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Take Command with 'No Escape' in Infinity Kingdom!

Press Officer Forum suggestion
Article Publish : 06/27/2024 01:42
Edited by m a ë l at 06/27/2024 02:17

Hello, it's Press Officer Mael back again! Today, I have an exciting article about the game mechanics behind a premium and highly effective skill: No Escape. We'll dive into the details of this skill, how to unlock it, and explore its synergies with other skills or Immortals. This is why we love Infinity Kingdom—trying new tactics, exploring synergies, and enjoying the endless strategic possibilities the game offers.

Now, let's break down and detail this skill.

No Escape

"No Escape" is a powerful skill from the Tower of Knowledge, available at TOK level 54 and therefore only in conquest. Represented by a spider web, it traps and controls enemies, pivotal in battles. Featured in the "Blessings of Triss" event, it can change battle outcomes. As any other Triss Skills, it is a Pay-to-Play. However, as described in this article, the 2.6.7 patch introduced an alternative method of acquisition. Players can now get "No Escape" by trading ability skill stones from the Legion of Frostborne for Cinder of Wishes currency in the Triss Shop. This makes it accessible to free-to-play gamers too.

No Escape has a positional restriction—it can only be utilized by Defense and Support Immortals.

"No Escape" manifests in two distinct effects. The first effect is passive. Passive skills require no activation trigger, have an indefinite duration, and cannot be dispelled. The second effect is triggered, also under which the skill is categorized. Triggered skills activate based on specific conditions or triggers.

First Effect

Silence: At the battle's start, "No Escape" silences all enemy Immortals, preventing them from using their Ultimate Skills or regenerating energy. This silence cannot be removed and is effective immediately. Note that certain Immortals with exclusive artifacts such as Alexander can still benefit from their Ultimate Skills initially. Fighting Master is also a nice counter.

Second Effect

Stun: After the initial silence, every 6 seconds, there's a 50% chance that 'No Escape' will inflict 150% physical damage on all enemies and stun 2 random units for 3 seconds. This provides significant disruption for the enemy and can have a huge impact on the battlefield. While the damage aspect of this skill is a valuable and welcome addition, it takes a secondary role considering that only Defense and Support Immortals can utilize this skill.

Versatility and Strategic Importance

In my view, "No Escape" stands as a "Must-Have" top-tier Triss skill in Infinity Kingdom. It's a powerful asset worth investing in if you're budgeting for the game. I consider it one of the best skills available in the Triss lineup.

In battles against holy setups, "No Escape" shines by effectively delaying skills like Manco Capac. When paired with other Immortals such as Hippolyta, Charles, or Himiko for managing energy, it greatly extends control over the enemy. This skill proves effective across various setups, particularly benefiting Fire compositions. However, it also presents a challenge for Fire strategies focused on burst damage if the opponent gains early control with "No Escape."

Best Skill for Effective Pairing

In my opinion, Weakening Curse is the best synergy with No Escape. It works wonderfully well for obvious reasons, delaying the curse effectively. Weakening Curse disarms all enemies, reducing the physical damage they deal by 70%, which remains effective until the target casts an ultimate skill, lasting up to 45 seconds. No Escape complements this by effectively extending the delay, thereby prolonging the duration of damage mitigation.

A free-to-play alternative and a highly effective skill, in my opinion, would be Energy Suppression. It diminishes the energy regeneration speed of the entire enemy team by 50% for the first 12 seconds of the battle. While it doesn't offer the complete silence effect of "No Escape," Energy Suppression still reduces enemy energy regeneration, offering a degree of control.

Note : Energy Suppression is counterproductive when paired with No Escape, as half of its effects are negated. I strongly suggest to avoid using both skills simultaneously in your strategy.

Battle Reports Featuring No Escape: Gaining Early Control

In battle, No Escape proves invaluable by granting early control, crucially impacting the initial 6 seconds of combat. A lot can happen in this brief window—while enemies are silenced, your immortals can engage, gaining an advantage. This early aggression mechanically reduces enemy HP and troop numbers, thereby limiting their damage output.

Let's take a look at a couple of battle reports featuring No Escape in action.

Thank you, Nemo from S205, for providing these battle reports. The Silence effect is illustrated in Blue, while the Stun effect is shown in Green. These reports highlight the control possibilities that No Escape offers. The seconds where the enemy is either stunned or silenced are crucial for your strategy and the battle's outcome. Paired with Himiko, it can lead to prolonged enemy control, allowing Alex to dominate the opponent.

In my opinion, "No Escape" is one of the best skills in Infinity Kingdom for gaining early control in battles. It gives you a big advantage by silencing enemies or stunning them later. While it's mostly for paying players, recent updates now provide a chance for free-to-play gamers to get it too. Overall, "No Escape" is crucial for competitive gameplay, giving you essential tools to dominate the battlefield.

Thank you for reading this far.

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Stay epic,

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m a ë l

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