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Game Mechanic : Adrenaline Rush

Press Officer
Article Publish : 07/05/2024 01:33

Hey everyone, I'm PO PandaMoratia. In today's article, we'll be discussing the Tower of Knowledge Skill Adrenaline Rush. We'll cover the skill's effects and I'll share my overall thoughts on the skill and its place in the current meta.

Adrenaline Rush is a free skill available at Tower of Knowledge level 30. It requires soul stones to be upgraded and, as a Purple skill, it is fairly early game friendly.

Concept : 

Every Normal Attack has a 50% chance of gaining 150 extra Energy. In order to activate their ultimate skill, Immortal needs 1000 energy. This skill then provides you with 15% of that amount each time it is triggered. The attack speeds are ranked from fastest to slowest as follows: Attack, Range, Defense, Support, and Mage. There are very few ways to positively manipulate your Energy bar into the game right now and Adrenaline Rush is a very straightforward and easy skill to leverage with a simple condition.

Best use on ?

As seen in the attack speed grading, it is best to use this skill on Attack and Range Immortal but that doesn’t mean it’s a no go on other types aside from Mages that are truly too slow to make good use of it. I would look at the natural Energy regen of your immortal as an important variable to consider when using this skill, the lower your natural Energy regen is, the higher value Adrenaline Rush as by cutting more seconds between two triggers of your ultimate skills.

Good combinaison : 

Wind Rage pairs well with Adrenaline Rush as its extra Normal Attacks can trigger Adrenaline Rush, allowing for more opportunities to reduce the cooldown of Ultimate Skills. While Berserker may seem like an option to counter its negative effects, it's generally not recommended due to constraints in building. Berserker is typically used on Immortal heroes like Alexander, Hannibal, and Manco, who don't rely on triggering their ultimate skills often to be effective. Adding Adrenaline Rush to Berserker would be counterproductive.

Fighting Master: Since you aim at a quick chain of ultimate skill, it may be a good idea to make the chain impossible to be interrupted by adding a control immunity to your Immortal skill set.


This is one of the most important early-game skills to acquire. You will use it throughout the entire game, making it an excellent investment. The versatility of this skill is incredible; it can be used on almost any type of Immortal to achieve various goals, such as rearranging a skill order to suit your strategy by moving a slower Energy regenerator ahead of a faster one, or simply cycling your ultimate skill more frequently. It can also be used on a specific Immortal like Hippolyta, who has exceptional natural energy regeneration, to act before the dragon even performs its first breath.

Don’t get fooled by the fact it’s a purple skill. Power is just a meaningless number and doesn’t always translate into effectiveness. In my opinion, Adrenaline Rush is a must-have for every account. I would buy and max it blindly every day of the week because it's just that good of a skill.

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Press Officer [S56]PandaMoratia, currently an officer of the Ydvia Alliance [ANA]rchy. Press Officers are players with the role of journalist in the game. We are not developers, members of the support team, or GTArcade/YooZoo employees.

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