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[Review] Overview of the Importance and Mechanics of Skills in Infinity Kingdom!

Guide Forum suggestion
Article Publish : 11/23/2023 02:50
Edited by m a ë l at 11/23/2023 02:51

Greetings, esteemed Infinity Kingdom community! Your trustworthy press officer Mael here, and today, let's delve into the fascinating world of skills that add depth and excitement to every battle within the game. These skills, harnessed in the Tower of Knowledge, hold the ancient and mysterious magic of Norheim. Here, your immortals can acquire powerful abilities, with their significance amplifying as the Tower of Knowledge ascends to greater heights.

The Tower of Knowledge stands as a beacon, bringing together the oldest and most enigmatic magic in Norheim. It serves as the hallowed ground where your immortals can unravel the secrets of potent skills, each contributing to their prowess on the battlefield. As the Tower of Knowledge reaches higher levels, the skills acquired become even more crucial, shaping the dynamics of combat and offering a myriad of strategic possibilities. So, let's embark on this journey of exploration and mastery, uncovering the essence of skills that will elevate your Infinity Kingdom experience.

Different Skill Mechanics: Triggered, Aura, Graces and Passives

Infinity Kingdom boasts a rich array of skills, each with unique effects and mechanics. The game introduces various skill categories, such as Aura, Triggered, Passive, Blessings, and Graces. The mechanics differ significantly, providing players with a dynamic and engaging experience. From triggered abilities to permanent passives, the variety contributes to the game's appeal.

Understanding Skill Mechanics for Strategic Gameplay

The diversity in how skills and passives function in Infinity Kingdom creates a thrilling experience. Synergizing these abilities can lead to powerful outcomes, provided you grasp the fundamentals of their mechanics. While the complexity might pose challenges, it also sparks curiosity and player inquiries. This guide aims to elucidate the fundamental types of skills and passives, offering insights into their workings.

Tower of Knowledge Skill Classes:

Triggered Skills:

  • A significant portion of skills and passives falls under the "triggered" category, meaning a specific condition must occur for the skill effect to activate. Conditions can range from normal attacks to timed triggers.


  • Tower of Knowledge , Auras, passively provide combat buffs and debuffs to Immortals throughout the entire battle. Each Immortal can equip only one aura, emphasizing strategic choices.

Grace :

  • Blessings and Graces provide temporary combat buffs to a set number of Immortals in your march. These buffs, while potent, have a duration and apply at the beginning of a fight.


  • The passive skills, both from the Tower of Knowledge and Immortals, offer permanent effects applied at all times when equipped. They require no trigger, have no duration, and cannot be dispelled.

Mastering Purple Crystals: A Guide to Upgrading Skills in Infinity Kingdom

Yet, to harness the full potential of these skills, we must delve into the realm of Purple Crystals, the most coveted resource in Infinity Kingdom. A metric ton of these crystals is essential to maximize skills across all your immortals. This pargraph aims to unravel the mysteries surrounding Purple Crystals—how many you need, how to obtain them efficiently, and the strategic nuances in upgrading skills.

Skills Upgrade Costs:


  • Lvl 1 (Unlock): 500
  • Lvl 2: 720
  • Lvl 3: 1,440
  • Lvl 4: 2,880
  • Lvl 5: 4,000
  • Lvl 6: 10,800
  • Lvl 7: -
  • Lvl 8: -

Total: 20,340


  • Lvl 1 (Unlock): 2,000
  • Lvl 2: 840
  • Lvl 3: 1,680
  • Lvl 4: 3,360
  • Lvl 5: 6,300
  • Lvl 6: 12,600
  • Lvl 7: 25,200
  • Lvl 8: 32,000

Total: 83,980


  • Lvl 1 (Unlock): 8,000
  • Lvl 2: 960
  • Lvl 3: 1,920
  • Lvl 4: 3,840
  • Lvl 5: 7,200
  • Lvl 6: 14,400
  • Lvl 7: 28,800
  • Lvl 8: 57,600

Total: 109,720


  • Lvl 1 (Unlock): 20,000
  • Lvl 2: 1,200
  • Lvl 3: 2,400
  • Lvl 4: 4,800
  • Lvl 5: 9,000
  • Lvl 6: 18,000
  • Lvl 7: 36,000
  • Lvl 8: 72,000

Total: 163,400

Upgrading even a single march with epic skills demands a staggering amount of purple crystals, exceeding 2.6 million. The quest for this high-demand resource leads us to various channels, primarily from the destruction of immortal fragments or looting in specific events. Notable sources include Harbor/Sailing, Summons, Arena Shop, Mysterium, Contention of Relics Shop and Legion of Frostborne (SvS) Shop. Understanding the optimal rewards to acquire in events is key to maximizing your resource gains.

In-Depth Exploration of Each Skill Class

While this summary provides a glimpse into each skill class, in-depth articles exploring the nuances and recommended synergies for each class will be published soon. Delve deeper into the intricacies of triggered skills, blessings, graces, auras, and passives to elevate your mastery of the complex combat dynamics within Infinity Kingdom. Stay tuned for comprehensive insights into each skill category!

Embark on your journey to uncover the mysteries of skills, and may your strategic prowess shine on the battlefield!

download Infinity Kingdom now and script your legend.

m a ë l

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