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[Illusiоn Battlefield] SSQ vs SF Breakdown

Press Officer
Article Publish : 07/05/2024 22:10


This week, we had a much anticipated rematch between the finalists from IBPL Season 4. Both SF and SSQ came into this match undefeated, with a record of 4-0 and 5-0 respectively. Even though SF were the favourites, most would have expected a closer fight than what happened. Let’s take a look at the mistakes SSQ made, and the tactics SF employed to win this match.


SF enjoyed a huge number advantage at the beginning of the match, outnumbering SSQ 37 to 30. This poor attendance is the largest reason why SSQ lost so quickly to SF. With their much fewer numbers, it would have been a tall task for SSQ to pull off the win.

Tower 1

SSQ sent slightly fewer people to Tower 1, 2 less than the 12 that SF sent. However, they had one overlap, which resulted in 9 players reaching the tower. While it is certainly still possible to win the tower being down 3 players, the chances are not high, especially against a good alliance like SF.

In addition, SF had much better initial positions around the tower, with 5 players touching the tower compared to the 3 from SSQ. This allows SF to stack more marches into the tower, increasing the chances of them capturing the tower before SSQ.

Tower 2

Tower 2 was the home tower of SF, who spawned at the top right, and saw little action for the entire match. SF kept 3 players defending the tower for most of the match, and SSQ did not coordinate a large enough attack to give them much to worry about.

Tower 3

SF coordinated their teleportation talents well, catching SSQ off guard at tower 2. With their superior numbers, they were able to quickly push the SSQ defenders away from the tower, while blocking the relocations of other SSQ members relocating over to help. This allowed them to take the tower at around 21 minutes, activating violet breath.

Tower 4

For Tower 4, SSQ sent 11 players, compared to the 13 from SF. However, due to a number of factors, only 5 SSQ players made it to the tower, while every single player from SF made it, resulting in an easy tower capture for SF. 

Firstly, SSQ had 2 overlaps internally, resulting in 2 of their players not making it to the tower. On top of that, they had 2 of their relocations broken by SF while they were still under construction, which caused 2 more SSQ players to not make it. Lastly, SF made the most of their better spawn points, which were closer to the tower, and cancelled 2 more SSQ relocations by reaching the tower first. All this resulted in less than half the players from SSQ successfully relocating to the tower, giving SF control of Tower 4, which they would hold for the entire game.

Central Tower

Central tower had the smallest number discrepancy between SSQ and SF out of all the towers. SF sent 9 players, but had 1 overlap, and had 8 reach the tower. This was only a bit more than the 7 SSQ sent, although due a similar overlap, only 6 players reached the tower. 

In the beginning, it looked like SSQ would have a good chance to capture the tower, as they slowly started to outnumber SF. However, due to how easily SF captured Tower 4, they were able to quickly move over to help Central Tower, leading to a quick capture by the 15 minute mark.


The final result was a surprisingly one sided match, with SF winning easily with a score of 100k to 14k. A combination of poor attendance on the side of SSQ, as well as great execution from all the SF players led to a convincing win for the defending champions. If they continue playing at this level, there is nothing stopping them from going back to back with another championship run.

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