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Ilussion - Massacre - Forgiveness

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 04/27/2023 04:53
Edited by vangark at 04/28/2023 00:01

Year IV AG (After the creation of the Game), second moon. A new Siege of Champion City is looming, the 36th according to the records kept in the Oldtown.

On the K276 server, King Vangark calls upon his kingdom's bannerlords to go to battle and capture the Scarlet Fortress. - Join me or I will burn you -, the message stated. Hours before, he had received a raven from Kushy, a warrior from another server, confirming his participation in this siege and leading the siege alongside Vangark and his bannerlords.

Not everyone in the kingdom answered the call, and those who did had little experience. However, they joined under the banner of UnC with the belief that someday their names would resonate in the song sung by a bard in some forgotten tavern in Westeros, or in some poem recited in the great halls of the seven kingdoms. Once gathered, they positioned themselves to the north of the fortress.

There was little information about who would present themselves in battle, but everyone knew that a legend and his army would be present: a mythical warrior of countless battles would once again go for the victory that has eluded him in recent times, Baiziming. But it was not to be, instead Олег М was commanding the forces of RUS that arrived from the west.

To the east of the fortress, WoW presented themselves, with a considerable number of bannerlords willing to follow YumiBaby. Few knew him, but he challenged his rivals with his gaze in an act of confidence.

From the south, under a cloud of dust, a large army slowly approaches. Vangark and Kushy look at each other in bewilderment, as no raven warned of such a threat. Even the face of the experienced Олег М showed concern for what was to come. Only Yumi shows a slight smile. Those marching towards the fortress, making the earth tremble under the sound of drums, are the KAC army, led by Black Bear, along with Lelele, Diehard, UU50, and OhOne. Alone, they could sweep away most of those present.

In these types of sieges, there were also some mercenaries who did not seek glory but rather rewards, and they joined different factions to earn rubies that would allow them to upgrade their armor. To do so, they had to kill the largest number of troops. This was the prize for shedding blood without committing to a banner. They could even switch sides in the same battle.

With all the armies stationed around the fortress, they only awaited the signal to begin the siege. Silence fell over the battlefield as the beating of hearts echoed inside the armor, overshadowing the nervousness present in some troops. The blowing of a horn signaled the start of the battle. Each army advanced with firm and determined steps to take the fortress.

To everyone's surprise, Kushy was the one who began to gain the upper hand and was reinforced by troops arriving late to this fierce battle, where each of these four alliances advanced and retreated. For a moment, the dispute had two leading alliances, UnC and KAC, as Олег М with RUS did not react to what they saw with their own eyes: an unknown alliance was battling a giant inch by inch, while WoW waited patiently. Suddenly, Black Bear's roar ignited the morale of his men and he settled into the fortress. He was quickly reinforced by his comrades, along with his dragons, which cast their shadow over anyone who tried to take another step towards the fortress.

Kushy halted the advance of his army, which could do little alongside Vangark and his heralds, while the army of WoW continued to advance towards the fortress. However, no arrows rained down on them, nor were the flames of KAC's dragons pointed their way. Upon arriving at the gates, and to the expectation of the other two armies lurking with their gaze, the gates opened to receive the troops of YumiBaby. Now you can understand the initial smile of this warrior when Black Bear and KAC made their entrance. It wasn't just Yumi who joined them, but also two of the standard-bearers of our server, who formed ranks alongside Black Bear due to hunger and greed for rubies and other rewards granted by the conqueror. Our imperturbable and confused king exclaimed a cry to the sky: "Damn bastards!" This cry was silenced by the cavalry heading from the west, as upon seeing both armies merge into one, Олег М unleashed the fury of his armies to repeatedly strike the walls of the fortress. Time and time again, they were repelled by the superiority of the powerful KAC army.

As spectators, Kushy and Vangark watched as Rui bled his army almost in vain. While this was happening, a raven arrived sent by one of the traitors, perhaps in an act of redemption for the perjury committed, or maybe to gain some other benefit in exchange. Black Bear had already secured the victory and had all the rewards the fortress could give, so he would leave YumiBaby there to get what was left. This information reached our heroes, and as soon as the great bear began to leave the fortification, all the warriors under the banner of UnC formed lines for the final moments of the battle. 

They were joined by Ares, who dealt the first blow. Kushy was further back, while Vangark formed another group. The first blow dealt by Ares' troops disarmed the army of WoW, and many began to flee. Kushy arrived with his army to deliver a second blow, but he halted their advance. Lelele, seeing YumiBaby's inability to hold the fortress, quickly took it for himself. Vangark, blinded by the thirst for a great blow against an enemy that presented few reinforcements, advanced with an entire army of spearmen, convinced that he could achieve victory.

As the troops were approaching the gates of the fortress, a raven arrived with a message - "He has infantry!!" - Vangark looked up and saw how the shine of the spear tips was blinded by the shields of Lelele's powerful T5 infantry. No one came back, they were all annihilated by the enemy. The bodies were scattered in the field, along with the dream of achieving victory. 

For a warrior like Lelele, this was a battle of little importance, but for the king, it was a defeat never before experienced. "Damn, I messed up," he thought.

The battle ended with Black Bear as the conqueror. Although they were able to obtain the rubies, the disappointment of such a tremendous defeat continued to linger in the thoughts of the one who, in the eyes of all those who belonged to k276, was the strongest in the entire kingdom.

On the following day, he went to the Sept to seek answers from the Seven Gods, hoping for enlightenment and comfort. After waiting for a few days, the only one who answered him was The Stranger, God of Death and the Unknown, who, in an act of kindness from the seven hells, revived more than half of the troops who perished on that day of the battle, aware that those soldiers did not deserve to die because of the ineptitude of a king who thought he could defeat a giant.

Thank you!! - exclaimed Vangark, - next time I won't mess up so badly-.
