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[Hades Story] Blood Moon Awakening Part 1 - An Infinity Kingdom Story

Press Officer
Article Publish : 07/04/2024 04:14

📔 Introduction

Hello everyone!  I have a new storyline this week.  Elizabeth has an unusual story that I would like to tell as she will be an important character in the grand scheme of the Norheim lore.  I hope you enjoy it as this is only the beginning of her dark future!

📔 Blood Moon Awakening  (Part 1) 

In the ancient land of Onurisu, nestled amidst mist-shrouded valleys and ancient forests, Elizabeth was to a wealthy Count and Countess, the esteemed rulers of the realm. From a young age, Elizabeth showed promise in the magical arts, her abilities far surpassing those of her peers. Her beauty was as mesmerizing as the moonlight reflected on the tranquil lakes that dotted their lands.

But fate had woven a darker thread into the tapestry of her life.

The land of Onurisu had long been embroiled in bitter conflicts with neighboring kingdoms, each seeking dominion over its fertile lands and rich resources. On the eve of Elizabeth's third birthday, tragedy struck when her father suffered a devastating defeat in battle against the forces of a holy mage from a distant land. The mage, envious of his power and influence, cursed his family as retribution for their defiance.

Unbeknownst to Elizabeth, a dark cloud of magic descended upon her, seeping into her very soul. From that day forth, an insidious curse lay dormant within her, waiting for the precise moment to manifest its terrible power.

Years passed, and Elizabeth's sixteenth birthday arrived amidst whispers of impending doom. On that fateful night, under the light of a blood-red moon, the curse finally awoke within her. She felt a searing pain tear through her veins as her body contorted and transformed. Her delicate features sharpened, her skin grew paler, and a hunger unlike anything she had ever known gnawed at her insides.

Elizabeth had become a blood witch vampire, cursed to transform into her true, darker self only under the cover of night. By day, she retained her gentle beauty and grace, a beacon of light and hope for her people. But as twilight descended upon Onurisu, she would undergo a profound metamorphosis, her once-kind eyes now glinting with an unearthly hunger.

Yet, amidst the horror of her transformation, a peculiar facet of the curse revealed itself — an aversion to feeding on humans. The holy mage, in his twisted sense of justice, had bound her to an unnatural compassion for humanity, forcing her to seek alternative means of sustenance.

Driven by an insatiable bloodlust, Elizabeth prowled the forests of Onurisu, preying upon livestock and creatures of the night. Her advisors and close confidants, once trusted allies, now recoiled in fear and whispered behind closed doors. The Countess of Onurisu, once beloved for her grace and wisdom, became a feared and misunderstood figure.

Her vast wealth and influence now served a dual purpose — to maintain the façade of normalcy in the daylight hours and to finance her nocturnal quests for sustenance. Yet, despite her monstrous transformation under the moonlit sky, Elizabeth clung to her humanity with a desperate fervor. She erected strict boundaries to protect her subjects and herself from harm, even as she struggled against the dark urges that threatened to consume her.

In the heart of her ancestral castle, surrounded by tapestries depicting the glory of her lineage, Elizabeth wrestled with her fate. The curse had robbed her of her innocence and plunged her into a world of shadows, where every sunrise brought a fleeting hope of redemption.

But deep within her, beyond the curse and the hunger, burned the indomitable spirit of a princess turned vampire — Elizabeth of Onurisu, the blood witch who dared to defy her cursed destiny.

📔 Recap Questions

What comes next for Elizabeth? 

Will she remain steadfast or let her bloodlust get the best of her?

How will she interact with other characters in Norheim?

📔 Conclusion

So much potential in our blood witch but what path will she take?  Find out in next week's episode!

See you next week!

👑 Hades, Press Officer [S170 - SF]

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- Infinity Kingdom / 無盡城戰.
