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Infinity Kingdom - New KVK 2.7.0 Overview - #Infinitykingdom

Press Officer
Article Publish : 06/30/2024 07:14
Edited by magic mage at 06/30/2024 11:39

New KVK 2.7.0 Overview

I have done the research for you, come explore all you need to know about the newly approaching Frostborne Wars; announced within the Infinity Kingdom 2.7.0 Patch Notes. We visit the origin story of these wars and observe how this lends to some of the changes, as the next chapter of this story unfolds. As we eagerly await together, to explore this new world announced, I have studied and highlighted all the clues and key elements supplied by our developers, regarding what to expect, and how a Lord can navigate this new and familiar frozen tundra.

Addendum Thought Following Post Based on Question Asked from A Lord:

Minute Marker: 25:00 Follow-up Thoughts - I was asked to expand upon and provide some clarity regarding Himiko outlined as an immortal easier to obtain within the younger servers.

Himiko can be obtained via Theia’s Roulette in early seasons.

Additionally, and more affordably, a Lord can save their gems, and purchase crystal balls through the Sparks of Galaxy event. Should a lord choose to do this beginning with the preparation season. A free to play Lord or a low spender who purchases only small packages each time the Sparks of Galaxy event runs, has the capacity to unlock and significantly level Himiko in season three.

However, there are some considerations one must make. One of which, would be spending gems on the Sparks of Galaxy event opposed to investing into one’s VIP during the spending event will drastically impact the free to play Lord’s and Lords who qualify as low spender’s overall capacity to increase their VIP allowing them to compete with stronger lords as the seasons progress.

Himiko has also been built by free to play members through seasonal events and unlocking holy and shadow treasure chests.

Now I mentioned she was one of three epic shadow immortals easy to obtain early in the game. Siegfried can also be unlocked early in the game as he is also available in Theia’s Roulette and in Sparks of Galaxy as early as season 1 and 2, in addition to season 3.

The Last shadow immortal one can obtain is Elizabeth through the VIP shop. Once unlocked you can then slowly build her through the market with gems. As such she is a popular choice to add to a march, for those who are low spenders.   

Also, the last tier of rewards where you can get a random holly or shadow immortal fragment for 20K gems could be a huge investment for free to play and low spenders. Especially, if they pull Julius Ceaser or Gilgamesh as these immortals can both be obtained for free and are probably built to their maximum capacity. Weigh the option of opening this chest for the 20K gems opposed to investing those gems in Sparks of Galaxy crystal orbs to get enough pulls for a guaranteed immortal of their choice may be more economical. The increased cost of the treasure box rewards, therefore may not be seen as lucrative when adding in random luck. 

Additional Content from your Friendly Press Officer Magic Mage:

For more insights, you can check out my previous articles within GT arcade, or discover exciting content on my YouTube Channel.

Patch Notes 2.7.0

Patch notes are available in seven different languages linked here:








Magic Mage

Official Press Officer for Infinity Kingdom

Server #243

Infinity Kingdom / 無盡城戰


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