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[Review] Server Sleuth: Summary and Analysis of Servers 236 Through 240 in Infinity Kingdom

Press Officer Forum suggestion
Article Publish : 07/01/2024 05:13


What’s up, folks? Welcome to my edition of Server Sleuths where I’m going to take a look at each server, five servers at a time, to give you all the details from their rankings and Legion of Frostborne(LoF) efforts to their world chat and activeness. Players are always looking for new servers to jump to and scout for LoF so I hope to provide some information on servers so you don’t have to make accounts for those you’re not interested in. Space Portals are an expensive investment so this can serve as a guide for you to determine which server may best suit your playstyle. I will also be updating the server rankings on the Infinity Kingdom Discord Community as we go along. In this article, we’ll take a look at servers 236 through 240.


💠Table of Contents

  • Server 236
  • Server 237
  • Server 238
  • Server 239
  • Server 240
  • Summary


💠Server 236

Server 236 is a red-color server that barely took off. The Ruslan alliance The Crimson Knights(TCK) has 88 players with a total of 35 million power. Despite already having completed all the chronicles, TCK haven’t been able to take all the capitals for themselves. The server is incredibly weak even for a younger server. The top five range from 222k to 349k with the top three using Lightning, Fire, and Lightning teams, respectively. Only two players are above 300k. Unsurprisingly, 236 has only gotten a couple of cities in the first season of LoF. They simply don’t have enough players to grab cities for coins and rewards. There have only been three kings since the server’s inception and that was over half a year ago. There is no migration limit but I doubt many players want to come to a server that can barely take a city in Norheim. Although the chat is relatively active for a small server, 236 seems to have internal issues with a couple of players.

💠Server 237

Similar to Server 236, 237 is another red-color server that hasn’t grown much since completing their chronicles. The one-color server is home to Thekingdom(DAR), an alliance with 52 players with 18 million power and only 6,690 faction power. The top five range from 155k to 408k power. All of the top three are using fire marches. 237 has also only retained cities in the inaugural season of LoF. The last king was crowned almost a year ago and there is currently no limit set on migration. There isn’t much going on in the server and it’s only a matter of time before 237 gets merged with other inactive servers like some servers in Conquest have already seen.

💠Server 238

Server 238 is a one-color server that’s led by Screams of Delusion(SOD). The Vitas alliance has 94 members with a total of 130 million power. The top five have powers between 415k to 464k and there are six players above 400k which is decent for a young and small server. The top three are fielding Water, mixed Earth, and Shadow teams. 238 flopped in the first season of LoF, but they won their last two with all three Citadels and Ymir with brackets with four servers. There aren’t many servers around their power level that can stand up to them so the trend should continue. The current migration limit is set at two million power because SOD has no problem finishing COR. SOD also participates in IBL, but the team isn’t very good at the moment and is not currently on top of the standings. 238 is worth considering for a newer player who wants some wins in LoF and to be part of a small community.

💠Server 239

Server 239 is a one-color server that’s heaven for Angels of Light(AoL). The instant-messenger named alliance has 82 players with a total of 50 million power. There are only two players above 400k and one player above 500k. The top five have powers between 347k and 550k and the top three are using Fire, Water, and mixed Earth team compositions, respectively. In three seasons of LoF, AoL ended with a few cities every season but has never tasted victory. Given their lack of players and activity, that’s likely to continue. They are capable of completing COR but opt not to do so every rotation. There isn’t a migration limit set so anyone can enter but migrators should be comfortable being in a small server that doesn’t win much.

💠Server 240

Lastly, Server 240 is a one-color server as well. They are home to TheGoldenOrder(Gold), a Vitas alliance with 96 players and a total of 53 million power. The top five range from 342k to 506k. Two players are nearly 500k and above too. Unfortunately, two of the top three and the strongest two are both using water marches while the other uses an Earth march. The power of a water team is not as strong as the numbers show, it’s clearly one of the weakest elements. Gold has not participated in LoF in three seasons and they have been matched against Server 238 in all three. There’s no migration limit and Gold doesn’t have the ability to complete COR so the server will stay open for a while. Most players in chat speaking Spanish or Portuguese so you’ll be better off speak one of those languages if you want to migrate to 240.


Of the five servers here, I would not spend any Space Portals to migrate to any of them. Server 238 is faring well compared to the other four and has a significantly better track record of winning LoF but that will change once they reach Conquest Season. They don’t have much competition in pre-Conquest but it should only get more difficult for them heading into the new LoF map.


What other facts about servers would you like to see? Let me know in the comments below!



Version 2.7.3

💠Related Links

Infinity Kingdom Official Website





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