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Titantula: Building A March

Article Publish : 07/01/2024 10:26

Building a Spider March in Infinity Kingdom: A New Player's Guide to Slaying the Titanular

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The thrill of victory and the spoils of war await those who master the art of the Spider March in Infinity Kingdom, a strategy that turns novices into conquerors.


The Infinity Kingdom, a blend of strategy, resource management, and combat, offers a rich and immersive gaming experience. One of the key challenges new players face is building an effective march, specifically the Spider March, designed to take down the formidable Titanular. This essay will guide new players through the essential steps and considerations to create a powerful Spider March. From understanding the mechanics of immortal selection to optimising skills and troop compositions, this guide will equip you with the knowledge to triumph in your battles against the Titanular.

Key Points to Consider When Building a Spider March

- Understanding the Titanular

- Immortal Selection

- Skill Optimization

- Troop Composition

- Resource Management

- Alliance Support

1. Understanding the Titanular Characteristics

If you have ever found yourself wondering how you lost a battle? Time to take a look at the enemy you have faced, analyse and deduce. Then plan for how to do better.

- Strengths and Weaknesses: Knowing the Titanular's elemental affinities and attack patterns is crucial. The Titanular typically has a high health pool and strong defensive capabilities.

- Damage Types: Understanding whether the Titanular deals primarily physical or magical damage will help you tailor your march accordingly.

2. Immortal Selection

Remembering the following is important: "Having the right immortals is like having the correct parts and components when building a car. Getting this foundation right early on is crucial."

- Elemental Synergy: Select immortals that complement each other's elements. A balanced elemental synergy can enhance your march's overall effectiveness.

- Roles: Assign immortals to specific roles such as tank, damage dealer, and support. Each role contributes uniquely to the march's success.

Key Immortals for a Spider March:

-Tanks: Immortals with high defence and health to absorb damage.

- Damage Dealers: Immortals with strong offensive capabilities to quickly reduce the Titanular's health.

- Support: Immortals that can heal or buff allies to sustain the march.

Skill Optimization

- Keep your Tower of Knowledge too close to your Castle level…so you can gain the 

appropriate skills to aid the development of your Titanular march build

Eample of some F2P Early Game skills, remember, the skills need to work inconjunction with immortals, and their Ultimate Skills

- Primary Skills: Choose skills that enhance your immortals' strengths. For example, if you have a magic damage dealer, select skills that amplify magical damage.

- Support Skills: Healing and buffing skills are essential for maintaining the march's longevity.

Skill Synergy:

- Combining Skills: Ensure that the skills you select for your immortals complement each other. For example, pairing a damage boost skill with an immortal's high-damage ultimate can be very effective.

3. Troop Composition

Mastering the art of troop composition is your gateway to unrivalled dominance and victory. Understanding how to blend different troops to maximise strengths and cover weaknesses is the key to turning the tide of any battle. 

- Assign specific roles to each immortal

  • Infantry, Archers, and Cavalry: Different troop types excel against different enemies. For a Spider March, it's crucial to have a balanced mix.

An example of Fire March Early game…notice front row has 2 shieldman, 1 defence {tank} 1 Attack {physical attack} but only restrain spearman. Understanding Composition is key

  • Troop Upgrades: Upgraded troops are more effective in battle. Invest in upgrading your troops to enhance their combat abilities - Gear, Immortal boost level, Equipment Inlaid Gems etc


-Strategic Placement: Arrange your troops in a formation that protects your damage dealers and support while allowing your tanks to absorb most of the damage.

Strategic formations involve the deliberate positioning of different types of troops and immortals within your march to maximise their combat effectiveness and survivability.

- Tanks: Position tank immortals with high defence and health at the front.

Purpose: Tanks absorb the majority of enemy attacks, protecting the more vulnerable units behind them.

- Damage Dealers: Place your primary damage-dealing immortals and troops in the midline.

- Purpose: These units can focus on dealing heavy damage to enemies while being shielded by the frontline tanks.

- Support Units: Position support immortals and troops at the back.

- Purpose: Support units can provide healing, buffs, and other utilities without being directly targeted by the enemy.

- Skill Synergy: Arrange troops to maximise the impact of synergistic skills, ensuring units that benefit from area buffs or healing are within range.

- Elemental Synergy: Position units to exploit their elemental strengths against the enemy's weaknesses, optimising combat effectiveness.

4. Resource Management

It isn’t a good idea to find yourself without resources, your hospital will thank you for having a well-stocked warehouse and a pack full of speed-ups. Start as you mean to go on, save.

  • Efficient Farming: Ensure a steady income from resources by farming effectively, eg gathering from resource nodes and completing quests for speed-ups

- Resource Allocation: a balanced approach to upgrading your immortals and troops to maximize combat effectiveness, alongside other expenditures eg only build what is required for each castle level.

- Prioritize upgrading immortals and troops to improve combat abilities. Focus on immortal Boost- troop number first, EXP levels, skill levels and your Academy Technology 

5. Alliance Support

  • Joint Efforts: Coordinate with your alliance members to tackle the Titanular together. Combining forces can significantly increase the chances of success.

- Sharing Resources and Information: Alliances often share resources and strategic insights, which can be invaluable for building an effective Spider March.


Mastering the Spider March in Infinity Kingdom requires a blend of strategic planning, resource management, and cooperative gameplay. By understanding the Titanular's mechanics, selecting and upgrading the right immortals, optimizing skills, composing effective troop formations, and leveraging alliance support, new players can build a formidable march capable of conquering this daunting enemy. 

By arranging your troops in strategic formations, you enhance the overall efficiency and resilience of your march, significantly increasing your chances of success in challenging battles like those against the Titanular.

As you delve deeper into the game, these foundational strategies will not only help you in defeating the Titanular but also in overcoming other challenges that Infinity Kingdom throws your way.


  1. Grammerly
