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[Review] Analysis of EDEN vs GoN in IBL in Infinity Kingdom

Press Officer Forum suggestion
Article Publish : 07/01/2024 07:35


What’s up, folks? Welcome back to my Illusion Battlefield(IB) series where I take a closer look at different matches. IB is different from the IB League tournament in that you will use your normal teams, skill sets, talents, and decoration skins so strength is extremely relevant. The mode is also much slower-paced. Relocations and marching speed are slower. The event is one of the most entertaining events in Infinity Kingdom that players enjoy spectating, almost like a sporting event. In this article, I’m going to take a closer look at the Week Seven match between Server 56’s Garden of Eden(EDEN) and Server 205’s Knights of Gondor(GoN). EDEN’s positions in this match will be denoted in yellow while GoN’s will be in red.

💠Table of Contents

  • Overview
  • Starting Positions and Talents
  • EDEN
  • GoN
  • Tower 1
  • Tower 4
  • Central Tower
  • Altars
  • Home Towers
  • Play-by-Play
  • Summary


EDEN has only played 3 matches in 7 weeks up to this point which means they can only have a maximum of 6 matches total if they choose to play the remainder of the Points Stage. They had a 3-0 record going into the match but haven’t been tested against strong teams. They struggled a little bit against Server 66’s alt alliance AxG, but have had relatively easy matches. GoN was 4-0 before this match and defeated a couple of mid-tier teams. They already used their two byes and will need to play their final three matches. GoN should easily be the favorite in this match.

💠Starting Positions and Talents


  • Started with 28 players and ended with 35
  • 7 Attack talents
  • 20 Defense talents
  • 1 Support talents


  • Started with 34 players and ended with 40
  • 6 Attack talents
  • 22 Defense talents
  • 6 Support talents

💠Tower 1

EDEN sent 10 players to Tower 1 with one player overlapping two others. GoN sent 9 players. EDEN’s relocations are all over the place. One player moved far into GoN’s side of the tower with no help. They also only have one player directly next to the tower instead of the standard four. Instead of teammates in the second row behind the first row, multiple players are further back. EDEN could benefit from using markers to help the newbies find their spots. GoN has significantly better relocations but a couple of them can move closer to the tower.

💠Tower 4

EDEN sent 9 players to Tower 4 with one overlap while GoN sent 11. EDEN had better relocations at Tower 4 than at Tower 1. They had three players next to the tower and teammates right behind them to provide rally and garrison support. One player was significantly further from his teammates. GoN’s positions were standard with a couple of players out of position and more vulnerable to enemy attacks.

💠Central Tower

EDEN had 6 players relocate to the center while GoN sent 10. Unless EDEN sends more reinforcements within the first few minutes, GoN would likely zero EDEN fairly quickly and gain control of the center area, given their experience and prowess.


Neither team sent any players to the altars.

💠Home Towers

EDEN had one guard at their home tower and GoN had two at theirs.


At Tower 1, one EDEN player blocked two of his teammates. When you’re overlapping two players, you need to cancel your relocation immediately instead of finishing it. The solo EDEN player who relocated to GoN’s side of the map was zeroed almost immediately. A couple of EDEN players left their garrisons wide open which allowed GoN to zero them with no effort. GoN should have focused on the tower as soon as they landed. Nonetheless, they captured the tower at 8 minutes after clearing EDEN from around the tower. GoN could have done better to occupy the open spots around the tower so EDEN couldn’t get close. GoN did well to block relocations coming from EDEN’s base.

At Tower 4, GoN’s rallies were just much quicker due to the close proximity of their teammates. One EDEN player fell within a couple of minutes and GoN went straight for the tower. They captured it at 6 minutes and EDEN barely tried to stop it. EDEN was losing the majority of solo attacks and defenses due to poor immortal team and skill builds and leaving their castles unprotected. With three towers in the first 10 minutes, GoN was off to a hot start. They were up 3,000 points.

The story was the same in the center. GoN rallied the targets closest to the tower while blocking incoming relocations at the same time. Slowly but surely, GoN relocated to EDEN’s side of the tower and EDEN failed to even attempt to destroy the relocations. It only takes three hits to destroy a relocation so all players should be doing that with relocations that are close by. Relocations that attacks cannot reach in time should be blocked with your own relocation. By the 10-minute mark, GoN forced all of EDEN away from the tower. GoN had control of the tower by 12 minutes, giving them a massive 35 points-per-second difference.

The last target was EDEN’s home tower. Players from the center tried to move to EDEN’s home tower after clearing most of EDEN from the middle. The guard managed to destroy one relocation but couldn’t get the second. GoN started moving from Tower 4 and everywhere else too. By 18 minutes, EDEN’s home tower was surrounded by GoN players and EDEN was being evicted from their own home. After some struggle, GoN finally managed to capture the tower at 24 minutes. That gave GoN the tower bonus and they cruised to a win.


GoN’s SoZi was the match MVP as they won the match with 100,000 points to EDEN’s 12,500. Although EDEN hasn’t been a good IBL team historically, with their sister team HMB’s massive improvement this season, it’s a little jarring to see that EDEN hasn’t moved much. EDEN has to get better at all the fundamentals. GoN, on the other hand, has been steadily improving since the end of last season. They can still relocate better in the early game, but they have been extremely solid overall.

Do you think GoN can contend for the title this season? Let me know in the comments below!



Version 2.7.3

💠Related Links

Infinity Kingdom Official Website




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