turn to attack. Queen Bella gave the command and the forces of TQL came rushing down towards N0X’s Scarlet Palace like a bolt of thunder castling down havoc upon its victims. When we arrived at the gates of Scarlet palace our forces then began to start attacking the gates and walls of the castle and after several moments we were able to breach the fortified walls that the leaders of N0X put upon the castle.  

    Our forces led by some of the commanders now had all entered the castle, surprising the warriors of N0X who had their guards down after defeating several of the previous alliances.

With the might and combined strength of our joined armies we were able to eliminate all the armies that stood before us. All seemed to go well and accorded to the plan as the hold of this castle was now in our grasp. Before we could proceed further into the building, armies from N0X came out of nowhere and had us completely surrounded. We fell into their trap and were now ambushed and outnumbered.

Our only choice now would be to surrender and fall and fall back, as clearly all hopes of taking the Scarlet Palace were lost for us.

Just then, Dread arrived and brought reinforcements along with him. No longer being outnumbered we were able to overpower our enemy and kick them out from Scarlet Palace.


       Thanks to the valiant efforts of DreadEye, Scarlet Palace was now in the ownership of TQL and we were able to hold it for several moments until N0X was able to defeat us and retake Scarlet Palace.

Once again our forces went to rally at N0X’s newly taken Scarlet Palace but unfortunately we were bested by VME who had beaten us in capturing it.

They would soon lose it to N0X and the other alliances as they all fought for the title of Champion Conqueror.

       The battle for our faction’s castle had continued to go on as all the alliances that had partaken in this battle had continued to fight relentlessly for Scarlet Palace. With the ownership of Scarlet Palace changing within every moment of the hour.


   TQL was able to continue to recapture Scarlet Palace after each defeat several more times and at one point my husband Omaewa was even eventually able to join us in the battlefield bringing aid to our allies with his forces.

    The battle continued to persist for a little while longer until finally after a long and intense war the Champion City Siege was over. Though TQL did not win the title as Champion Conqueror we had left the battlefield like champions despite our loss. TQL would always bring honor to their alliance no matter what their outcomes would be and I looked forward to fighting with my alliance in the rest of the battles that were to come. For now I would gaze upon the dark horizon  and watch from the balcony of my castle as the moon now enters into the night sky.


