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Invasion of K444

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/08/2024 07:55
Edited by yahyah at 09/08/2024 13:30

Life had been quiet in Kingdom 444 for quite some time as it is a newer kingdom that recently just opened. Its residents were prosperous and content, its alliances plentiful and powerful. That is, until the arrival of WEE RiotorII, a cunning tactician of House WEE, who had set his sights on Kingdom 444. With the aim of expanding his territorial holdings, he sought to dominate the region. The only thing that stood in his way was an alliance named MFg the many-faced God alliance, a union of smaller houses who had banded together to defend their home.

On either side, preparations were made for a fight that would determine the future of K444. What neither knew was that this fight would end in a way that would forever alter the land.

WEE RiotorII is a cold-blooded, calculating, ruthless hunter. RiotorII leads the armies of House WEE with precision. No stone is left unturned. No castle is left uncrushed. RiotorII sees K444 as nothing more than a steppingstone on his path to ascendancy. He will stop at nothing to claim it.

PrinceRaj (Leader of the Mfg Alliance): A courageous and compassionate King, PrinceRaj has unified the feuding houses of the MFg alliance for the survival of his people and the protection of her homeland. Strong-willed and courageous, he has faced an adversary who has found a way to outwit him at every turn.

Loyal to PrinceRaj: Neo B second-in-command of the MFg Alliance who fights like a mad warrior, stubborn in his resolve to defend K444 with his last breath.

LoveBunnies is RiotorII’s Right Hand. She uses the name as a disguise. She is a dog of war, she shows no mercy and loves to kill. She is RiotorII’s most feared enforcer, and she feeds off blood and destruction in the field. LoveBunnies will gladly die for RiotorII, and he revels in the ruin of their foes.

Armies of WEE and the MFg alliance clashed under an overcast sky, tension filling the air. WEE RiotorII stood up on a hill and looked at the battlefield with cold eyes. ‘When the defenses break,’ he said to LoveBunnies, ‘Crush them completely. No mercy.’

LoveBunnies grinned. "They'll beg for it, but they'll get no mercy from me."


Meanwhile, across the valley, PrinceRaj was rallying his troops. ‘This is our home,’ he cried. ‘We fight for kingdom, for our future. Stand fast! Fight! Don’t waver!’ His voice carried across his lines, stirring the heart of every man.

The two armies met in the middle, like iron filing meeting a magnet. LoveBunnies swept through the line of MFg soldiers with an animalistic rage. Neo B sprinted towards her. The two of them met in the middle, each armed with their swords, ready to engage.

Neo B locked eyes with LoveBunnies while towering over her. "You’ll fall here, cold witch!

LoveBunnies laughed. ‘You think you can stay my hand? You are just another corpse in waiting!’ Her sword fell, its flat edge skidding across Alistair’s defenses and landing a vicious blow that struck the knight and sent him staggering back. LoveBunnies sword came away stained blood-red, but Neo B was still standing, although leaning backwards to regain his balance.

Meanwhile PrinceRaj launched a last desperate charge towards RiotorII, knowing that only a direct confrontation with him could help the remnants survive. Finally, he ran to the hill where he stood and faced him with his sword drawn. ‘This is the end now, RiotorII!’ he cried.

RiotorII drew his blade and smiled. ‘No, PrinceRaj. This is just the start.’

Their swords met in a furious duel, drawing strength from his clan’s shadows. But his enemy RioterII was masterful at tactics and was always a step ahead of him. Though he fought his best, there was no winning a fight against RiotorII.

The MFg alliance was crumbling, and Neo B was now on the ground, mortally wounded, as LoveBunnies stared down at him. ‘I told you,’ LoveBunnies said ‘You’re just another corpse.’

 PrinceRaj could not escape RiotorII’s grasp, and in one swift move, he disarmed him, sending him flying back to the ground. He looked up at him. ‘You will never win. You will never be a tyrant, because no one will follow you.’

 RiotorII smirked at her. ‘Their company I don’t need. Their obedience, though, is just the thing!’ He struck the killing blow that ended his rule over k444.

The sight of their leader falling shattered the Mfg forces’ resistance. Panic spread among their ranks as RiotorII’s disciplined soldiers pressed their advantage. The MFg alliance, once united and strong, was broken. One by one, the MFg forces were cut down or surrendered, overwhelmed by RiotorII’s army.

On the battlefield lay the remains of WEE RiotorII’s fallen forces. From one side of the poole stood the majestic grandeur of King WEE RiorotII while on the other lay the devastated ruins of the Mfg alliance, scattered like broken toys across the landscape. Before WEE RiotorII’s ruthless onslaught, the defenders of Kingdom 444 had been crushed with deadly efficiency.

LoveBunnies approached; her armor splattered with blood. "It’s done. They’re finished." RiotorII bobbed his head. ‘Good. Commence the occupation of the land. Anyone who stands in our way is to be killed.’

 RiotorII addressed the handful of citizens of Kingdom 444 that had been rounded up. ‘Your lords have been defeated. Your armies are destroyed. From now on, this land belongs to House WEE. Obey us, and you live. Resist, and you shall die with your lords.’

 Left unopposed, RiotorII began expanding the borders of the kingdom, marching his troops across the map in a campaign of virtual terror. It was, effectively, a one-sided war. The Kingdom of 444, like any society, broke when faced with repression. With no one left to resist him, RiotorII took over the kingdom and ruled it like an iron fist. The free people of K444 were now slaves of House WEE. And though K444 had been a strong and independently defended kingdom, it was RiotorII’s desire and strategic brilliance that had prevailed. The battle outcome could not have been more striking. RiotorII was now lord of the realm. He would remake it to his liking.

But the game was far from over for WEE RiotorII: his quest to control the kingdom had yet to even begin.

