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ALL OUT War( The Fight for the Ages )

All-out War
Article Publish : 06/22/2024 21:33

                                                       ALL OUT War

                                             ( The Fight for the Ages )


     It was the beginning of a new mouth. The sun shined radiantly as it began to beat its warm golden rays of heat under a bright blue sky. Summer had arrived.

Not only was it the beginning of a new season but also for a new event. All Out of War.  Many alliances in the vast kingdoms all across Western had been busily preparing to to fight in this long awaiting battle. Here in this battle each alliance would be divided into eight different factions with each faction consisting of a team of three alliances. They would have to all work together in unity to claim and occupy enough cities and defeat their opponents. They would all face many challenges and hardships during this battle but in the end they would all share the same goal. That was to earn glory for their faction and be claimed the supreme champions of the All Out War.

    My alliance TQL happened to be one of many who had been ready to fight for the All Out of War. There were two leaders that stood out from our alliance that would lead TQL to glory. Their names were Dreadnaught and Dread Eye. Both of whom would be solely in charge during this battle. Dreadnaught had sought and strategized several plans weeks before this event even began. His role would serve as the lieutenant and he was the one who would mainly be in charge of logistics and keeping the supplies replenished during the war. Meanwhile the other Dread who would also be appointed as a lieutenant would be in charge of all battles and war strategies. 

    This alliance was very eager and optimistic to win and fight this war and was sure of a great start during this new season. However there was much demand and expectations for each Lord and Lady of TQL to actively participate in each battle so that the odds of their faction winning would be much greater. This also brought some tension and stress among some of the members of TQL that could either not be present during the battle as often or would prefer to fight without much pressure. 

    In order to avoid defeat and increase the morale among those who were not as enthusiastic for this war, a solution was given before TQL entered the matchmaking phase. Those who could not actively participate could temporarily join the sister alliance of TQL, QKA and fight there just until the war had ended. Several members had begun departing from TQL and joined into the ranks of QKA to fight in a more relaxed and easier paced version of this battle.

    TQL was more ready than ever for this event and was very well organized with most of the warriors having high spirits prepared to accomplish any task and conflict that may occur during the war. Unfortunately I would not be attending this event with TQL nor would my husband Omaewa be.

Instead we would also join and fight for QKA’s faction where we could experience easier paced and less challenging battles. There waiting in QKA were two of our companions Zaterra and Lord Putin who had journeyed with and fought with us in countless battles in Westeros. We were glad to once again be reunited with two of our oldest friends and allies. 

    Soon after joining QKA I had learned that we had all been placed in the Ages faction and would fight against all the other power hungry factions that would try to prevent us from obtaining cities once the battles would begin. Not only that but Lord Putin had been recently appointed as a lieutenant and would be instrumental to our faction along with the leadership that would be brought by Omaewa. 

   As weeks had gone by and the sun’s rays continued to blaze over the land, our Ages faction had already fought in several battles so far.

With our faction winning most of the battles and having already occupied several cities from the other enemy factions while successfully defending our own main cities. After our victories the leader of our faction who also happened to be the Duke of QKA, Dagos, had declared war against the city belonging to one of our enemy factions, Longreach many hours ago. Time had gone by and as the light from the sun slowly began to fade and fill the sky with its golden radiance before it would soon depart. Giving us our last moments of daylight as the night was drawing near, soon the deep sounds of horns being blown could be heard. It was now time for our faction to face our enemies and try to take their city. I stood by and waited in our municipal City with Omaewa while he began preparing to launch a rally down at Longreach’s City along with some of the other leaders.

Once the moment was right and we were joined by our allies, Omaewa then began to lead an attack towards Longreache’s City. I followed his lead along with the others, taking a healing cart with me to heal any of the wounds that some of the warriors from our faction may encounter during our assault. As we continued to march with our armies towards our destination I soon began to realize how long and tiring the route to Longreach’s City was.

No matter how exhausting this journey was beginning to be, we were not going to allow that to stop us from reaching our goal. We continued to move forward making it halfway through our route until we came across some villages belonging to our faction that were in dire need of being rebuilt.  Seeing this Omaewa got off his horse and said, “ Everyone go to the villages with hast and do not delay, we must have our villages rebuilt before we can lay siege to Longreaches city lest the enemy captures our villages first.” Listening to the commands of our leader that stood before us we had all quickly rushed into the village and sent all of our deployments with us and began rebuilding it. With all of our combined strength and the great leadership provided by Omaewa we had successfully rebuilt our village with great speed.The Seven must have been with us as we were so far prevailing in our conquest.


