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The Great Champion City Siege - Hall of Ages (WxC & BDR vs DEP)

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 10/21/2023 08:12
Edited by gwendolynnn at 10/21/2023 22:42

As many events come and go all across Westeros, Wolfie often was overwhelmed as she felt like she couldn't keep up with most of them:

Glorious Battle, which is the current ongoing event, often depends on a greater amount of troops that you have to heal and train constantly. She likes to play as a zero castle and this means that she barely had the troops to maintain in events such as Siege of Winterfell. She can't even imagine playing heavily defensive or offensive in Glorious Battle because of that... All Out War could be an event she can explore further, as long as the event isn't right after Alliance and Ultimate Conquest as she likes to take a small break after that to recover speed-ups... To help her, she has two great warriors accompanying her on her journey among events happening in Westeros but sadly, they are not of the same strength:

Eramia is the strongest warrior she has. Her castle is accompanied by the mighty Daenerys Targaryen, the mother of the dragons. She often likes to sit on her Flaming Throne as a red dragon hugs the throne and protects Daenerys. Eramia has rather smaller dragons compared to the whales in the game but her dragon still has great experience and is full of skills that help her and her teammates on the battlefield. Eramia is the main companion Wolfie has and they fought many great battles side by side and showed courage. Wolfie has been always grateful for her support.

Wolfie is also accompanied by WOLFUS who in the past used to be her strongest warrior before Eramia showed up. WOLFUS has a great experience when it comes to invading other servers with her friends. Wolfie always admired her bravery as WOLFUS never backed down from a fight. However, a few months ago, WOLFUS took a great rest just before the Return to Westeros event. Wolfie knew that it was the best for her and that it was her time to have a long sleep... But as she woke up from her sleep which seemed like an eternity, she decided to join Wolfie once again to fight beside her and this time, she also had a crucial role in her current alliance EXc.

Both Eramia and WOLFUS helped Wolfie greatly as she fought in her two favorite events:

Alliance and Ultimate Conquest & Champion City Siege

Eramia has greater experience when it comes to Champion City Siege compared to WOLFUS. Not just because of Eramia's strength but also, because Eramia is quite more resourceful than WOLFUS. Wolfie always had Eramia by her side recently in such big battles.

As another Champion City Siege was approaching, Wolfie wanted to take a look back on the previous battles and enemies she had faced.

Her Champion City Siege journey started a long time ago, she can't even remember which battle was her first to be exact. The more she thought about it, the more blurry that memory got.

But she remembers one of the first big battles she has ever faced and survived. She was in a different team back then called BDR. They don't need an introduction as they are known to fight in the most fierce battles across all of Westeros. Wolfie was honored to face their opponents one by one alongside her teammates in there but she knew that it had to come to an end one day or so she thought.

Through the mist of the night, from the first great battle that was followed by the coming dawn, she remembered. From then coming dawn, this time it was coming dusk! The first twilight slightly hid the sun, but not the shine of the armor that shone on the armor of the brave warriors of WxC. BDR stood before her again, they were so close, yet so far. But the opponent as on that day, the same, only disguised under a different name: DEP

Wolfie couldn't believe the circumstances she had to be in. She didn't see herself fighting with BDR again but here she was, standing side by side with WxC as they equipped their shiny armor waiting for the Champion City Siege battle to begin. She glanced to the right of the Hall of Ages to take a look at her previous teammates and she felt bittersweet.

The plan was pretty straightforward - BDR and WxC would work together to rally against DEP together. The new Champion City Siege felt like Alliance Conquest for her as they needed to time their rallies with BDR perfectly to overcome DEP reinforcements and she knew that DEP would reinforce fiercely as they occupied their sapphire dragons that lit up the sky as they breathed.

The battle started as BLACK PEARL from DEP entered the building with her march and DEP was able to reinforce her savvyly before the bubble on the building dropped which didn't look too good for WxC and BDR. This meant that they had to rally the Hall of Ages to be able to kick her out.

Both BDR and WxC set up their rallies on the Hall of Ages building. WxC accompanies the strongest warrior of the game, CCCPC, and many other strong warriors beside him such as GA1A, General 43, and Inu da One. BDR also had quite strong and organized warriors within them such as Tanalyn, God Emperor, and Tholking. Collaboration of both sides could be destructive against DEP if both sides attend actively.

As she was looking at the Hall of Ages which BLACK PEARL occupied with great concern, Wolfie often felt weak as she encountered and played with such strong players in the Westeros. She was accompanied by the great Daenerys Targaryen but she knew this would be never enough, one companion as such doesn't mean much although it's better than nothing. She had to gain so much more experience and equip greater warriors by her side to be able to become one of the whales she always followed. The idea of becoming a whale also scared her in a way as she knew how costly the events could be for them and she often questioned whether she wanted to become like them in the first place.

The sound of the rallies gathering shook Wolfie up from her gazing at the castle, she knew that the rallies were about to be launched. She decided to join GA1A in her rally against BLACK PEARL. GA1A looked quite intimidating to Wolfie as she was accompanied by both Daenerys Targaryen, Cersei Lannister, and a strong cavalry army going straight to the Hall of Ages. Wolfie sadly was poor when it came to the cavalry but she still sent her dragon to support the rally with more skills.

The first set of rallies was quite a success and Tanalyn occupied the building from BLACK PEARL! As Wolfie took a look at the GA1As report, she was rather confused if she should be happy that the rally ended up being a victory or if she was glad that she didn't have many troops to send to the rally.

After this point of the battle, everything seemed like a blur. The Hall of Ages castle often switched occupiers however, names such as FLYING DUTCH, BLACK PEARL CCCPC, and God Emperor seemed like the main whales that could actually hold and defend the building properly. For WxC, defending with CCCPC was easier compared to the rest because of CCCPC's unmatched power and strength. Even with the lower tier of troops, CCCPC was able to defend with ease. When it comes to BDR, as Wolfie was expecting, their reinforcement was on point throughout all of the battle. However, regardless of the strength and coordination both sides had separately, DEP often was able to come out victorious.

Till the last 13 minutes of the battle, even though DEP was able to come out victorious many times, CCCPC was able to occupy the building for over 6 minutes followed by BLACK PEARL with over 5 minutes. This point was crucial was WxC as they needed to defend CCCPC for a bit longer to secure the title of Champion! WxC felt confident about defending CC as they knew his strength and put their trust in that as they reinforced him. But something unexpected happened that shook WxC to its core.

Unexpectedly, the Hall of Ages building is taken over by BLACK PEARL once again. WxC members look at one another with pure shock, trying to figure out what's going on. Wolfie shares the shock they have as she stares at the returning troops by her fellow teammates. They all knew that that was the point where they officially lost this battle.

As the event concludes, Wolfie is still shocked by how CCCPC lost control of the building and can't make sense of it in her head. Still, yet another Champion City Siege came to an end and she will bring its memories with her on her journey. She still felt weird when she thought she was collaborating with her previous teammates but she shook off that feeling shortly after the event.

Shortly after the Champion City Siege, Wolfie executed her idea of leaving her past home WxC to join her EXc alongside one of her greater friends in the game, NEELANNA. She knew it was the best for her and that it was time to leave her WxC days behind, probably forever.
