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[Illusiоn Battlefield] SSQ vs LION Breakdown

Article Publish : 06/30/2024 22:14


SSQ vs LION was the closest match of the week, with the final score between both alliances being less than 3000 points. Both alliances had an undefeated record going into the match, and gave it their all as they looked to climb up the leaderboard. While SSQ, being the first runner up from last season, were the slight favourites coming into the match, LION are a very strong alliance too. They made it all the way to the final 16 before falling at the hands of FAM from S38, who were the eventual third runner up.


SSQ enjoyed a slight number advantage over LION at the beginning of the match, with 37 players compared to the 35 from LION. Once substitutes joined the match at 5 minutes, SSQ had 40/40 participants, while it took LION until 15 minutes to max out their participants. 

Tower 1

Both LION and SSQ made mistakes relocating to Tower 1. SSQ sent 14 players, but had 3 players overlap with each other, and another relocation was destroyed by LION, leaving only 10 players who managed to reach the tower. LION managed to get the number advantage despite sending 12 players to the tower, as they only had 1 overlap, and managed to get 11 players to the tower.

However, SSQ managed to catch LION off guard with the Quick Occupy support talent, and captured the tower at the 7 minute mark. This was a very costly mistake from LION which put them on the back foot for the rest of the match.

Tower 4

Tower 4 had an equal number of players from both alliances reach the tower, leading to a long drawn out battle where neither alliance could get ahead. SSQ sent 13 players to the tower, but were too aggressive with their relocations, and had 3 of them be cancelled by LION, while another overlap between SSQ players left only 9 players at the tower. They were lucky that LION had 2 overlaps of their own, and did not get punished for their mistakes.

With the extra reinforcements sent by SSQ, they were able to slowly overwhelm LION and surround the tower, finally capturing it at the 16 minute mark. This allowed SSQ to expand on the slight lead that they had, and forced LION to have to try again at a different tower.

Central Tower

Despite the Central Tower giving the most points, SSQ chose to send only 5 players there, giving them little chance of capturing the tower. LION sent 10 players, double of what SSQ had, and were easily able to capture the tower once it opened. Although SSQ made attempts to capture the tower later on, LION were able to hold them off and secure Central Tower for the entire match, which accounted for more than half their total score.

Tower 2

LION were on the ball with their defence of Tower 2, keeping 3 players there at all times. Once SSQ tried to move in to capture the tower, LION were quick to send reinforcements, giving SSQ little chance of even coming close to capturing the tower.

Tower 3

Tower 3 was a similar story, with SSQ also effortlessly defending LION’s attempt at capturing the tower. They kept 2 players there to defend the tower at all times, and were quick to send help once LION players teleported in. 

Final Push

With less than 10 minutes to go, things were looking bleak for LION, who had fallen 11000 points behind SSQ. However, they were not going to go down without a fight, surprising SSQ at Tower 1 and capturing it. This came just a bit too late, as it would only close the gap to around 2000 points by the end of the match.

With less than 5 minutes to go, LION made a final push for Tower 4, coming within seconds of capturing the tower. If they had just a few more minutes, they would have been able to take the tower and surge into the lead, but SSQ held on just long enough to secure the win by the slimmest of margins.


This concludes another exciting week of IBPL. As the season progresses, matches such as this will soon become a common occurrence, as alliances fight tooth and nail for every win. 

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