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[Review] Rockin' Your Way to Triss Skills: A F2P Guide to Stone Selling and Skill Buying!

Guide Forum suggestion
Article Publish : 04/27/2024 21:03

Mael here, ready to assist our F2P players in their pursuit of the coveted Blessing of Triss Skills. Today, we'll delve into the intricacies of selling ability stones and purchasing these valuable skills, empowering you to elevate your gameplay without breaking the bank, all thanks to 2.6.7.

In this guide, we'll explore the effective utilization of this new feature, emphasizing its significance for free-to-play gamers and underlining the increasing importance of events such as the Legion of Frostborne.

Players now have the option to handpick ability stones from their inventory and trade them for Cinder of Wish. The exchange rate mirrors that of purchasing Ability Stones from the Triss shop: 1 ability stone equals 17 Cinder of Wish.

Exploring the Significance of Wish Cinders

Cinder of Wish holds considerable value as it acts as currency for acquiring Triss Skill Ability stones. This innovative feature enables players to strategically target desired skills, once difficult to obtain due to random drops or event restrictions.

Boosting SvS Legion of Frostborne importance.

Events like the Legion of Frostborne have gained heightened strategic significance. Not only do these events provide opportunities to directly obtain valuable skills, but they also offer materials (ability stones) convertible into Cinder of Wish.

Maximizing the Ability Stones Selling Feature

  1. Regularly review your stash of ability stones to identify surplus or less desirable ones that can be exchanged for Wish Cinders. Ensure that the stones you sell are genuinely surplus to your requirements.
  2. Engage in events like the Legion of Frostborne to accumulate ability stones, indirectly contributing to acquiring coveted Triss skill stones.
  3. Wish Cinders Management: Take a strategic approach to managing your Wish Cinders, prioritizing skill stones that offer significant enhancements to your lineup. It's advisable to refrain from using Cinder of Wish to buy Artifact fragments.

In conclusion, the introduction of the ability stone selling feature marks a significant milestone for F2P players in Infinity Kingdom. By strategically leveraging this feature, players can now access coveted Blessing of Triss Skills without relying solely on random drops or event rewards.

For more insights, check out my previous articles here or discover exciting content on my newly created YouTube Channel.

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