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Curse"ing Your Opponents: Weakening Curse in Infinity Kingdom!

Press Officer Forum suggestion
Article Publish : 06/29/2024 02:09

Hello, it's Press Officer Mael! Following your interest from our last Q&A session, today I'm diving into Weakening Curse. I mentioned this skill briefly in my recent article on No Escape, and now let's explore its mechanics, tactical uses, and how it counters tough opponents in Infinity Kingdom.

Join me as we unlock Weakening Curse—how to get it at Tower of Knowledge level 51, its impact on battles, and how it combines with other skills and Immortals. Let's continue discovering Infinity Kingdom's strategic depth with Weakening Curse!

Weakening Curse

I personally believe that Weakening Curse is a crucial skill in Infinity Kingdom. This powerful ability is exclusively available to equip Defense immortals (positional restriction), unlocked at Tower of Knowledge level 51, and traditionally obtained through the Pay-to-Play Blessing of Triss Event. However, with the introduction of patch 2.6.7, an alternative acquisition method was added. Now, players can acquire "Weakening Curse" by trading ability skill stones from the Legion of Frostborne for Cinder of Wishes currency in the Triss Shop, making it accessible to free-to-play players as well. This skill plays a vital strategic role in battles, significantly reducing enemy damage by an impressive 70%

How It Works

At the start of battle, "Weakening Curse" immediately reduces the damage output of all opponents. This effect persists until each opponent either uses their ultimate skill or after 45 seconds have passed. The skill is particularly effective against certain Immortals, such as Alexander and Hannibal, whose Exclusive Artifact turns their ultimate skill into a passive ability.

As a result, they continually experience reduced damage throughout the duration of the curse. They are unable to activate their ultimate (which is now a passive), resulting in diminished threat until the timer expires, unless countered by specific strategies. We will explore these counters later in this article.

Maximizing "Weakening Curse" with Immortals and Skills

"Weakening Curse" becomes even more powerful when used with the right Immortals and skills. Due to its positional restriction, this skill is limited to Defense Immortals, but it can easily fit any of them. I suggest equipping it and strategizing based on your opponents, especially against explosive, high-impact, burst damage teams that rely on auto-attacks, high-intensity attacks, and triggered abilities.

To fully maximize the effect of this skill and prolong the damage reduction on enemies, we need combinations with skills that can delay or prevent the casting of your opponents' ultimate skills. By doing so, we enhance the defensive capabilities of your team. There are a few skills and game mechanics that come to mind for this purpose:

  • No Escape : This skill delays enemy ultimate skills, maintaining the 70% damage reduction for a longer period.
  • Energy Suppression: Slows down enemy energy gain, preventing them from quickly using their ultimates.

I covered the above synergies in more detail in my previous article on No Escape (click above). Skills like Stun, Silence, Root, or Thump can also disrupt your opponent’s actions, including energy regeneration. Enhance dodge chance with skills like "Misleading," "Afterimage," or "Agile" to evade enemy attacks and therefore limit their opportunities for energy regeneration.

Control Mechanics and Effects

The following game mechanics and control effects are also crucial for maximizing "Weakening Curse." They help extend the curse's impact by stopping enemy actions:

Using these control effects in your strategy delays your opponents' actions, ensuring "Weakening Curse" weakens them for as long as possible. This makes your defense stronger and gives you a decisive advantage in battles. By using these combinations, you can make your team more resilient and keep your enemies weaker.

Understanding and Countering Its Weaknesses

In Infinity Kingdom, every powerful skill, like "Weakening Curse," has its vulnerabilities. This skill reduces enemy damage and has synergies but can be countered by Immortals with skills like "Purification" or dispelling abilities, such as Athena and Fu Fei. To truly master "Weakening Curse," you must grasp these weaknesses and plan strategies to overcome them. By doing so, you can effectively leverage this skill to gain an advantage in battles.

In summary, "Weakening Curse" exemplifies the strategic depth of Infinity Kingdom. Its accessibility through alternative acquisition methods empowers both paying and free-to-play players. Understanding its synergies and weaknesses allows players to enhance their gameplay and achieve victory through tactical planning.

Mael's note:

It's important to note that counters to 'Weakening Curse' are obtained through paid means, such as the 'Purification' skill and Immortals like Fu Fei and Athena, who are costly Chaos Immortals. However, 'Weakening Curse' can be acquired for free through SvS (Server vs Server) events and by reselling ability stones. For free-to-play players active in SvS, choosing 'Weakening Curse' as their Triss skill could provide a strategic advantage, given its counters are behind paywalls. Moreover, its effectiveness can be boosted by synergizing with free-to-play skills like Energy Suppression.

Thank you for reading this far.

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