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Failed Revenge : BaN VS HOH

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/07/2024 19:10

Many people had been looking forward to the battle between BaN and HOH which they called as the Ultimate Conquest. They were two equal forces that are established by strong fighter men and they were willing to die in the battlefield. But this was not a fight in the ordinary sense of the term—this was significant to the future of HOH. A week ago, BaN had decimated their allies, RRH, in a brutal fight, leaving HOH with only one option: revenge. They pledged they would defeat BaN and avenge the side that had lost its honorable soldiers.

BaN, on the other hand, was on a roll . The successes only ;solidified their position, and they appeared invincible at this point. It was their intention of putting down a statement that nobody was capable of laying a stop to their progress in the championship match to the Ultimate Conquest title. He looked at two armies facing each other and he saw men in armour and helmets holding their swords and ready to kill.

The horns sounded, thus initiating the fight. BaN was fast to capture both Outposts and on the other hand HOH occupied the Temple of the Mother and the Temple of the Warrior. The temples proved to be more strategic than the Outposts, and thus using the latter gave HOH a strategic power. But the warriors of BaN were not discouraged in any way. It was more on the flexibility, and shortly after, they mobilized and have regain the Temple of the Mother. The tables were, however, beginning to turn.

When the Ports opened, HOH acted aggressively and managed to acquire both and thus; Such a situation made their forces move incompact but at least it offered them the slightest touch of victory. Yet, this was short-lived. BaN, realizing that kins/divisions of HOH was split, it attacked to exploit the weakness it discovered. And with perfection, they attacked the Temple of the Warrior enhancing their powers through the temple. HOH had underestimated them. The instant BaN obtained control of the temple they made there next counter move and seized one of the Ports.

It was disorderly on the battle field. The HOH leaders angry and impatient of the losses assembled all the warriors for a big counterattack on the Port BaN had taken. The fighting was close and heavy handed. Swords were thrust and shields broke to pieces under pressure of HOH malicious countering. BaN lasted as long as they could, but they could not stand the pressure as the Port went back to the control of HOH. However, this was conceived at a great price of the crusaders’ lives.

However, while HOH had concentrated their strength and power to regain the control of the Port, BaN had capitalized on that gap to invade. Gradually, the other main Structures surrendered to BaN including the much valued Casterly Rock. The fortress was a sign of authority and subjugation and now that it was under BaN’s control the war had swung heavily in their favour.

By the time the war became more entrenched, BaNs had strengthened their grip on the fight front, which dealt a heavy blow to the moral of HOH. The once mighty magnificent and spirited warriors of HOH slowly began to understand that the same what happened to their allies the RRH was the same thing that was staring them in the face now. Each station, each spire, each fortress was run by BaN. And now got Casterly Rock and it was only time before they did it.

HOH’s leaders, who once had all the resolve in wanting to take revenge on RRH, got overwhelmed and outplayed at almost all the corners. The strategies that had been employed and the dreams that have been associated with them were in pieces all over the battlefield. They were not lacking spirit and bravery but it was evident that BaN was much stronger than they could have ever imagined. Their forces were weakening and the scales had shifted in the favour of the other side.

BaN's victory was inevitable. Their warriors rode across the battle field like a tidal wave and all remnants of existence were swept away. When every structure was firmly in their possession, HOH’s leaders had no choice but to confront the nasty fact: they were defeated. This was the same fate that RRH had met and they to had met the same fate as well.

While BaN’s banners rose high above the field the silent warriors of HOH stood still. It was a clear cut indication that they had lost and this only worsened when Casterly Rock finally fell into the hands of the BaN. HOH’s leaders aware of the fact that the fight was in vain pulled out a surrender. The mighty alliance who have desired to revenge their loses they wanted to avenge for the fallen companion now had no option but to accept the defeat of BaN.

The warriors of BaN could not have been any happier knowing well that they had won the battle. The fight had been very intense, but they were able to overcome through their power, tact and the solidarity. The Ultimate Conquest had been won but this was not the end for BaN was looking for a way to survive. Yet another, and considerably more potent force remained in the offing. This was just a small victory in the way to the dominance and they were quite aware there was more to come.

However, for now, the field was theirs, and they made sure that HOH would not be forgotten by making an example out of them. The alliance of BaN had proved why they were the power house yet again and they proceed forward with total preparedness for the next eventuality.