   After rebuilding some of our villages we then continued our march nearing closer towards Longreach’s base but once again we had stumbled in our tracks. One of our villages was being captured by Longreach’s forces. This was beginning to go very badly for us. By this time we were exhausted and beginning to lose our vigor and seeing our village get taken did not help. Regardless, Omaewa was not willing to allow our village to be taken. He gathered all our armies forward and began to fight off the enemy soldiers that were present. Through this battle we soon came to discover just how powerful our enemies from Longreach’s faction were. Luckily for us they were outnumbered by our might, allowing Omaewa and our allied forces to vanquish our enemy and kick them out of our village.  Lord Putin had arrived just in time to put the Ages banner back on our village as only a lieutenant was able to do so during this battle.

   We were all able to breathe a bit easier since our villages had now been safely secured. 

Our armies were now able to continue towards our destination knowing that  nothing stood in our way from laying siege to our enemy’s City. Not long after we had finally arrived at Longreach’s City.

Within the walls of Longreach’s fortress were many armies of our enemy that had almost completely surrounded the whole premise of their City. It seemed that they had been expecting our arrival as they were all ready to protect their base and destroy our forces at their will.

I nearly shook with fear at the sight of them but I would not allow fear to overcome me nor stop us from fighting them. We charged towards their City but then Omaewa suddenly halted. He pulled out his sword and said quietly, “ Wait a moment as they have all anticipated us to be here. In one moment I will tell you when and I will march first then you will all follow after me and we shall make a siege towards their city. Though we will most likely lose, we can at least cause a stir among their armies and try to take out as many of their troops as we can. On the mark of one… two…. three.. Charge!!! After that count Omaewa courageously rode forward and entered the city to face them with many other of our allies following behind him.

It was as if we were all running to our fated deaths. I caught up with my allies and would have almost entered the city if it were not for a volley of arrows that came flying towards me to give me it's deathly greeting.

For a moment I had almost froze in shock as they came flying towards me but then reality sunk in. Once I realized what was really happening I tried to quickly dodge as many arrows as fast as I was able to. Unfortunately I had failed to notice the watch tower that stood in front of me which was the source of the arrows. It was now a bit late as many of my soldiers had been killed or wounded and had to pay the price for my negligence. I entered the city from the other side and fought with my allies as long as I could before I was left with no choice but to flee to one of our neighboring municipal Centers.  There I would restock on supplies and heal my wounded soldiers. 

     Though this fight had taken almost every ounce of my strength that I had left, the only thing that drove me was my will to carry on and fight for my faction. This was what drove me forward and gave me just enough motivation to travel to our city. After my troops had been healed and I was well rested with my strength restored I was able to make it back it time to continue the fight.

   I had arrived at the gates of Longreach’s city to see that the fight was still going on. I heard the violent clashing of steel as both factions fought one another. Followed by the cries and shouts of war and bloodshed that seemed to never end in this battle. I entered their city with my soldiers and saw that most of our forces had been defeated, only several of us remained inside and began fighting them off.

My heart then started to beat so fast as if it could not contain itself as I began to search the battlefield for Omaewa. My search for him ended fast as one of warriors from our opposing faction began to engage me in battle. I began to fight him as much as I could until I successfully broke out from the fight.

I continued my search for Omaewa until I finally saw him trying to fight a group of enemy warriors. This fight had greatly wounded Omaewa but he did not allow that to prevent him from trying to defeat the enemies. I got to him as soon as I was able to and began to heal his wounds with the healing wagon that I had brought with me. This gave Omaewa enough time to defeat his enemies and to safely retreat from the City. Before he left he told me to immediately run from the city but it was too late. Starry Sunset, one of the Longreach faction’s most powerful warriors, found me and nearly destroyed all of my troops, forcing me to return back to our City and rebuild my troops for the next battle.


    Though we could no longer fight our enemy, this phase of battle persisted for a little while longer until it finally ended. Our faction had unfortunately failed to conquer that City causing us to lose this battle but we would not allow it to break our resolve. As the whole Ages faction had been determined to prevail. We then returned to our City to rest as we would need our strengths after that long and heartless battle. 

    Our Ages faction had continued to fight against the other factions valiantly in the battlefield throughout this event for the next following weeks. In the course of one of the latter stages of this battle Omaewa had even been noticed by the Seven for his great deeds of healing the wounds from many of the inflicted warriors during this war.

   Our faction had continued to fight in this war for a while longer until the event for the ALL Out of War had finally ended. Despite all of the great efforts that my faction had put throughout this war we ultimately lost this war ranking sixth place. Which was expected considering that most of the other factions had alliances that were far more powerful than ours. While the Longreach Faction had won the battle ranking first place and reigned as the supreme champions.

Even though our faction had lost we still held the great memories of the battle with us as we fought throughout the battle with great courage and perseverance. Returning back to TQL now that the battle has finally concluded, Omaewa and I are more ready than ever to fight and face the many challenges in the next battles to come.
