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[Vote]Mysterious Mountain Village: The Vanishing Man

Votes Who is killer?
Article Publish : 01/10/2024 16:20
Edited by caitlyn_ling at 01/10/2024 18:11

Hey Mystery Enthusiasts! 🕵️♀️🌟

Ever heard of a mountain village with a haunting secret? My boyfriend, William, stumbled upon an old post describing just that. 

In a village 100 kilometers from the city, the scenery is breathtaking, and the locals are friendly, but as night falls, eerie cries echo through the mountains. The author vanished mysteriously after sharing this spine-chilling tale.

William, enchanted by the story, embarked on a journey to this enigmatic mountain village. Seven days later, he sent me a message and a location pin, urging me to find him.

Arriving in this beautiful yet peculiar village, the people, though welcoming, had an uncanny stiffness to their movements and expressions. Dressed in outdated styles, they prepared a lavish dinner and a bonfire party for me, yet William was nowhere to be found.

Approaching midnight, the mountain air turned frigid. As I sat by the fire, there, across from me, was William.

The flickering firelight outlined his face, and after seven days of absence, he seemed shorter and thinner, his expression wooden. I questioned, "Where were you? Why didn't you reply to my messages?"

He smirked mysteriously, and in a woman's voice, he replied, "This outfit suits me well."

In that moment of closing my eyes, as the looming darkness of despair set in, I finally understood where those eerie cries from four years ago originated.

What happened in this mountain village? What befell William?

🔍 Your Mission:

What happened to William?

🎉 Participation Rewards:

The player with the correct answer and inference wins a whopping 2000 GT points! Others will receive 200-500 GT points based on content completeness.

🗓️ Submission Deadline:

January 18, 2024

🚨 Disclaimer:

Remember, it's all make-believe! Dive into the mystery and let your theories flow! 🤯📜 

-------Previous answer-------

This building was devoid of life.

The lobby manager claimed that the entire building had experienced a power outage, but why did the 15th floor still have lights? Despite workers supposedly fixing the elevator, why was it eerily silent? Clearly, this building was devoid of life.

The residents in the apartment succumbed to a fire, and the building's exterior was a remnant of that catastrophe. The "I" in the narrative had long perished but lost the memory of death, endlessly cycling through the routine of "going to work - getting off work." Meanwhile, all the others who died in the fire remained trapped within the apartment, with the protagonist being the only one wandering outside. The lobby manager intended to lure the protagonist into the apartment building, triggering the recollection of their own demise.

------Top Reward List-------

💰Congratulations to the player [g84]jcgangoku for emerging as the top detective this round! Given the limited correct responses, your deductive prowess truly shines. 

And for all the other players with correct answers, the participation reward will be sent to your account, please check your account.
